1.以下关于类意群衔接策略的描述中哪一个是不准确的?( )
A:强化是指厘清表述内容的主次,对重要信息加以强化,突出重点。 B:附加是指将不利于理解的信息加以解释说明,添加的信息应尽可能详细。 C:外显是指将原语中不明确的词语具体地表现出来,排除暧昧,明确所指。 D:连结是指使用有连贯功能的连词、副词及分句等,将切分好的类意群进行衔接。
2.在视译中,有关It句式的处理说法错误的是:( )
A:It句式的视译中一定要找到合适的词把“it”的具体意思表达出来。 B:It 句式的视译关键是用好“是”字句。 C:句子“It is strange to see so many people are doing the same thing.”在视译中通常以为“奇怪的是看到这么多人都在做同一件事情。” D:It is said…在视译中可以以为“据说……”。
3.比较级句式是以than连接的比较级句式,需要采用( )的技巧来处理。
A:随意翻译 B:严格按照顺序翻译 C:分别独立翻译 D:根据上下文翻译
4.Immortalized cell lines have abnormal characteristics compared to non-transformed cells. For this reason, they are not good models of normal tissue in the human body. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
A:Immortalized cell lines B:human body C:tissue D:this reason
答案:this reason
5.Many methods are used for separating precipitated flocs. The most frequently used methods are flotation and settling. Based on the context, what is the given information, A, B, C, or D?( )
A:The most frequently used methods B:Many methods C:separating precipitated flocs D:flotation and settling
答案:The most frequently used methods
6.以下有关顺句驱动的说法错误的是( )
A:顺句驱动的基本方法是断句及增补连接词。 B:顺句驱动既是视译的主要策略,也是同声传译的主要策略。 C:顺句驱动,指的是基本按照原文句子各成分出现的顺序进行翻译,对句式尽可能地少调整。 D:顺句驱动策略必须在读完全句的情况下才能使用。
7.以下有关It句式的说法正确的是( )
A:以动名词作为真实主语,就是以动词ing的形式作为真实的主语的句子形态 B:以从句做真实主语,就是which引导的从句作为真正的主语的句子形态 C:以不定式作为部分成分,就是以to do 作为状语后置的形态。 D:以从句做真实主语,就是任何从句作为真正的主语的句子形态
8.以下有关定语的视译说法正确的是( )
A:单词做定语一般放在被修饰语的前面,视译时依次译出即可。 B:短语做定语一般放在被修饰语的后面,视译时需要调整语序。 C:分词做定语可以放在被修饰语前面,也可以放在被修饰语后面,视译时都需要调整语序。 D:从句做定语一般放在被修饰语的后面,视译时通常都要调整语序。
9.以下有关状语的描述正确的是( )。
A:状语的位置在英语和汉语中都是比较固定的。 B:英语状语的位置基本与汉语状语的位置相同。 C:视译中,状语的位置基本保持不变。 D:视译中,要保持一些大家熟知的规则,比如时间和地点状语的位置一致。
10.在带稿同传中最基本的原则是( )。
A:顺句驱动 B:等待 C:省略 D:归纳
11.“读”和“译”同步进行既是视译的难点,也是视译的重要特征。( )
A:错误 B:正确

12.类意群切分不当主要表现为切分单位过长。( )
A:对 B:错 13.视译中“不停顿”的原则可以说是所有形式的口译的基本要求。( )
A:错 B:对 14.为了实现类意群衔接,需要修补语法结构、增补省略词语、重复关联词语等。( )
A:错 B:对 15.It is reported that as many as 100,000 people joined in the demonstration.视译为:[据报],有10万人参加了示威游行。( )
A:正确 B:错误 16.在翻译以连接副词或是连接代词,如when, where, what, how等引导的同位语从句时,要根据具体情况,使用相应的连接词。( )
A:错误 B:正确 17.视译的表述如果译员内容正确,那么输出的逻辑弱也能被听众理解。( )
A:正确 B:错误 18.不定式作为主语的视译技巧,根据视译的顺译原则,需要按照既定语序进行视译。( )
A:正确 B:错误 19.视译的就是重组与笔译时为了译文结构严谨而打破原文就是结构不同。视译时不提倡对就是做复杂或者大幅度的调整,只做必要的调整。( )
A:错误 B:正确 20.There are dozens of reasons why I must go.视译为:[有很多理由],所以我必须离职。( )
A:错 B:对 21.如果译前准备时间紧迫,译员可以简单看一下大意,重点看一下引言和结尾,最好是挤出时间把引言和结尾的重点词语翻译一下。( )
A:正确 B:错误 22.英文的被动语态通常以长句和复杂句的形式呈现。( )
A:正确 B:错误 23.类意群切分频繁会引发句子逻辑关系断裂、衔接受阻、译语滞后等问题。( )
A:对 B:错 24.在视译过程中,每个译员对类意群的判断和切分应该是一样的。( )
A:错 B:对 25.通过as...as 表示肯定的比较级,通过not as...as 表示否定的比较级最好不使用顺译及拆分的技巧。( )
A:正确 B:错误 26.He is an enemy to reform.视译为:他 [反对] 改革。( )
A:错 B:对 27.在视译中,无论是前置还是后置,状语从句一般都要译成单独的一个分句,语序也基本保持不变。( )
A:对 B:错 28.在视译中,定语从句通常作为其先行词后面的一个独立部分单独译出。( )
A:对 B:错 29.视译中,为了做到“不重复”就要逐字逐句阅读文本,把每一个信息都准确的表达出来。( )
A:对 B:错 30.带稿同传中,发言人的语音输入对译员而言不仅是限制,还是干扰。( )
A:对 B:错 31.在定语从句的视译中,为了保证表达的流畅,译员通常要( )
A:依次将句子进行切分并顺次译出 B:调整定语从句的位置 C:多加连接词 D:重复中心词 32.英汉视译时,常用的词性转换包括( )
A:介词转动词 B:动词转介词短语 C:动词转名词短语 D:名词转动词 33.The Forum is an excellent opportunity for us to meet and exchange views, to establish partnerships, to share good experiences and to learn from each other. It is also a wonderful source of inspiration for policy-makers to get the “feeling” of what he could do better to help tourism thrive. It is finally an occasion to raise the visibility of tourism as a major economic and social development factor for Europe and its regions. Choose from the following choices those that can help build the information structure of the paragraph.( )
A:policy-makers B:development factor C:regions D:opportunity 34.带稿同传中的经济化原则是指( )。
A:用最简洁的方式来表达信息 B:删减已知信息 C:使用缩略语 D:使用混码 35.关于文稿标识,以下叙述正确的是:( )
A:数字的标识就是把所有的数字都写成阿拉伯数字,并按照目的语的表达方式进行划分。 B:标注中心概念是因为在视译中只要表达出主干意思即可。 C:断句的标注是为了在视译中停顿得当、逻辑清晰。 D:语序调整标识只是为了体现语言句式结构上的差异。 36.视译中的阅读通常分为( )。
A:快速阅读 B:宏观阅读 C:微观阅读 D:朗读 37.I’d like to begin by giving you a few pointers on taking notes in lectures. Taking notes in lectures is a vital skill. Most important of all is that you shouldn’t try to make a note of everything you hear. A lecture is not a dictation. You have to decide what is important and what is not. Second, when you make notes, don’t write things in full form. Use abbreviations, symbols, numbers, anything to help keep pace. Also, try to be an active listener. By that, I mean you need to try and predict what the speaker is going to say. So before the lecture ask yourself what you already know about the topic, and during the lecture think about where the talk might be heading. Choose from the following choices those that can help build the information structure of the paragraph.( )
A:not everything B:vital skill C:not in full form D:active listener 38.在视译准备的过程中,需要做标识的信息是( )
A:中心概念 B:难词 C:断句 D:数字单位 39.Genetic modification (GM) is in fact far more than a mere development of selective breeding techniques. Combining genetic material from species that cannot breed naturally is interference in areas which may be highly dangerous. The consequences of this kind of manipulation cannot be foreseen. It seems undeniable that these processes may lead to major benefits in food production and the environment. There is no doubt, for example, that some medical advances may have saved millions of lives. However, this level of technology can contain a strong element of risk. Our ignorance of the long-term effects of releasing GM plants or even animals into the environment means that this step should only be taken after very careful consideration.( )
A:转基因过程与传统的选择过程完全不同。 B:越过物种壁垒是一个危险的步骤,并且对这种发展的长期结果了解不足。 C:转基因过程类似于自然选择。 D:转基因过程不应被标记为“干扰自然”。 40.The Black Death landed in Europe by sea in 1347. People gathered at the docks waiting to greet the trading ships that had gone through the Black Sea. The people waiting were in for a big surprise; the sailors aboard the ships were all dead from the plague except for a few stragglers that were alive but greatly ill. It was a serious pandemic that infected Europe and nearly wiped out 60% of its population during its two-year spread all across Europe. A rough estimate of about 60-200 million people were claimed as victims of the Black Death. At the time, there was no way to cure the sickness and if you had it, you most likely were left to die in the streets. It took 150 and in some areas more than 250 years for Europe’s population to recover, which had an economic impact. Price of labor skyrocketed in the face of worker shortage, and the cost of goods rose. The plague recurred occasionally in Europe until the 19th century, and was one of the most devastating disasters in human history.( )
A:尽管带来人口减少和许多其他弊端,瘟疫还是带来了文艺复兴,帮助推进医学发展,结束了农奴制,增强了妇女权能,增强了积极性和宗教信仰,推迟了百年战争。 B:这是一场毁灭性的灾难。 C:黑死病通过船只降落在欧洲,造成巨大的人口损失。 D:劳动力和商品成本飞涨,这损害了经济。

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