1.In addition to direct and indirect guarantees, other forms of government support sometimes used to facilitate project financings include: ( )
A:various types of subsidies (e.g.a viability gap payment covering part of the capital cost of a project or a tariff subsidy for low income users of water and power projects) B:equity participation in the SPV C:comfort letters D:various types of contractual undertakings (usually in a concession or PPP agreement) to guarantee a minimum level of traffic and revenue in a transport project or make a deficiency payment in the event that the expected revenue levels are not met and are insufficient to service debt

There are many types of credit support and credit support providers for international projects. They include:

A:direct agreements between lenders and parties to key project documents B:third party support provided by (a) private sector institutions in the form of insurance, letters of credit, and various other types of surety, warranties, and financial derivatives and (b) public sector institutions like MDB’s, ECA’s and bilateral development finance agencies C:A. various forms of support from the project participants themselves, including the sponsors, host government and offtakers D:security over project assets 3.

Letters of credit can provide support in project financings by backing liquidated damage obligations, debt service reserve obligations, and equity contribution commitments.

A:对 B:错 4.

If vitiation were to occur, lenders would possess their right to recover on the policy as a result of the action or inaction by the SPV which was used by the insurer to justify vitiation of the policy. 

A:对 B:错 5.

The use of surety bonds not only provides financial support for the project from the surety but also involves intensive due diligence by the surety on the quality and capacity of the contractor which provides added assurance to the SPV that the contractor, its subcontractors and suppliers are capable of performing the contract. 

A:错 B:对

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