第六章 News Report:自该章开始,我们进入了第二阶段的学习,即运用前五章所学的理论知识分析实用文体。第六章主要介绍了新闻报道这类文体,涵盖了新闻报道的语篇、结构、语法、语义、语音特征等。6.1Introduction and Situational Features of News Report:该节主要介绍新闻报道的情景特征。
6.2Textual Features:该节主要介绍新闻报道的结构特征,有益于读懂英文新闻。
6.3Headline and its Features:该节主要介绍了新闻报道中的主要组成部分之一——新闻标题的特征,例如省略。
6.4Guide and its Features:这节主要介绍新闻报道的主要结构——导语及其主要的文体特征。
6.5Grammatical Features:这节主要介绍新闻报道的语法特征,涵盖了意义缩合、客观性、具体性、细节性、生动性等。
6.6Lexical Features and Graphological Features:该节主要介绍了新闻报道类问题的词汇特征和语音特征。
[单选题]Generally speaking, guide consists of six elements: location, character, event, mode, time, and cause, in which event and character are two obligatory elements.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]One feature of news report is meaning contraction, that is, using the least amount of form to encode the most amount of meaning. Of the following choices, which one does not belong to meaning contraction?

选项:[Pre-modifiers come from separate clauses, thus highly contracted, Sound elision, The nominalization of the processes (verbs), Big noun phrases and complex modification]
[单选题]For news, in written medium, as time is limited, the speaker has to select the most important information, and drop the details and unimportant parts.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]News report refers to a general variety of language, which sends out hot news, news of important events, and interesting events to all parts of the country or region by mass media. 

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]All of the headlines are elliptical sentences.

选项:[错, 对]

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