第三章 Writing a Successful Speech:本章节主要介绍英语演讲稿的撰写,从选题入手,构建逻辑框架,填充论点,运用写作策略对要点进行充实,从整体把握一篇演讲稿的内容与结构。3.1Guided Learning on TED Talk: We’re all hiding something:本节将一段TED演讲视频资料及相关拓展文字材料留给学生,指导其观看并总结。
3.2Knowing the Objectives: Types of Speeches:通过分析不同类型演讲的不同目标,指导学生根据自己所期望达成的演讲效果确定所采用的演讲类型。
3.3General Principles: Main Points:通过分析演讲中一些需要注意的原则问题,帮助学生更有效地组织行文语言。
3.4The Body of the Speech (I):本节讲授如何撰写演讲逻辑构成及其中的主题部分。
3.5The Body of the Speech (II):本节分析演讲主题撰写中可能采用的几种逻辑结构。
3.6The Introduction- First Impression:本节涉及内容为演讲的开场部分。拟教授学生如何有效组织语言及合理分配时间,在有限时间内赢得观众注意力。
3.7The Conclusion- Final Impression:本节涉及内容为演讲的总结部分。拟教授学生如何有效组织语言及合理分配时间,完成强有力、有效的演讲收尾
[单选题]Imagine you’re doing a 10-minute speech. The maximum time for your introduction should be (  ).
Two minutes
One minute
Three minutes
30 seconds
答案:Two minutes
[单选题]In the middle of the dining hall there's a screen. Do you know what it's showing?  (  )
How noisy the environment is.
How bad the food is.
How clean the kitchen is.

How busy the people are.[单选题]When you personalize your speech, you can use ( ).


[单选题]Here my objective is “I want students agree with my view of the benefits of studying abroad”. What kind of speech is it? (  )
Inspirational[多选题]Generically, public speaking can be divided into ( ).
dissuasive speech
agitational speech
informative speech

persuasive speech[多选题]What can be used in supporting your central idea? (  )
Experts' opinions

Visual aids
Statistics[多选题]In what ways can you organize the body of your speech logically and effectively? (  )
Combined pattern

Spatial pattern
Chronological pattern
None of the above[判断题]When you say a funny thing, but your audience say, “oh, that’s terrible”, you should keep on trying. (  )

[判断题]Opinions from experts can be very convincing when you try to convince people of something. (  )

[判断题]In running for president, people won't deliver a speech to get volunteer work.(  )

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