1. (  )are also large parts of the history of globalization, and modern globalization.

  2. 答案:Diplomacy###Conflicts
  3. Most small businesses are ( )with the shares only available privately, for example, to family members.

  4. 答案:private limited companie
  5. Online marketers can offer (), greater product selection, and high efficiency rates.

  6. 答案:lower prices,greater product selection, and high efficiency rates
  7. ( ) means an act of taking the bill to the drawee and demanding that he makes the payment or accepts the bill.

  8. 答案:Presentment/Presentation
  9. Let's assume that person A is calling the meeting. The most cooperative position is ( ) to him/her (B) because there are no barriers between them.

  10. 答案:near
  11. ( )serves as both the content and channel for one’s decisions, ideas, tasks, solutions, plans, and need to belong and solidify your sense of culture and self.

  12. 答案:Communication
  13. The ( ) is usually the advising bank and is usually in the country of the exporter. It holds itself responsible for the payment of the goods.

  14. 答案:confirming bank
  15. Firstly, you should ( ) before the interview.

  16. 答案:research the company's profile and background
  17. The ( )is empowered to take action quickly in situations where rapid responses are needed and can also respond to routine business inquiries to reduce the workload for company officers and busy people.

  18. 答案:agent
  19. Sometimes, ( ) letters are professional in tone and style, especially if addressed to business colleagues, but can also be more informal and conversational, depending on the situation and context.

  20. 答案:appointment
  21. ( )is the usual form for small shops and businesses that provide services such as beauticians, hairdressers, photographers, gardeners and so on.

  22. 答案:Sole trader
  23. If the client insists the agent do something ( ), the agent would be obliged to ( ), and consider terminating the relationship and existing service agreement.
  24. ( ) is a term people use to explain why they have failed or fear failure, and sometimes why they were victorious.
  25. In the course of developing foreign trade, () and middlemen play an important role, because they know which kind of commodities can fit the districtneeds and the market can afford the price.
  26. Usually a letter or email focusing on urging the buyer to establish the relative L/C by the seller often consists of the three parts, which is not include? ( ).
  27. ( ) nominated by the issuing bank to honor the claim from the negotiating bank, the paying bank or the accepting bank on behalf of the issuing bank.
  28. When writing a formal letter, you should ( ).
  29. In business, seating is done by ( ) and not by gender, which of course follows the rules of business etiquette which are based on hierarchy.
  30. If the driver driving the car, the ( )seat is the one beside the driver.
  31. A ( ) is a conditional written undertaking given by bank on the request of an importer to pay at sight or at determinable future date a certain amount of money to the exporter against stipulated documents.
  32. () competition included in this category is anything on which the consumer might want to spend their available money.
  33. The () negotiates and concludes contracts on behalf of his principal. Although the degree of his independence from the principal varies, he is never totally independent.
  34. To effectively arrange a room for a business meeting you’ll want to consider the ( ) of the meeting and create the appropriate atmosphere and workspace for productivity.
  35. For meeting or negotiation man should dress formally, suits, tie, shirt and( )shoes.
  36. Which is the different component of complaints letters? ( )
  37. The first message sent should be a polite note saying that the goods ordered are ready but the relevant L/C has not yet come to hand. If the first message brings no reply, a second one will be sent. This one, though still restrained, will express ( ).
  38. ( )buys the sight draft and/or documents presented by the exporter, and then forwards the draft and documents to the opening bank for reimbursement.
  39. Three basic grouping of steps of L/C are not include ( ).
  40. According to different acceptor, draft can be classified into:().
  41. The method of price negotiation does not include ( ).
  42. When a transaction is concluded on L/C terms, the ( ) is usually under the obligation to establish an L/C with his bank within the time limit stipulated in the sales contract.
  43. Never carry your business cards, or place another person’s business card in a ( ) pocket.
  44. If you have the option of selecting the meeting room, try to find a (   )room away from excess noise and distractions while still placing the meeting room convenient to bathrooms on the same floor of the building.
  45. ( )is virtually a partial or total rejection of the original offer. It also means a new proposal put forward by the buyer.
  46. When writing ( ) letter, your best chance of success will come from directing the letter to the customer service department of the company.
  47. Although an ( ) is not legally binding upon either the exporter or the importer, it is the first step towards successful business and should be handled with great care.
  48. In a business letter,the date line consists of the month,day and year.which is the right business style of date line ? ( )
  49. If there is more than one guest, the second highest guest is seated on the ( )of the host.
  50. On receiving the relevant L/C, the ( )should first of all make a thorough examination to see whether the clauses set forth in the L/C are in full conformity with the terms stated in the sales contract.
  51. When you attend a meeting or negotiation you should wear very professionally basically( ), usually not very bright color.
  52. By comparison,( )is the best way to keep good will and friendly feelings between the buyer and the seller.
  53. When shake with people, the ( )first .
  54. When asking for extension of an L/C, you shouldn’t( )?
  55. In the following advertisement, what rhetoric is used?()“No problem too large. No business too small.”
  56. To write an offer letter, firstly you should( ).
  57. For business negotiation, which of the following statement is true?( )
  58. ()competitors is Product class/category competition: convince customers that your product form is best in the category.
  59. A ( ) is an offer with a time limit and engagement. Once it is accepted by the buyer, both the seller and buyer have no right to revoke, alter or amend.
  60. Which is the formal writing’s characteristic? ( )
  61. Letters concerning L/C amendment and extension should be written with courtesy because a mere amendment to or extension of L/C will need (   ) and (   ), which is always an annoying thing to the buyer.
  62. ( )should be worn (even in hot climates) as a sign of professional respect.
  63. Current trends in( )involve major use of social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.
  64. ( ) describes the process of the buyer’s applying for and opening a documentary credit at the issuing bank and the opening bank’s formal notification of the seller through the advising bank.
  65. ( ) means an act that the drawee writes down the word “accepted”, marks the date and signs his name across the face of the bill.
  66. A ( )letter describes how the person who has achieves success due to hard work and skills.
  67. A( )makes an unconditional promise in writing to pay a sum of money to the other, either at a fixed or determinable future time or on demand of the payee, under specific terms.
  68. Before you start writing any article, one of the first things you need to ask yourself is “( )”
  69. Complaints should be made in a restrained and tactful way so that future business relationships are not ( ).
  70. ( ) is a credit that constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank and can be amended or cancelled by it only on condition that all parties consented.
  71. Try to be as ( ) as possible in your complaint letter, suggesting a way that you can move forward and continue your relationship with the company.
  72. ( ) allows people in different locations to hold interactive meetings.
  73. Normally, the buyer’s L/C should reach the seller ( )days (or 30 days) prior to the date of shipment so as to give the seller sufficient time to make preparations for shipment.
  74. ( ) makes payment to the beneficiary against presentation of stipulated documents. It is usually the opening bank but can also be a third designated
  75. The( ) might be at the beginning of the report, before you introduce your data and findings, that will still be the last thing you will write.
  76. A( )involves you using another company’s successful business model to create your own shop, restaurant etc. Essentially, you buy the franchise and trade off the good name of the company you’ve bought into.
  77. ) is a instrument that order by the drawer or maker, directing a bank to pay a sum of money at sight unconditionally to the specific person or the check holder.
  78. Which of the following is not the features of application letters?( )
  79. What did Pepsi do eventually?
  80. Who is Kendall Jenner?
  81. What does PR mean?
  82. Explain the problem ( ) by providing specific details as a vague complaint will almost always fail.
  83. Which following is the type of carriage? ( )
  84. The ( ) position in a meeting being held at a rectangular table is always in the center facing the door, where the person can see who is coming and going.
  85. In a formal business meal it’s very significant to keep table manners. Which of the followings cannot be accepted? ( )
  86. A ( ) meeting should use a round-table style by arranging tables into a circle or semicircle so each participant can see everyone else.
  87. ( )report is a comprehensive report on a company's activities throughout the preceding year.
  88. If you are meeting with a new customer, you usually start with some small talks. You can choose all the following except ( ).
  89. Hard plastic chairs should only be used for( )meetings to keep employees focused and comfortable.
  90. In the car, if the driver is the host then the VIP gust should sit ( )the driver.
  91. When you are the seller,which following rule is wrong when dealing with a complaint: ( )
  92. A ( ) means the importer may only ask for catalogues, price lists, samples, or other information about the goods from the exporter.
  93. For the advertisement of De Bierres: “A diamond lasts forever”, it is a( ).
  94. (  ) agency is a relationship in which the brokerage or industry member acts as the agent for only one party in a trade.
  95. Inorder to understanding your audience, you should ( ) firstly.
  96. The followings except( ) are impolite behaviors when dinning out.
  97. In any workplace, your ( ) is a sign of your professionalism and is sometimes used to gauge your level of competence.
  98. ( ) is the increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, services, technology, and capital.
  99. The close of the adjustment letter should be ( )---that is, with the assumption that all is forgiven and normal relationships can be resumed.
  100. ( ) is the last procedure of L/C business.
  101. In ( ), chartering ships or booking shipping space is involved.
  102. Urging establishment of L/C is to persuade the ( ) to co-operate more closely and in fact to fulfill his obligations.
  103. Your leads don’t want to hear anything negative about competitors or the industry, so you should stay ( ).
  104. Send ( )letter when you are communicating information about an appointment.
  105. Write ( ) letter when you want to extend a business invitation, such as an invitation to a party or other event.
  106. It would be( ), except in special circumstances, to start off too strongly by blaming the buyer for non-performance of contract.
  107. You can direct or control responses in a meeting through seating arrangements. Putting chairs in a circle encourages ( )contributions. A horseshoe or "T" will recognize and emphasize people at the head of the table.
  108. Contents of the payment clause not include the following:().
  109. ( )is a first step for writing counter-offer letter.
  110. Any confidential information from a previous agency relationship will( ) to the client unless the previous client agrees in writing.
  111. If there is an unexpected impediment beyond one’s control such as earthquake, flood, war, governmental prohibition of import or export of certain commodities, which results in the failure of one party to perform contractual obligations, the party is( )for the failure.
  112. ( )the ringer on any phones in the room to avoid disruption, but do not unplug the phone to allow for outgoing calls in case of an emergency.
  113. Typical annual reports will not include:( ).
  114. A () agent is a person who is legally authorized to represent a company or individual on all kinds of business.
  115. Which tone is correct to write a complaint letter?( )
  116. A ( ) means get more detailed information or make an offer for a particular product, which usually is written after a general inquiry
  117. ( ) information includes any information about the client, the property, or the transaction that is not required by law to be disclosed, but if disclosed could be used by another party to the disadvantage of the client.
  118. ( ) is a broadly used term for anything unconventional, and usually invites the consumer to participate or interact with the piece in some way.
  119. When asking for amendment to an L/C, you shouldn’t( )?
  120. ( )comprises two acts: to draw a draft and sign it, to deliver it to the payee.
  121. In the western, the most important guest should be seated at the ( ) hand of the host.
  122. ( ) define the conditions under which the seller and buyer agree to settle the financial amount of the sales contract.
  123. ( ) is the most important part, once you have analyzed and dug out insights from your data, is to convey this information to your audience.
  124. We regret we cannot ( ) ourselves of your offer of these goods because we are buying to better advantage elsewhere.
  125. Which reason can not explain why global trade had slowed?( )
  126. If there is no steamer directly from the port of loading to the port of destination, ( ) is necessary.
  127. The type of threats of E-commerce websites include( )and cyber vandalism.
  128. United's consumer perception (   )to a 10-year low following this incident and the company' handling of it.
  129. After intense backlash and boycott threats, United the apology that( )
  130. Did United Airlines issue a cold apology?
  131. ( )is an art form few of us seem to master. We don’t want to admit our mistakes because we think that making mistakes reflects badly on our character.
  132. ( ) is the sale of merchandise from a specific point ,such as malls, markets and department stores, in small quantities directly to the consumer.
  133. ( )means an act of negotiation to sign on the back of a draft to transfer rights in the draft to another.
  134. An ( ) is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated.
  135. ( ) is a primary problem for e-commerce in developed and developing countries.
  136. ( ) provide the beneficiary a double assurance of payment.
  137. With the increased global interactions comes the growth of international( ).
  138. With the increased global interactions comes the ( ) of international trade, ideas, and culture.
  139. When you write an inquiry,firstly you should ( ).
  140. A( ) agent may be a firm or a person who acts exclusively for one foreign principal with sole agency rights to sell on a commission basis certain commodities in a certain area under some kind of agreement or contract.
  141. ( ) means made when the bill is presented to the drawee and payment of a time bill is made at maturity.
  142. In the body paragraph of application letters, what major points should be covered? ( )
  143. Under(   ), payment will be made against a draft with specified shipping documents or only the specified shipping documents.
  144. In 2000, the ()identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people, and the dissemination of knowledge.
  145. In an( ), the seller not only quotes the prices but also indicates all necessary terms.
  146. Competitiveness, or the inclination to compete, has become synonymous with ( ) in the English language.
  147. ( )is the letter of credit that has not been confirmed by another bank.
  148. The () is established after the diplomatic travels of the Han Dynasty Chinese envoy Zhang Qian to Central Asia, with Chinese goods making their way to India, Persia, and the Roman Empire.
  149. ( )includes sales-related metrics, also called key performance indicators, for a specified time-period.
  150. when someone helps you out, it's important to let them know that you( )their kindness.
  151. The best way to start an application letter is to mention where you found the job opportunity and how your ( ) can benefit the employer.
  152. ( )– the oldest form of trading , it’s also the simplest and the most common type of business you’ll find.
  153. Fundamentally, ( )business writing is costly and leads to disastrous events.
  154. Your request for payment ( ) Letter of Credit is unacceptable.
  155. ( ) letter is used for praising a person on his success. This letter is a great gesture to maintain personal as well as professional relationships.
  156. ( ) includes eye-catching figures and concise instructions concerning manner of proper handling, storing, loading and unloading of the packed goods.
  157. The principal’s investigation on his agent which is not include:( ).
  158. ( ) includes consignor’s or consignee’s code name, number of the contract or the L/C ,the port of destination and numbers of the packed goods.
  159. ( ) is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.
  160. ( ) means when a business advertises its product or service to triggering the curiosity of prospective clients.
  161. There are three main ways of payment for foreign trade exports, which is not include? ( ).
  162. Who is to receive the payment? ( ).
  163. Usually, representatives work within a ( ) scope, eliminating concerns about agents who may act against the interests of their employers in the course of their work.
  164. ( )is the first procedure of L/C business.
  165. ( )means the one which limits the bill for further negotiation, such as “pay… only” or “pay… non-transfer”.
  166. Instruments of payment include currency and bill. For bill, it not include( ).
  167. In ( ), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as the government department regulating all telecommunications related activities, including electronic commerce.
  168. ( )means the one which specifies the person to whom, or to whose order, the bill is to be payable, such as “pay …or to order of”.
  169. ( ) is a written, dated, and signed three-party instrument, containing an unconditional order by a drawer that directs a drawee to pay a definite sum of money to or to order of a specified party (payee) at a specified future date.
  170. The ( ) should bear in mind that safe, reliable and convenient outer packing and creative, elegant and attractive inner packing are what he must strive for.
  171. According to the date of payment, draft can be classified into:()
  172. ( )are made up of two or more people and any profits, debts and decisions related to the business are a shared responsibility.
  173. Inorder to understanding your audience, you should ( ) lastly.
  174. (  )terms may be used in follow-up complaints if the complainer fails to get a reply or a satisfactory correction from the other side within a reasonable time.
  175. A ( )letter is written to congratulate a business associate on his or her achievement. This letter conveys your best wishes to the person who has achieved something.
  176. If you need something that you cannot reach easily, the best manner is( ).
  177. Western people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends. On round tables, the ( ) hand seat is more important than the ( ) hand seat.
  178. In writing an application, the writer should be ( ) and adopt an( )tone for his letter.
  179. ( ) means a failure or refusal to make acceptance or payment of a bill of exchange when presented to the drawee.
  180. Carrying out trade at an international level is a more () process than domestic trade.
  181. An importer may make a complaint because of one of the following problems:().
  182. Who writes the order and gives directions to another person to make a specific payment of money? ( ).
  183. The agent should( )if information is () to the client, rather, the agent is obligated to disclose all relevant information to the client.
  184. Who usually welcomes and helps visitors and answers the telephone in an organization? ( )
  185. Inorder to desiginganadvertisement, you should ( ) lastly.
  186. E-commerce has the capability to integrate all inter-company and intra-company functions, meaning that the three flows of the supply chain could be also affected by e-commerce. Which is not conclude the three flows?(  )
  187. (   ) includes obvious symbols or words to warn people against the hidden danger of inflammables, explosives and poisonous products.
  188. Like writing,( ) often lead to increased customer’s satisfaction and enhanced image to your business partners or clients.
  189. ( )is the one which issues a letter of credit at the request of an applicant to the beneficiary.
  190. The ( ) buys the exporter’s draft and makes payment to the exporter.
  191. ( ) is the act that the drawee writes down the word “accepted”, marks the date and signs his name across the face of the bill.
  192. ( )without shipping documents attached.
  193. ( ) issued by a banker on another bank.
  194. ( )is the party to whom the order is addressed and who is to pay the money.
  195. ( )issued by a trader on another trader or on a bank.
  196. ( )is an important branch of international business. Carriage of goods takes place by road or rail, inland waterway, sea and air.
  197. ( ) is the bank that makes payment to the beneficiary against presentation of stipulated documents.
  198. A ( ) makes an unconditional promise in writing to pay a sum of money to the other, either at a fixed or determinable future time or on demand of the payee, under specific terms.
  199. By comparison, ( ) is the best way to keep good will and friendly feelings between the buyer and the seller.
  200. When exchange name cards, usually ,( )official give theirs to( )official .
  201. Add additional lighting beyond overhead lighting to the room to soften the atmosphere and make( ) meetings( )visually straining.
  202. When shake with people, the ( ) first .
  203. In the car, the back seats from right to the left ,the right one is more ( ) than the left seats.
  204. ( ) people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends.
  205. When inviting someone into your office,you are supposed to invite and direct them on ( ) to sit.
  206. In social and business settings, seating arrangements can be a powerful way to either encourage( ) relations or create negative( )communication.
  207. The power position in a meeting being held at a rectangular table is always in the ( ) facing the door, where the person can see who is coming and going.
  208. Hard plastic chairs should only be used for ( ) meetings to keep employees focused and comfortable.
  209. While for business manner, for banquet, the honor seat is for host ( ) host, and the inferior seat is for host NO.2 .
  210. Also known as ambient media, guerrilla advertising (or marketing) has become prominent over the last 20 ( ).
  211. The best way to start an application letter is to mention ( ) you found the job opportunity and how your strengths can benefit the employer.
  212. A business ( ) is a blueprint that will guide your business from the start-up phase through establishment and eventually business growth, and it is a must-have for all new businesses.
  213. A job ( ) is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making first impression.
  214. ( ) involve you using another company’s successful business model to create your own shop, restaurant etc.
  215. ( )are truly egalitarian(平等主义) form of business that is formed to meet the mutual needs of the workers.
  216. ( ) are made up of two or more people and any profits, debts and decisions related to the business are a shared responsibility.
  217. Starting a( )business doesn't have to require( )money, but it will involve some initial investment as well as the ability to cover ongoing expenses before you are turning a profit.
  218. Read the job application( )and become( )with the requirements for this job.
  219. Your business name plays a role in almost( )aspect of your business, so you want it to be a( )one.
  220. A ( ) system also known as voice message or voice bank.
  221. Nowadays ( ) is a pretty common communication tool for businessman to deal with something like talking about goods, services, complaints, agreements, etc.
  222. If your letter is too ( ), the reader will be inclined to skim its contents and end up with an( ) idea of the exact problem .
  223. Write ( ) type of letter when you want to extend a business invitation, such as an invitation to a party or other event.
  224. Remember ( ) term relationship is the real resource for your business expansion and more profits.
  225. ( )will serve as the direction, the reference, and the path of your details.
  226. when you're writing to someone who went out of their way for you ,people really appreciate ( ) letters.
  227. Writing “first letter” to your potential business partner is the ( ) step for opening business for international trade.
  228. ( )sentences are acceptable and sometimes essential to making a point in( )writing.
  229. ( )allows people in different locations to hold interactive meetings.
  230. In the ( ), personnel administration focused mostly on the aspects of hiring, evaluating, training and compensating employees.
  231. Business communication is ( ) sharing between people within and outside an organization that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization.
  232. The average value of each lost relationship across all countries surveyed is (  ) per year.
  233. ( ) is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.
  234. ( ) are important in documenting the activities of any department.
  235. With membership of more than ( ) technical communicators, it's the largest organization of its type in North America.
  236. Written communication ( ) emerged through the use of pictographs.
  237. ( ) are often due to the nature of the environment.
  238. Human communication is unique for its( ) use of abstract language.
  239. Founded in ( ) by Shankar is the Association for Business Communication (ABC), is "an international organization committed to fostering excellence in business communication scholarship,research ,education, and practice."
  240. In 2018, regardless of tariffs imposed by the Trump administration, China’s annual trade surplus reached a record of ( ) billion.
  241. ( ) in marketplaces for the same customers ultimately leads to a race for businesses to produce products quickly, in addition to lowering costs, to keep customers happy.
  242. The broadest form of competition is( ).
  243. As businesses know, consumers have ( ) options when choosing products.
  244. ( ) economies such as Singapore, Japan and South Korea tend to emphasize education by allocating a large portion of the budget to this sector, and by implementing programmes such as gifted education.
  245. Competition is often considered to be the( )of cooperation, however in the real world, mixtures of cooperation and competition are the( ).
  246. The ( ) is that a person or business succeeds because they understand you can`t be everything for everybody.
  247. Which one is not belong to the level of economic competition?
  248. Today, going global is not only a (   ), it is almost a (   ).
  249. Consumers enjoy a (  ) variety of similar items for (  ) money.
  250. Which one is not belong to supranational institutions ? (  )
  251. In 2015, governments quietly added( ) trade restrictions. These included tariffs, government subsidies to domestic industries, and anti-dumping legislation.
  252. International trade lowers the ( ) of products through competitive advantages, but it can lead to harm for communities and nations.
  253. As far as history goes, the Egyptian coastal sailing ships were trading as early as around ( )BC.
  254. The world’s biggest container ships are about ( ) feet long, 400 meters, the distance around an Olympic running track.
  255. ( ) gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to new markets and products.
  256. Sometimes, the obstacles in the way of trading affect the mutual relationship ( )
  257. The only way to boost exports is to make trade ( )overall.
  258. The concept of "( )" was first introduced by historians A. G. Hopkins and Christopher Bayly.
  259. Workers in (  ) nations who need jobs that pay (  ) than their counterparts in other parts of the world are sometimes replaced by foreign workers.
  260. International trade is the exchange of goods and services between ( ).
  261. We will study together some knowledge about( ).
  262. Like 中 i 的发音( )
  263. As we all know ( ) is a tool for communication.
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