1. 带稿同传中的经济化原则是指( )。

  2. 答案:使用混码###删减已知信息###使用缩略语###用最简洁的方式来表达信息
  3. 以下有关带稿同传说法正确的是( )。

  4. 答案:是视译训练向同传过渡的一种训练手段###是视译和同传相结合的一种翻译形式###译员一边阅读发言稿,一边听取发言,并同时完成译语产出的任务###是一种真实的职业口译形式
  5. 关于文稿标识,以下叙述正确的是:( )

  6. 答案:数字的标识就是把所有的数字都写成阿拉伯数字,并按照目的语的表达方式进行划分。###断句的标注是为了在视译中停顿得当、逻辑清晰。
  7. 以下有关顺句驱动的说法正确的是( )

  8. 答案:顺句驱动,指的是基本按照原文句子各成分出现的顺序进行翻译,对句式尽可能地少调整。###顺句驱动既是视译的主要策略,也是同声传译的主要策略。
  9. 在视译准备的过程中,需要做标识的信息是( )

  10. 答案:断句###难词###数字单位###中心概念
  11. 视译中的阅读通常分为( )。

  12. 答案:微观阅读###宏观阅读###快速阅读
  13. It's a second round of strike for cabin crew of British Airways. This one starts on Saturday morning and goes for four days. British airways news says it has put its contingency plans into effect and that will allow it to continue with most of its flights. The good news for travelers is that British Airways flights out of London's Gatwick and City airports will not be affected. They will continue as scheduled. Here however at Heath row about 50% of British Airway’s flights will be affected but British Airways says that some cabin crew have been coming to work despite the strike and that together with leasing 11 airplanes on an emergency basis means that they’ve been able to go ahead with some of the scheduled flights here. British Airways estimates about 50% of short-haul flights will continue as normal and 70% of the long-haul flights here at Heathrow will also go ahead. Nonetheless, it is getting expensive for the company. It’s estimated to cost about 10 million dollars a day for British Airways. Choose from the following choices those that can help summarize the paragraph.( )

  14. 答案:英国航空的空乘人员开始第二轮罢工,受到影响的是希斯罗机场的部分航班。###英国航空已经部署了应急方案,许多航班不会受到罢工影响。###然而,罢工对英国航空造成了巨大的经济损失。
  15. 英汉视译时,常用的句子成分转换包括( )

  16. 答案:主语转谓语###主语转宾语###状语转谓语
  17. 视译中,宏观阅读策略包含的三个要素是( )。

  18. 答案:逻辑关系###文章主题###作者意图
  19. I’d like to begin by giving you a few pointers on taking notes in lectures. Taking notes in lectures is a vital skill. Most important of all is that you shouldn’t try to make a note of everything you hear. A lecture is not a dictation. You have to decide what is important and what is not. Second, when you make notes, don’t write things in full form. Use abbreviations, symbols, numbers, anything to help keep pace. Also, try to be an active listener. By that, I mean you need to try and predict what the speaker is going to say. So before the lecture ask yourself what you already know about the topic, and during the lecture think about where the talk might be heading. Choose from the following choices those that can help build the information structure of the paragraph.( )

  20. 答案:vital skill###not everything###active listener###not in full form
  21. “读”和“译”同步进行既是视译的难点,也是视译的重要特征。( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. 类意群是比意群更加灵活的视译单位,是视译断句的基本单位。( )
  24. 在翻译以连接副词或是连接代词,如when, where, what, how等引导的同位语从句时,要根据具体情况,使用相应的连接词。( )
  25. 快速阅读能力对于视译极为重要,能够帮助译者迅速获取文章的中心思想。这个过程中应该尽量避免纠缠于文章的无关主旨的细节。( )
  26. 视译比同声传译和交替传译更易受源语侵扰,常常会被眼前的白纸黑字打乱思想,因此译员需要付出更多的精力来摆脱源语文字的干扰。( )
  27. It is reported that as many as 100,000 people joined in the demonstration.视译为:[据报],有10万人参加了示威游行。( )
  28. 视译可以分为视阅口译和视听口译两种。( )
  29. 英文的被动语态通常以长句和复杂句的形式呈现。( )
  30. 通过as...as 表示肯定的比较级,通过not as...as 表示否定的比较级最好不使用顺译及拆分的技巧。( )
  31. 在没有明确施事者的情况下,可以通过微调语序,并重复部分动词的使用,来完成顺畅的翻译过程。( )
  32. 被动语态的语序在英汉两种语言中互为倒置( )
  33. There be 句式视译技巧只采用顺译即可。( )
  34. 在带稿同传的训练中,语音输入可以有别于原稿。( )
  35. 如果译前准备时间紧迫,译员可以简单看一下大意,重点看一下引言和结尾,最好是挤出时间把引言和结尾的重点词语翻译一下。( )
  36. There are dozens of reasons why I must go.视译为:[有很多理由],所以我必须离职。( )
  37. We have conducted interviews with people of all walks of life in order to find their attitudes toward the new government policy.视译为:我们 [采访了] 各行各业的人,试图发现他们怎样 [看待] 政府的新政策。( )
  38. Giant panda is a kind of tame animal with unique black and white fur. 视译为:大熊猫是一种温顺的动物,[长着独特的黑白皮毛]。( )
  39. 接力口译可以看作是一种特殊形式的交替传译。( )
  40. 类意群切分不当主要表现为切分单位过长。( )
  41. 类意群切分频繁会引发句子逻辑关系断裂、衔接受阻、译语滞后等问题。( )
  42. 以下有关状语的描述正确的是( )。
  43. A pressure screen is a piece of equipment used for fibre fractionation to produce pulp of a high, uniform quality. A typical pressure screen consists of a cylindrical casing, containing a screen basket and a rotor. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
  44. Scientists study specific cells from targeted cells in order to understand their biological function. For these studies, cells are usually isolated from tissue and maintained in culture. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
  45. 以下有关定语的视译说法正确的是( )
  46. 关于视译以下说法正确的是 ( )
  47. 对于句子“How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies?”,以下哪种译法不符合视译的习惯?( )
  48. 意群指的是具有相对( )的词组或短语,是组成句子的一种单位。( )
  49. 关于文稿标识,以下叙述错误的是( )
  50. 以下有关视译中词性转换策略,说法错误的是:( )
  51. 以下有关同位语的视译说法错误的是( )
  52. 视译最大的困难是什么( )?
  53. 以下符合带稿同传定义的是( )。
  54. 如果内容难以理解,在精力分配方面要( )。
  55. 以下符合带稿同传形式的有( )。
  56. 带稿同传常见的训练方法是( )。
  57. Mechanical engineering is the application of science to the creation of useful devices to meet the needs of society. Mechanical engineers focus on the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of a wide variety of machinery. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
  58. With the Kyoto Protocol, commitments were made not to actions but to results that were to be measured after a decade or more. This approach has several disadvantages. An obvious one is that it is difficult determine, until close to the target date, which nations are on course to meet their goals. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
  59. Before the late 20th century, drawings were usually made manually, but the widespread use of computers has now enabled the creation of drawings and designs using computer-aided design (CAD) programs. Modern CAD programs allow engineers to produce three-dimensional models, which can be used directly in the manufacture of the devices depicted. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
  60. Every semester after final exams are over, I'm faced with the problem of what to do with books of lecture notes. They might be useful someday, but they just keep piling up on my bookcase. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
  61. Napster is a high-profile P2P network that gives its members the revolutionary ability to connect directly to other members computers and search their hard drives for digital music files to share and trade. In addition to file sharing, computing power can be shared by P2P networks. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
  62. 下列有关There be 句式的说法中不正确的有( )。
  63. There be句式的视译描述可以归纳为( )。
  64. 要做好There be 句式的视译,需要注意以下内容( )。
  65. 下面是It句式视译的常见技巧的是( )
  66. 以下是比较级常见的句式的是( )
  67. 一般来说,视译中,状语短语仍可译为一个汉语短语,或译为一个汉语短句( )
  68. 定语短语与被修饰语关系密切,并很可能属于同一个意群,因此,在视译中通常将其调整到被修饰语前面。( )
  69. 在视译中,对于这种较长的状语从句,译员通常采用顺句驱动的策略,按照原文的语序译出,但不能添加连接词,以保持句子的简洁性。( )
  70. 无论是单词、短语还是从句做同位语,在视译中都需要将其调整到中心词之前。( )
  71. 同位语短语视译的基本方法是将其作为一个单独的短句译出,中间加入适当的连接成分。( )
  72. Under China’s new civil code, adopted in May, couples will have to wait 30 days between registering their intent to split for good and actually doing so. Nothing wrong with that, some might argue—many other countries have similar “cooling-off” requirements.该段落中,译文的哪个成分被省略掉不影响句子的真实意思表达?( )
  73. 源语:这就是要同大家携手努力、共克时艰,共同促进全球服务贸易发展繁荣,推动世界经济尽快复苏。输出语:It shows China’s willingness to join hands with all of you in this trying time and work together to enable global trade in services to thrive and the world economy to recover at an early date.在这个句子的翻译过程中,哪个策略没有被使用?( )
  74. 关于视译中断句策略的使用,下面哪些说法是正确的( )?
  75. 培养视译能力,学习者可以通过加强练习( )能力来实现。
  76. 视译中为了能够使输出语的句子通顺,可以在输出语中添加( )成分。
  77. 词性转换不仅是重要的译词手段,也是常用的句法转换变通手段,是一种常用的翻译技巧。就是在必要的时候,将原文中的某个词的词性在译文里用其他词性表达出来。这种转换会使译文更加灵活变通,不必拘泥于原文形式,却能更准确传达出原文内涵。( )
  78. 英汉两种语言在句法上的一个重大差异就是汉语当中 ___的使用占优势。( )
  79. 英语是 _____语言,而汉语是 ___语言。( )
  80. 英语中使用虚词如介词、冠词等的情况多于汉语。( )
  81. 汉语动词的使用频率远远高于英语。这是因为按照英语句法,受主谓关系的限制,一个简单句或分句大多只有一个谓语动词。而且,英语还可以通过谓语动词以外各种词性的词来体现动词意义。( )
  82. 在视译过程中,以_________为单位进行断句,无法有效实现顺译。( )
  83. 类意群应具备的特征包括__________。( )
  84. 实现类意群衔接的具体策略包括__________。( )
  85. 以下关于类意群特征的说明,哪些是正确的?( )
  86. 避免类意群切分不当的策略包括__________。 ( )
  87. ( )指的是在写出译文的同时对不认识或不肯定的单词或汉字进行注音。
  88. ( )是视译的第一步,也是视译中理解的基础。
  89. 视译中的微观阅读是对篇章内部各单位如词语、短语、句子、段落的消化理解,是对作者写作意图语交际目的的深入认识。( )
  90. 中心概念标识是指在碰到长句和复杂的句子时,使用合适的符号将句子的主谓宾等主要成分标识出来,以方便译文的组织。( )
  91. 视译中,快速阅读的主要方法有:通过略读迅速获取核心信息;通过寻读获取文章细节;以及通过细读寻找特定信息和词语。 ( )
  92. 要做好视译,译员需要具备的一些基本素质有( )。
  93. 视译的标准可以归纳为( )。
  94. 视译通常应用于( )场合中。( )
  95. 常见的口译形式有( )。
  96. 视译中,译员的精力主要分配在( )几个方面。
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