第七章 Cross-cultural Negotiation:Cross-cultural Negotiation7.1Understanding the Cultural Differences:1.1 The importance of Understanding the cultural differences 1.2 Significant elements of culture1.3 Two obstacles encountered in international business negotiation
7.2Negotiation Among Cultures:2.1 Two cultural types 2.1.1.Gender2.1.2.Uncertainty avoidance2.1.3. Power distance2.1.4. Individualism&collectivism
7.1Understanding the Cultural Differences:1.1 The importance of Understanding the cultural differences 1.2 Significant elements of culture1.3 Two obstacles encountered in international business negotiation
7.2Negotiation Among Cultures:2.1 Two cultural types 2.1.1.Gender2.1.2.Uncertainty avoidance2.1.3. Power distance2.1.4. Individualism&collectivism
[单选题]In addition to language differences ,different cultures have differing values, _______________and philosophies.( )

, perceptions
, perceive
, perceptive
[单选题]Etiquette usually reflects formulas of conduct in which society or tradition _______________.( )

选项:[has invested
, investing
, have invested
, invested
[单选题]In Germany, decisions can take a long time due to the need to analyze information and statistics_______________.( )

, in great depth
, in Deeping
, in a great depth
[单选题]InAsia, decisions are usually made by the most _______________figure or head of a family . ( )

, senior
, youngest
, junior
[单选题]Our_______________ process is generally slow and time -consuming . ( )

, decisions maket
, decision- making
, decision making
[单选题]How do you comment on the merits and _______________ to both types of management. ( )

, inmerits
, non-demerit
, dismerits
[单选题]_______________negotiators tend to assume that details can be worked out if the negotiators can agree on generalities. ( )

, Individualist
, Collectivist
, Collecting
[单选题]Uncertainty avoidance refers to how _______________a person feels in risky or ambiguous situations. ( )

, uncomfortable
, comforting
, comfortable
[单选题]Chinese people are used to _______________survey of the overall situation first, and then thinking over details. ( )

选项:[make a comprehensive
, making comprehensive
, make comprehensive
, making a comprehensive
[单选题]Protectionism, over-regulation and poor infrastructure have made India a high- cost economy despite the low labor costs. ( )

, good
, low
, poor
[单选题]There are large differences in spatial preferences according to gender ,age ,generation, socioeconomic class, and context.( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Most of the information is contained explicitly in the verbiage(空话) in high-context cultures. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Americans get right down to business after only a minimal amount of “small talk”. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]An experienced business person must know how to circumvent the cultural barriers and try to find out common interests to get along. ( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]High power-distance cultures are not status conscious and respectful of age and seniority. ( )

选项:[错, 对]

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