1.We can change passive voice into active voice in restructuring.( )
A:错误 B:正确
2.What are the methods for fasting reading? ( )
A:Scrutinizing. B:Skimming. C:Scanning. D:Memory.
答案:Skimming.; Scanning.; Scrutinizing.
3.Is text a “friend” or a “foe”? Please choose correct answers about pros of it.( )
A:Increase precision and accuracy in output. B:Make it easier to anticipate. C:Enhance the quality of performance. D:Facilitate the interpreter’s understanding of a speaker with heavy accent.
答案:Enhance the quality of performance.; Increase precision and accuracy in output.; Make it easier to anticipate.; Facilitate the interpreter’s understanding of a speaker with heavy accent.
4.Which of the following can help us anticipate? ( )
A:the residents need to take their responsibilities, and try to make contributions to the green development. B:the countries need to establish a stable dialogue and consultation mechanism to seek long-term cooperation and development. C:Have a good knowledge of the conference situation, of the subject and of the speaker and good understanding of the unfolding statements. D: E:Know about the set phrase and idiomatic expressing. F:different countries need to strengthen practical corporation, working for the well-beings of all human-beings. G:the enterprises need to accelerate business transformation and develop green economy. H:Know about the situation, including the interests of the participants in communication, their lines of reasoning, positions, wishes, weaknesses, interaction, etc.17. Fill in the blankThe increasingly acute contradiction between economic development and natural resources shows the difficulty in sustaining the traditional mode of economic development. Under this circumstance, _______________.(ABC
答案:Know about the set phrase and idiomatic expressing.; Have a good knowledge of the conference situation, of the subject and of the speaker and good understanding of the unfolding statements.; Know about the situation, including the interests of the participants in communication, their lines of reasoning, positions, wishes, weaknesses, interaction, etc.17. Fill in the blankThe increasingly acute contradiction between economic development and natural resources shows the difficulty in sustaining the traditional mode of economic development. Under this circumstance, _______________.(ABC
5.What are some of the methods for text-marking?( )
A:Chunking. B:Restructuring. C:Paraphrase. D:SVO. E:New words. F:Class shift. G:Addition. H:Logical links.
答案:Chunking.; SVO.; Logical links.; Restructuring.; New words.
6.Since sight translation involves both auditory and visual information processing, it is usually regarded as a mixture ofand.( )
A:translation B:interpreting C:comprehensive English D:general linguistics
答案:interpreting; translation
7.What are the purposes of fast reading? ( )
A:Analyzing the logic. B:Grasping the theme. C:Moving your eyeballs as fast as you can. D:Figuring out the purpose of writing.
答案:Grasping the theme.; Analyzing the logic.; Figuring out the purpose of writing.
8.By which means can we practise our lips? ( )
A:Reading articles. B:Singing songs. C:Watching talk shows.
答案:Reading articles.; Singing songs.
9.When dealing with complex sentences, the following techniques might be used:( )
A:specific linking words. B:changes in tense. C:collocations of the phrases. D:tones and pauses of the speaker
答案:collocations of the phrases.; changes in tense.; specific linking words.
10.What skills do we need to learn in sight translation? ( )
A:Syntactic linearity. B:Restructuring. C:Public speaking. D:Script-marking.
答案:Script-marking.; Syntactic linearity.; Restructuring.; Public speaking.
11.Attention! Speakers will probably have the following situations:( )
A:Speaker digresses from the original text (ST+I turns to SI without text). B:Speaker omits some parts of the text. C:Speaker changes numbers, dates and other data. D:Speaker delivers speech swiftly.

12.What kinds of memory do we need in sight translation? ( )
A:Small and medium sized memory. B:Long-term memory. C:Short-term memory. D:Large and medium sized memory. 13.Why is text-marking necessary for doing sight translation? ( )
A:In order to translate better. B:To find out the key information quickly. C:In order to read faster. D:To grasp the general idea of the passage. 14.What should be avoided when doing lip exercise? ( )
A: B:Not to be too fast. C:No need to prepare too much before talking to the listeners in case that we are limited by the expressions. D:Accuracy.[难度2]12. How can you make yourself understood by the listeners? (AB E:Fluency. F:Repetition. G:Having a good understanding of the text. H:Having enough eye contact. I:Back tracking. 15.Why is cross-cultural analysis necessary? ( )
A:Easy for the audience to understand. B:to ease the pressure of interpreter. C:to help the interpreter do their job accurately. D:to help the interpreter better understand the source text 16.Read the following paragraph and choose what techniques we need for this text.Over the last three decades, China has sent some 320,000 people to study overseas in more than 100 countries and regions. Over 340,000 students from 160 countries and regions have come to China. A total of 1,800 teachers and experts have been sent to teach abroad, and 40,000 foreign experts and teachers have been hired to work in China. The figures for Chinese experts and scholars attending academic conferences abroad and their foreign counterparts attending conferences in China each come to 11,000. ( )
A:Restructuring. B:Chunking. C:Numbers. D:Logical links. 17.Which of the following preparation is needed when doing anticipation?( )
A:Working on it day by day. B:Healthy diet. C:A nice sleep. D:Analysis of the whole passage. 18.The per capita GDP of East China where the ______ is nearly 500 million reached $2,000.( )
A:size B:area C:population D:scale 19.Which of the following is NOT true?( )
A:Omission is part of strategies when interpreting with a text. B:SI+T is a common type of interpretation. C:Every interpreter must use the text. D:The feature of SI+T is dual input. 20.How can we read fast? ( )
A:Expanding our visual scope. B:Previewing the material. C:Moving our eyeballs quickly. D:Picking short paragraphs. 21.In order to improve our reading efficiency, we should set our goals as: ( )
A:Three words by three words reading. B:Line by line reading. C:Paragraph by paragraph reading. D:Word by word reading. 22.When applying syntactic linearity, we don’t need to add any connectors to make it more coherent. ( )
A:True. B:False. 23.The large role played by state-owned banks is bound to have resulted in some misallocation of capital, but a recent study by Helen Qiao and Yu Song at Goldman Sachs argues that concerns about over-investment are ( ) .( )
A:necessary B:groundless. C:harmful. D:effective. 24.“In 2016 alone, China imported 7.3 million tons of plastic waste that accounted for 56 percent of the total imported plastic waste globally.” What should be marked in this sentence?( )
A:New words. B:Numbers. C:All of them. D:Logical links. 25.Which is NOT the reason for restructuring?( )
A:Different diets between Chinese and English. B:Different ways of expression between Chinese and English. C:Different cultural backgrounds between Chinese and English. D:Different sentence structures between Chinese and English. 26.Which one is correct? ( )
A:When doing sight translation, the only access of interpreters to information is text. B:When doing sight translation, the interpreter can also access information from listening. C:When doing simultaneous interpreting with text, the interpreter accesses information only from listening. D:When doing sight translation, the interpreter accesses information only through text. 27.What should we pay more attention to when doing lip exercise? ( )
A:The middle section. B:The beginning and the end of the paragraph. C:The end of the paragraph. D:The beginning of the paragraph. 28.Which of the following is NOT true according to the teacher?( )
A:We need to make some necessary changes when using syntactic linearity. B:Syntactic linearity is useless when the interpreter is less stressful. C:Syntactic linearity can help interpreters save time and ease pressure. D:There are totally 5 principles of syntactic linearity. 29.What should we do to have a better delivery when doing lip exercise? ( )
A:Following meaning units. B:Paying attention to the beginning and the last sentences. C:Making sure your pronunciation is correct. 30.The global economy has remained sluggish for quite some time. The gap between the poor and the rich and between the South and the North is ______.( )
A:narrowing B:widening C:increasing D:shrinking 31.Practice(E-C):()
He loved his sons, but his daughter was
According to this class, which one is better?( )
A:视为珍宝 B:掌上明珠 32.Please fill in the blank with the word you think is most appropriate.
No one doubt that China is becoming the largest market in the world which enjoys the fastest growth, and has become the largest _____ of television, refrigerator, and mobile phone.( )
A:exporter B:country C:place D:consumer 33.which of the following is not a principle of syntactic linearity? ( )
A:Repetition. B:Ignoring. C:Chunking. D:Class shift. 34.What is chunking? ( )
A:Dividing the sentence into different grammatical units. B:Dividing the sentence into different meaning units. C:Dividing the sentence word by word. 35.What can be quite challenging when reading out of pre-translated speeches?( )
A:The translation version provided is of poor quality. B:The translation version provided includes lots of details. C:The speaker uses Powerpoint slides. D:The speaker digresses from the text. 36.Which is the best time to make eye contact? ( )
A:Between each part. B:Between different sentences. C:Between different meaning units. 37.Which of the following does not need to be accurate if the interpreter has a text?( )
A:Numbers. B:Every detail. C:Names. D:Dates. 38.If you want to improve the look of your skin, first drink at least eight glasses of ______ every day.( )
A:coke B:coffee C:water D:oil

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