1. Usually a manufacturer doesn't deal directly with the people who use his products.

  2. 答案:制造商通常不直接跟他们的产品用户打交道
  3. The windows are open and all the papers that she had left on her desk were _________ about the room.

  4. 答案:scattered
  5. Kenny was working on his assignments when his father ______ home from work.

  6. 答案:came
  7. I know nothing about the accident except _________ I read in the newspaper.

  8. 答案:what
  9. You John in the street this morning. He's been dead for ages,

  10. 答案:couldn't have seen
  11. Anderson is one of those appear friendly but in fact are hard to deal with.

  12. 答案:who
  13. _______ a gift is the happiest thing for a child on Christmas Day.

  14. 答案:Receiving
  15. ._______which club to attend, Jane asked her friends for advice.

  16. 答案:Not knowing
  17. the library for hours without finding anything useful, I turned to my professor for help.

  18. 答案:Having searched
  19. The professor says that one _____ to meet more people is attending parties.

  20. 答案:way
  21. If I ________ them, I wouldn't agree with any of his suggestions because he is not a trustworthy person.

  22. 答案:were
  23. In terms of improving the economic situation, the policy has been largely ineffective.
  24. Tom came to ask ______ he had to be chosen to negotiate with the European company.
  25. The government has _____ the prices of medicines for the benefit of people.
  26. It was at yesterday's meeting_______I misunderstood what you said.
  27. The technician took one day to complete the task which I planned to fulfill within a week.
  28. You look so tired. I would rather you _______ a rest now.
  29. Tom is always bad at _____ his points in public.
  30. He hardly ever leaves the house after ten at night, ___________?
  31. _______me one more hour,and I'll get the work finished.
  32. Wealthy as he is,he is_______in all areas of his life.
  33. They ________ thankful to have the opportunity to further their studies.
  34. Would you like my old computer in exchange_______this camera?
  35. The drug is reported many trials before it was put into the market.
  36. The woman teacher together with her students _______ to visit the museum tomorrow.
  37. There are days when you come home from a day's work, ________ to make the effort to cook.
  38. As far as we are concerned, you can go whenever you want.
  39. I am __________ with being criticized by people who know nothing about my work.
  40. Unfortunately,when I dropped in, Doctor Li_______for the earthquake-stricken area to help the victims,so we only had time for a few words.
  41. She is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on clothes.
  42. They are very __________ to the dangers of operatiing a nuclear power station.
  43. Only when a reservoir is built here_______the irrigation problem.
  44. A:Would you like to come and see a movie with me tonight? B:I'd love to._______ I have to babysit my little sister.
  45. He had some photos _____ by his friends in memory of the days when they traveled around the world together.
  46. Neither Bill nor his parents at home, so we' d better come next time.
  47. Listening is an active,not a_______behaviour,and it consists of hearing,understanding and remembering.
  48. Look! The reporters how he is going to spend the money he got from the big prize.
  49. The sales had started and the ________ hunters were out in great numbers.
  50. It is well said, in every sense, that a man’s religion is the chief fact with regard to him.
  51. In our modern society no one can avoid by advertisements.
  52. The famous Japanese writer believed that his children were_______ to the writing of his novels.
  53. The number of the young people in the United States who can't read is incredible about one in four.
  54. _______some degree,all managers who supervise employees are involved in HR activities.
  55. I need to move to a larger apartment. Do you know of any one in this neighborhood?
  56. They didn’t see any land until they reached the islands off the coast of Asia.
  57. She will have to look for somewhere else to work,for she can't_______such loud noise any longer.
  58. It _______ for two weeks,and the whole area is flooded.
  59. _______the best in a science competition,the three students were awarded scholarships totalling $21, 000.
  60. The large museums no longer accept everything that is offered to them.
  61. The Great Wall has provided _______ for many artists and musicians over the decades.
  62. _______to work on time,she has to start very early every morning to avoid the traffic jam.
  63. If you had told us earlier _______he was,we could have introduced him at the meeting.
  64. Two thirds of the rubbish in that area ____ by the tourists that come from other countries.
  65. I think you'd better hold your position and don't _______ to their demands.
  66. _______ there was no conclusive evidence,most people still thought he was guilty.
  67. The reason _______they failed to win the election was that they didn't win the support of the people.
  68. It was the drunken driver was to blame for the terrible traffic accident, because he drove too fast on the road.
  69. A:I phoned you yesterday morning. A girl answered,but I didn't recognize the voice.B:Oh,it_______my younger sister. She was in my room at that moment.
  70. According to the regulation,inspections_______ to ensure that the systems are in good condition.
  71. Some businessmen______ hide some important turths to promote their products.
  72. I had to wait for another two months to be able to have the car_______.
  73. Violence on TV may turn out to have an _____________ on some young people.
  74. I have given up trying to convince him; there is no point ________ arguing with him.
  75. The young soldier was _______ wounded in the war and died a few days later.
  76. _____the English examination I would have gone to the concert last night.
  77. Jane ______ in Thailand for 8 years so far, so he is quite familiar with the country.
  78. The missing child's parents became more and more anxious as the hours________.
  79. Don't touch that wire. It's .
  80. Please_______me to take my medicine tonight. It seems that my memory is falling.
  81. Most people were greatly shocked by the news_______ the IT company had gone bankrupt.
  82. As far as I'm concerned, man is ____ intelligent than the cleverest robot.
  83. _____bad news it is ! We must try our best to help them out of the difficulty.
  84. Treat the consumers' problem ______ it happened to you.
  85. With the development of technology, astronauts _______ able to enjoy steaming hot pizza in the near future.
  86. Of more than three hundred people in the airplane that crashed last week,only five_______ miraculously.
  87. Dr. Brown was charged_______providing the patient with an overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient died.
  88. When you work as a lawyer,you must put your personal emotions _______.
  89. I'd like to _____ you to spend the weekend with my family at the Summer Palace.
  90. The time table says that the plane _____ off at 8:30 every morning.
  91. What he'd like ____ a watch.
  92. An early response will be ________.
  93. I'm writing _______ about the computers in Sales Department.
  94. We are confident to overcome difficulties since the government has agreed to give us some help.
  95. The doctor advised Mary to stay in hospital until she was fully recovered.
  96. I am sure that chances are in favor of those who are always ready.
  97. The company ended with 200 unsold books because their sales manager overestimated the demand.
  98. It was not until then that I came to know that knowledge comes from practice
  99. The mother is preparing the Christmas dinner. This includes poultry for the main course(e.g. chicken, turkey, duck, goose), salads, bread, and vegetables. The underlined word "poultry" means_____.
  100. Today, I'd like to talk about some of the changes land can undergo, especially desertification, a process through which land becomes part of desert. The underlined word "desertification" means_____.
  101. Tom must be very affluent. He wears expensive clothes and jewely, drives a Rolls-Royce, and owns a $1,750,000 house in London. What does the underlinded word "affluent" mean?
  102. Being honest is the fundamental requirement if you want to grow spiritually and follow you true destination of personal development. It's not simply about being honest with people. While that will make you a better person and a more accepted one, it’s more important to be honest with yourself. If you want to grow spiritually, it's best for you to _____.
  103. Johnson studied for four yeats at the University of Paris and decided to leave his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida. What is the main idea of the passage?
  104. When was the last time you got in touch _______ your childhood friends?
  105. The match was really fantastic,________ when Smith scored in the last minute.
  106. It  _______ that WHO will soon send an expert team to China.
  107. To some _________ , this factor is not necessary .But she herself does not believe so.
  108. I don't know what Jane ___________ at this time tomorrow.
  109. A: May I talk to Mr. Smith about the sales plan?B:  Sorry. He is in the meeting.Q: What is Mr. Smith doing now?
  110. A: How is your business going on?B: I'm lucky enough. It’s quite good?Q: How is the man's business now?
  111. A: I didn't see you in the office yesterday.B:  I didn't come because I was ill.Q: What happened to the man yesterday?
  112. A: Can I help you, Madam?B: ____________
  113. A: How much does the T-shirt cost?B: ____________
  114. 听力部分SectionD需要考生根据所听的内容补充完整,录音播放三遍,题目要求不能填超过3个词。
  115. 词汇和语法结构部分的题型分为两种:选择题和填空题。
  116. 翻译部分一共5道题,前4道是考查汉译英,第5题考查英译汉。
  117. Task5以简答题形式出现,主要考核在读懂全文的基础上,用正确、简短的语言概括地回答问题,每空不超过          。
  118. 高等学校英语应用能力B级考试方式为笔试,包括五个部分:听力理解、词汇用法和语法结构、阅读理解、翻译(英译汉)和写作/汉译英。
  119. I'm writing  to complain  about the computers in Sales Department.
  120. It was the doctor's suggestion that we for about half an hour after lunch.
  121. My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very about the food he eats.
  122. Don't go there this afternoon; I 'd rather you tomorrow.
  123. A: Where would you like to sit? IB:_______ .I would like to sit by the piano so that I can watch the musician play
  124. ______ you do, you should put your heart into it.
  125. _______you are in yourself, _______your chances of success are.
  126. Millions of workers were _______in the steel industry last year.
  127. We must that the experiment is controlled as strictly as possible.
  128. The American people's _______ of being polite is different from that held in China.
  129. _____ I was busy preparing for my final exam, I didn't reply to your email as soon as I received it.
  130. The murderer was brought in,his hands_______behind his back.
  131. I'll be looking forward to _______your reply as soon as possible.
  132. He was caught _____ in the final examination.
  133. I'm awfully tired and can't go any farther, Ted. Let's have a rest,_______?
  134. It is high time that the government _______the high technology industry.
  135. There are about 5 million businesses in the UK, 99% of_______are small businesses.
  136. I thought the man was lying to protect his wife,but in fact it was the reverse.
  137. Margaret asked me to repeat_______telephone number_______second time so that she could write it down.
  138. She said that we would be here at seven o'clock. But she didn't until eight.
  139. These photos me of the days I spent in the countryside.
  140. He gained his_______by printing_______of famous writers.
  141. ________, he would be the youngest new president ever in that country.
  142. He is totally _____ to other people 's attitudes.
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