第五章 Delivering a Speech:英语演讲中掌握一定的技巧是有必要的,本章将主要介绍如何克服怯场,如何在演讲中提升语音的魅力,如何在演讲中使用肢体语音和眼神交会,如何在演讲中使用视觉教具等方法。5.1Guided Learning on TED Talk: Do you have procrastination?:本讲主要讲解介绍TED演讲《你有拖延症吗?》的作者背景,从演讲内容进行主题升华,并且引导学生们从肢体语言,眼神交流,视觉教具等方面去分析这个演讲。This section will introduce TED talk :Do you have procrastination? Firstly, introduce the author's background; then sublimate the theme from the content of the speech; Finally, guide students to analyze the speech from the aspects of body language, eye contact, visual aids and so on.
5.2Overcoming Stage Fright:本讲主要讲授如何通过一些技巧来克服在演讲中的怯场,最终成为一名自信的演讲者。This section will focus on how to use some skills to overcome stage fright and how to become a confident public speaker.
5.3Using Your Voice:本讲主要讲授如何通过一些技巧来使你的嗓音在演讲中更加具有魅力,更加吸引听众的注意力。This section will focus on how to use some techniques to make your voice more charming and attractive to the audience.
5.4Using Body language and Eye contact:本讲主要讲授如何使用肢体语言和眼神交流来提高演讲者的英语演讲技能。This section will focus on how to use body language and eye contact to improve the speaker's English speaking skills.
5.5Using Visual Aids:本讲主要讲授如何使用各种视觉教具来增加演讲内容的趣味性,使演讲内容更加易于理解和接受。This section mainly focus on how to use various visual aids to make the speech more interesting and easier to understand and accept.
[单选题]The greatest difference between public speaking and recitation is that the former  is (  ).
four-way communication

three-way communication

one-way communication

two-way communication

答案:two-way communication
[单选题]A  momentary break in the vocal delivery of a speech is (  ) .



[多选题]When  making a speech, which  kind of visual aids can you use? (  )


photos and drawings

objects and models
[多选题]Most audiences prefer delivery that combines a certain degree of formality with  the best attributes of good conversation, which are (  ).

a lively sense of communication

vocal and facial expression

[判断题]Your  audience can not always notice  your body's distress. (  )

[判断题]The most highly valued golden rule of practicing a speech is silently reading it.  (  )

[判断题]When  you feel nervous, tell your audience and apologize. (  )

[判断题]The  choice to use visual aids will depend on the habit of the speaker. (  )

[判断题]Without  eye contact with audience, no matter how appealing your voice is, how dramatic your gestures and body movements are,you may look like performing recitation. (  )

[判断题]If your microphone stops working, shout loudly and ask people to fix it before you continue your speech. (  )

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