第七章 Conversations and Speeches:该章主要介绍口语中最主要的三种文体:日常会话、自发评论、公共演讲。该章分别就三种常见的口语文体讲解其情景特征、语法特征、语义特征、词汇特征、结构特征、语音特征等。7.1Introduction and Semantic Features of Conversation:该节简单介绍了口语中常见的文体,并就日常会话的语义特征进行了详解。
7.2Grammatical Features of Conversation:该节主要介绍日常会话的语法特征,从以下几个方面进行讲解:第一,句子复杂度;第二,时态和体态;第三,名词短语;第四,句子类型;第五,引用成分;第六,相邻对。
7.3Lexical and Phonological Features of Conversation:该节主要介绍日常会话的词汇和语音特征。其中,占位词为一个重要的知识点。
7.4Introduction to Spontaneous Commentary and its Situational Features:该节主要介绍了自发评论及其情景特征。
7.5Textual and Semantic Features of Commentary:该节主要介绍了自发评论的结构特征以及语义特征。其中结构特征针对自发评论的文体特征从时间次序、紧密度等角度进行分析。
7.6Grammatical, Lexical, and Phonological Features of Commentary:该节主要介绍了自发评论的语法特征、词汇特征及语音特征。其中,语法特征主要从句子复杂度、时态和体态、名词短语和句子类型的角度进行讲解。
7.7Public Speech and its Features:该节主要介绍了公共演讲及其文体特征。以罗斯福总统的第一次就职演说和马丁·路德·金的《我有一个梦想》为例,进行对比分析。
[单选题]For the features of words used in the public speech, big words are often used in complex structures, and there are also unfamiliar words, nominalized words, abstract words, etc.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]All public speeches share a lot of things in common as they are different in mode and in purposes.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题] In mode of spontaneous commentary, they may be about different activities, such as different types of sports, parades and rallies, the launching of a rocket, etc.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]There are many types of oral genres. Of the following choices, which does not belong to oral genres?

选项:[lecture, conversation, speech, essay]
[单选题]The connections between the elements or clauses in the text are loose and the train of thought is often interrupted. This is because, in the development of the events, any new scenes, climax, novel happenings may occur, and the commentator has to capture all of these aspects in order to attract people’s attention and interest always to his side.

选项:[错, 对]

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