1.After intense backlash and boycott threats, United the apology that( )

答案:"we are going to fix what's broken"
2.After intense backlash and boycott threats, United the apology that( )

答案:"we are going to fix what's broken"
3.Generally speaking, adjustment letters may fall into several styles which not include? ( )

答案:AI参考:空白的选项应该是“D. Recommendation letter”。\n\n因为调整信函可以有几种不同的风格,但不会包括推荐信。所以,这个问题的正确答案是“D. Recommendation letter”。'
4.A ( )letter is written to congratulate a business associate on his or her achievement. This letter conveys your best wishes to the person who has achieved something.

答案:AI参考:A. A congratulatory\n\n根据上下文,这封信是为了向商业伙伴祝贺他或她的成就而写的,因此选项A“congratulatory”符合语境,表示祝贺的意思。选项B“letter”是无关选项,选项C“letter is written”也是无关选项,选项D“business associate”虽然与上下文有关,但并不是正确答案。因此,正确答案是A。'

United Airlines' Removal Of A Passenger


United Airlines’stock plummeted after videos of a passenger being violently dragged off an overbooked plane circulated on the internet. At first, United stood by the forceful removal of the passenger but then issued a cold apology, with the company's CEO saying, "This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United. I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers." After intense backlash and boycott threats, United took full responsibility and made the apology that it should have made immediately after the incident: "We have committed to our customers and our employees that we are going to fix what’s broken so this never happens again."


By this point, it was too late for consumers and the public to be appeased; United's consumer perception dropped to a 10-year low following this incident and the company' handling of it. That sincere apology should have been made during the immediate aftermath of the incident.

答案:AI参考:The correct answer is C.\n\n原文中提到,在事件发生后,联合航空立即采取了行动,承担了全部责任并道歉,表示将修复问题,以避免再次发生类似事件。因此,选项C“立即采取行动并承担责任”最符合原文的意思。\n\n原文中提到“United took full responsibility and made the apology that it should have made immediately after the incident”,表明联合航空应该立即道歉,但却拖延了时间,导致消费者和公众对其感到不满。因此,正确答案是C。'
6.When you attend a meeting or negotiation you should wear very professionally basically( ), usually not very bright color.
A:black,green,red B:black,green,blue C:yellow,red,white D:black,gray,white
7.Which of the following is not the features of application letters?( )
A:Conciseness B:Clearness C:Concreteness D:Correctness
8.In the western, the most important guest should be seated at the ( ) hand of the host.
A:front B:left C:right D:behind
9.( )are made up of two or more people and any profits, debts and decisions related to the business are a shared responsibility.
A:Sole trader B:Franchise C:Partnership D:Company
10.It is generally best to keep letters as ( )and ( ) as possible while still communicating the necessary information.
A:long,concise B:short,concise C:short,complex D:long,complex
11.In Business English,which one does not belong to functional english writing?()
A:Product Instructions. B:Description of the products. C:Advertisements. D:Request letters. 12.( ) provide the beneficiary a double assurance of payment.
A:Revocable L/C B:Irrevocable L/C C:Confirmed L/C D:Unconfirmed L/C 13.Urging establishment of L/C is to persuade the ( ) to co-operate more closely and in fact to fulfill his obligations.
A:winner B:seller C:loser D:buyer 14.) is a instrument that order by the drawer or maker, directing a bank to pay a sum of money at sight unconditionally to the specific person or the check holder.
A:cheque B:promissory note C:futures D:draft 15.To effectively arrange a room for a business meeting you’ll want to consider the ( ) of the meeting and create the appropriate atmosphere and workspace for productivity.
A:place B:figure C:function D:date 16.Which element needn’t to consider before writing a business document? ( )
A:the purpose B:the audience C:voice and tone D:weather 17.Which one is correct in the job interview?( )
A:Close the door with caution. B:lean back in your chair. C:Fold your arms. D:Cross your legs. 18.When shake with people, the ( )first .
A:prettiest B:handsome C:youngest D:oldest 19.( )is the letter of credit that has not been confirmed by another bank.
A:Confirmed L/C B:Irrevocable L/C C:Unconfirmed L/C D:Revocable L/C 20.( )serves as both the content and channel for one’s decisions, ideas, tasks, solutions, plans, and need to belong and solidify your sense of culture and self.
A:Presentation B:Service C:Communication D:Quality 21.Early modern globalization is () from modern globalization on the basis of expansionism, the method of managing global trade, and the level of information exchange.
A:similar B:distinguished C:familiar D:identical 22.( ) is a term people use to explain why they have failed or fear failure, and sometimes why they were victorious.
A:Negotiation B:Consult C:Cooperation D:Competition 23.Your leads don’t want to hear anything negative about competitors or the industry, so you should stay ( ).
A:negative B:smart C:positive D:foolish 24.A () agent is a person who is legally authorized to represent a company or individual on all kinds of business.
A:exclusive B:special C:sole D:general 25.( )buys the sight draft and/or documents presented by the exporter, and then forwards the draft and documents to the opening bank for reimbursement.
A:Opening/issuing bank B:Advising/notifying bank C:Negotiating bank D:Paying bank 26.According to different acceptor, draft can be classified into:().
A:documentary bill and trader’s acceptance bill B:banker’s acceptance bill and cleanbill C:documentary bill and cleanbill D:trader’s acceptance bill and banker’s acceptance bill 27.( ) means made when the bill is presented to the drawee and payment of a time bill is made at maturity.
A:Presentment/Presentation B:Payment C:Issue D:Acceptance 28.If you inviting somebody into your office for a ( ) meeting, it is always expected that you invite them to sit down first by directing them to where you want them to sit.
A:class B:team C:one-to-one D:group 29.Most small businesses are ( )with the shares only available privately, for example, to family members.
A:limited liability partnerships B:workers co-operatives C:public limited companie D:private limited companie 30.When a transaction is concluded on L/C terms, the ( ) is usually under the obligation to establish an L/C with his bank within the time limit stipulated in the sales contract.
A:loser B:winner C:seller D:buyer 31.In the following advertisement, what rhetoric is used?()“No problem too large. No business too small.”
A:Repetition B:Rhyme C:Metaphor D:Contrast 32.Which reason can not explain why global trade had slowed?( )
A:The 2008 financial crisis slowed trade and growth. B:Countries opposed more protectionist measures. C:The Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s. D:China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. 33.( ) is the sale of merchandise from a specific point ,such as malls, markets and department stores, in small quantities directly to the consumer.
A:Wholesale B:Retail C:underwrite D:Consignment 34.When writing a formal letter, you should ( ).
A:state the reason for your letter B:use the appropriate letter format C:enter the salutation D:delay 35.The ( )is empowered to take action quickly in situations where rapid responses are needed and can also respond to routine business inquiries to reduce the workload for company officers and busy people.
A:litigation B:agent C:arbitration D:argument 36.If you see an advertisement via the internet, then it is classifiedas ( )
A:online advertising B:guerrilla advertising C:broadcast advertising D:print advertising 37.Hard plastic chairs should only be used for( )meetings to keep employees focused and comfortable.
A:lasting B:long C:forever D:short 38.Inorder to understanding your audience, you should ( ) firstly.
A:identify a target customer B:describe your target customer C:identify the competition D:develop a strategy 39.( ) define the conditions under which the seller and buyer agree to settle the financial amount of the sales contract.
A:Time of payment B:Methods of payment C:Terms of payment D:Place of payment 40.The ( ) are to use overseas agents’ extensive knowledge of the target market, avoid the recruitment, training and payroll costs for entering an overseas market, place agents to identify and exploit opportunities and maintain more control over matters such as final price and brand image.
A:minor advantages B:main advantages C:main disadvantages D:minor disadvantages 41.Who writes the order and gives directions to another person to make a specific payment of money? ( ).
A:Payee B:Drawer C:Drawee D:payer 42.An importer may make a complaint because of one of the following problems:().
A:The wrong goods may have been sent. B:The delivery is not mixed up. C:The quality make the importer satisfactory. D:The delivery without delay. 43.( ) information includes any information about the client, the property, or the transaction that is not required by law to be disclosed, but if disclosed could be used by another party to the disadvantage of the client.
A:Confidential B:Public C:Management D:Financial 44.Online marketers can offer (), greater product selection, and high efficiency rates.
A:lower prices,greater product selection, and high efficiency rates B:lower prices,smaller product selection, and high efficiency rates C:higher prices,greater product selection, and high efficiency rates D:lower prices,greater product selection, and low efficiency rates 45.In the car, if the driver is the host then the VIP gust should sit ( )the driver.
A:behind B:front C:beside D:opposite 46.The () negotiates and concludes contracts on behalf of his principal. Although the degree of his independence from the principal varies, he is never totally independent.
A:salesman B:beneficiary C:commercial agent D:broker 47.If you are meeting with a new customer, you usually start with some small talks. You can choose all the following except ( ).
A:How much do you earn a year? B:Do you like this city? C:It’s so hot today, isn’t it? D:What do you think of the weather here? 48.( ) letter is used for praising a person on his success. This letter is a great gesture to maintain personal as well as professional relationships.
A:An apology B:An invitation C:A congratulation D:A thanks 49.According to the date of payment, draft can be classified into:()
A:banker’s draft and trade draft B:sight bill and trade draft C:demand draft and banker’s draft D:sight bill and usance bill 50.In business, seating is done by ( ) and not by gender, which of course follows the rules of business etiquette which are based on hierarchy.
A:height B:weight C:age D:rank 51.Which following is the type of carriage? ( )
A:sea transport B:combined transport C:rail transport D:road transport 52.For business negotiation, which of the following statement is true?( )
A:Negotiation is a passive process of giving and taking. B:Negotiation is a passive process of taking. C:Negotiation is a voluntary process of giving and taking. D:Negotiation is a voluntary process of giving. 53.( ) is a credit that constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank and can be amended or cancelled by it only on condition that all parties consented.
A:Sight L/C B:Revocable L/C C:Time L/C D:Irrevocable L/C 54.The ( ) position in a meeting being held at a rectangular table is always in the center facing the door, where the person can see who is coming and going.
A:ordinary B:unimportant C:power D:common 55.() competition included in this category is anything on which the consumer might want to spend their available money.
A:Minimum B:Budget C:Narrowest D:Most useless 56.It is best way to receive the business card with( )when making presentation.
A:the right or left hand B:the left hand   C:the right hand D:both hands 57.The( ) might be at the beginning of the report, before you introduce your data and findings, that will still be the last thing you will write.
A:data B:summary C:context D:metric 58.In ( ), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as the government department regulating all telecommunications related activities, including electronic commerce.
A:UK B:Ind C:China D:Australia 59.( ) means an act that the drawee writes down the word “accepted”, marks the date and signs his name across the face of the bill.
A:Issue B:Presentment/Presentation C:Acceptance D:Payment 60.We will study together some knowledge about( ).
A:recruitment B:starting a business C:Company benefits D:business code/protocol 61.(  )are also large parts of the history of globalization, and modern globalization.
A:Diplomacy B:Conflicts C:Culture D:Economic 62.Transporting goods by container ships is ( ) for the environment.
A:better B:preferable C:worse D:harmful

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