1.Tuina treating the lumbar disc herniation can select the below manipulations ( )
A:Traction-counter traction B:Kneading C:Rolling D:Pulling obliquely
答案:Rolling; Kneading; Pulling obliquely; Traction-counter traction
2.Moving cupping is suitable for places such as( )
A:ThighChapter 11 B:Lower back C:Lumbus D:Upper back
答案:Upper back; Lower back; Lumbus; ThighChapter 11
3.The therapeutic principle of supplementing the mother and reducing the child is suitable for ( )
A:Kidney disease involving liver B:Diseases transmitting from child to mother C:Diseases transmitting from mother to child D:Lung disease involving liver
答案:Diseases transmitting from child to mother; Diseases transmitting from mother to child; Kidney disease involving liver
4.Collaterals are the branches, but they can still divided into three parts: ( )
A:Fifteen collaterals B:Superficial collaterals C:Large collaterals D:Minute collaterals
答案:Fifteen collaterals; Minute collaterals; Superficial collaterals
5.The Acting principle of Tuina include:( )
A:Regulating yin and yang B:Regulating the function of qi and blood, and viscera C:Regulating the function of channels and collaterals D:Recovering of the function of tendons, bones and joints
答案:Regulating yin and yang; Regulating the function of channels and collaterals; Recovering of the function of tendons, bones and joints; Regulating the function of qi and blood, and viscera
6.The movement of qi in the body mainly includes( )
A:Descending B:Exiting C:Ascending D:Entering
答案:Ascending; Descending; Exiting; Entering
7.What is the indications of Xiao Yao San?( ).
A:Spleen deficiency B:Liver qi deficiency C:Spleen failing to control the blood D:Liver constraint
答案:Liver constraint; Spleen deficiency
8.Phlegm and fluid retention can be caused by ( )
A:Six pathogenic factors B:Internal damage caused by seven emotions C:Lack of exercises D:Pestilent qi
答案:seven emotions
9.What is the medicinal composition of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan?( ).
A:Fu Ling and Ze Xie B:Shu Di Huang and Shan Zhu Yu C:Sheng Di Huang and Shan Zhu Yu D:Shan Yao and Mu Dan Pi
答案:Shu Di Huang
10.A syndrome should include information of ( )during a certain stage of disease.
A:The location B:The cause C:The property D:The condition of healthy qi and pathogenic factor
答案:The cause; The location; The property; The condition of healthy qi and pathogenic factor
11.The three-edged needle therapy is advisable to treat( )
A:Pain syndrome B:Excess syndrome C:Heat syndrome D:Blood stasis

12.In addition to symptoms characterized by blood stasis, which information is helpful to make the diagnosis of blood stasis? ( )
A:A history of trauma B:A history of delivery C:A long course of disease D:A history of bleeding 13.The characteristics of cold pathogen include ( )
A:Contraction B:Viscous C:Coagulating D:A kind of yin pathogen 14.The Six Classics in the Tang dynasty, reported that massage can treat the diseases caused by ( )factors
A:Fatigue, too leisure B:Heat, dampness C:Wind, cold D:Hunger, overeating 15.The point of Baihui(百会穴) is good at treating( ).
A:Insomnia B:Vertex headache C:Stomachache D:Poor memory 16.By descent and purification of lung, which substance can be distributed inwards and downwards? ( )
A:Body fluid B:Turbid qi C:Defensive qi D:Food essence 17.What is the medicinal composition of Yin Qiao San?( ).
A:Jie Geng and Dan Zhu Ye B:Bo He and Niu Bang Zi C:Ju Hua and Lian Qiao D:Jin Yin Hua and Lian Qiao 18.Those are not in the exterior-interior relationship are ( )
A:Heart and pericardium B:Liver and gall bladder C:Lung and Sanjiao D:Kidney and large intestine 19.The organs that like to be moistened but dislike dryness are ( )
A:Stomach B:Kidney C:Lung D:Heart 20.Ginger-isolated moxibustion is usually indicated for( )
A:Diarrhea B:Heatstroke C:Abdominal pain D:Vomiting 21.Which Chinese medicinal herb below could tonify the blood, nourish the yin, generate the essence and fill the marrow? ( )
A:Bai Guo B:Bai Shao C:Bai Zhi D:Shu Di Huang 22.When applying the kneading manipulation, it will move the subcutaneous tissue ( )
A:False B:True 23.The large intestine can change the waste into feces and conduct discharging. This function actually is based on ( )
A:Spleen transforming and transporting B:Small intestine separating lucid from turbid C:Lung qi descending D:Stomach qi descending 24.The tongue is pale, white, not fat, but tender and has teeth marks. It indicates the ( )
A:Yin deficiency B:Blood deficiency C:Yang deficiency D:Qi deficiency 25.The part that can warm zang-fu organs, moisten skin and body hair, and regulate the opening and closure of pores is ( )
A:Defensive qi B:Pectoral qi C:Primordial qi D:Nutritive qi 26. The sentence “Internal change must exhibit external manifestations (有诸内者必形诸外)”is under the guidance of the theory of ( )
A:The Integrity of the Human Body B:Four Diagnostic Methods of TCM C:Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation D:The Unity between the Body and Its External Environments 27.Fengchi (风池穴) is often used in the treatment of stroke and common cold. ( )
A:Falese B:True 28.Experts believe that the origin of acupuncture therapy can be traced back to the( ).
A:Neolithic age B:Tang(唐) Dynasty C:Qin (秦) Dynasty D:Han(汉) Dynasty 29.Symptoms as tiresome, unwilling to speak and dispiritedness caused by fire pathogen is due to its characteristic of ( )
A:Consuming body fluid B:Impairing qi C:Producing internal wind D:Harassing the heart spirit 30.Which medicinal is used in largest dosage in Liu Wei Di Huang Wan? ( )
A:Shan Yao B:Shu Di Huang C:Shan Zhu Yu D:Ze Xie 31.A patient with weak constitution under the attack of cold pathogen, presented symptoms of aversion to cold, cold limbs, abdominal pain and diarrhea, clear urine, a desire to sleep, his tongue was pale and swollen, and his pulse was weak and thready. It was a syndrome of ( )
A:Invasion of cold pathogen into jueyin B:Invasion of cold pathogen into yangming C:Invasion of cold pathogen into shaoyin D:Invasion of cold pathogen into shaoyang 32.The upmost organs that related to the generation of qi of the whole body are ( )
A:Heart, spleen and kidney B:Heart, lung and kidney C:Heart, liver and kidney D:Spleen, lung and kidney 33.The frequency of the grasp manipulation is done repeatedly ( )
A:3-5times B:20 times more C:5-10times D:10-15times 34.According to the eight medicinal treatment methods, Si Jun Zi Tang belongs to? ( )
A:Purgation B:Supplementation C:Harmonization D:Heat-clearing 35.In TCM, there is a therapeutic method described as promoting urination to treat loose stool (利小便则实大便), the method is based on the physiological function of ( )
A:Small intestine separating lucid from turbid B:Kidney governing urination and defecation C:Lung freeing and regulating waterways D:Spleen governing transporting and transforming water 36.Tuina has no good effective on treating the frozen shoulder. ( )
A:False B:True 37.The width of the interphalangeal joint of the patient’s thumb is taken as( )cun.
A:2 B:1 C:3 D:4 38.Which syndrome easily has the distending pain? ( )
A:Interior excess heat syndrome B:Deficiency heat syndrome C:Exterior heat syndrome D:Qi stagnation syndrome

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