第二章 Preparing for a Speech:本章分享演讲选题成功案例:如何与压力做朋友,讨论如何选题的方法与技巧,如何确定演讲的目的,以及开展听众分析的重要性和方法。2.1Guided Learning on TED Talk: How to make stress your friend:介绍TED演讲 ”如何与压力做朋友“的背景知识,了解演讲者,分析演讲主题、学习重点词语和短语、并展开”压力“相关话题的讨论。
2.2Selecting a Topic and a Purpose(I):本节介绍何为好的演讲话题、如何进行头脑风暴进行话题选择。
2.3Selecting a Topic and a Purpose(II):本节介绍所选话题总体目标的描述方法,以及如何确定和描述具体具体目标。
2.4Analying Your Audience:本节介绍听众分析的方法,理解演讲为何要以听众为中心,并介绍听众分析的要素以及听众分析问卷的设计方法。
[多选题]What do we know about Kelly McGonigal, the speaker of "How to Make Stress Your Friend?" (  )
She's a psychologist.
She graduated from Stanford University.
Her book The Willpower Instinct,  explores her latest research on motivation, temptation and procrastination.
She works to help us understand the latest findings in psychology, neuroscience and medicine.
答案:She graduated from Stanford University.She's a psychologist.She works to help us understand the latest findings in psychology, neuroscience and medicine.Her book The Willpower Instinct,  explores her latest research on motivation, temptation and procrastination.
[判断题]The first step in making a speech is choosing what language to use.(  )

[判断题]Itis crucial for you to be comfortable with your topic and to choose something you're interested in, so you shouldn only focus on what you like! (  )

[单选题]General purpose means the (  ) of a speech, it will usually fall into two categories: to inform or to persuade.
broad goal

detailed description

vivid statement

specific goal

答案:broad goal
[判断题]"American Culture" would be an appropriate topic for a 30-minute speech delivered to a group of Chinese students. (  )


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