
        Everybody sleeps, but what people stay up late to catch—or wake up early in order not to miss—varies by culture. From data collected, it seems the things that cause us to lose the most sleep, on average, are sporting events, time changes, and holidays.

        Around the world, people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time. Russians, for example, began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to “winter time” starting on October 26.

        Russia’s other late nights and early mornings generally correspond to public holidays. On New Year’s Eve, Russians have the world’s latest bedtime, hitting the hay at around 3:30 am.

        Russians also get up an hour later on International Women’s Day, the day for treating and celebrating female relatives.

  Similarly, Americans’ late nights late mornings, and longest sleeps fall on three-day weekends.

  Canada got the least sleep of the year the night it beat Sweden in the Olympic hockey (冰球) final.

  The World Cup is also chiefly responsible for sleep deprivation (剥夺). The worst night for sleep in the U.K. was the night of the England-Italy match on June 14. Brits stayed up a half-hour later to watch it, and then they woke up earlier than usual the next morning thanks to summer nights, the phenomenon in which the sun barely sets in northern countries in the summertime. That was nothing, though, compared to Germans, Italians, and the French, who stayed up around an hour and a half later on various days throughout the summer to watch the Cup.

It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns, and in some of these nations, it’s likely that only the richest people do. And people who elect to track their sleep may try to get more sleep than the average person. Even if that’s the case, though, the above findings are still striking. If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing?

答案:"AI参考:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Russians wake up earlier than Americans on New Years Day. B. People in different countries have different sleep patterns. C. People in different countries have the same sleep patterns. D. The most health-conscious among us have less sleep than the average person. 正确答案是:B. People in different countries have different sleep patterns. 文章中提到,不同的国家睡眠模式不同,根据数据收集,平均来说,导致我们失去最多睡眠的是体育赛事、时间变化和假期。因此,不同国家的人有不同的睡眠模式。所以选项B是正确的。选项A和C与文章内容不符,选项D没有在文章中提到。"

        In 19th- and 20th- century Britain the experience of homesickness began at an even earlier age, when sons of the aristocracy were torn from the family hearth and sent to boarding school at the age of seven. Even today there are stories of boys in school dormitories crying themselves to sleep for want of a mother’s hug, boys who then grew up to be heartless politicians and ruthless captains of industry. Nowadays, homesickness is usually first experienced when teenagers leave home and go to college. Students are even cautioned not to contact their parents too often during the first few weeks, in order to avoid provoking too much attachment.

        So is homesickness just associated with a lack of maturity? In fact, literary references to homesickness can be found in Homer’s Odyssey. The modern term was coined in the 17th century to describe the feelings of Swiss mercenaries who missed their homeland while fighting elsewhere in Europe. They were even banned from singing Swiss songs, which were considered a threat to their skills and courage. It used to be seen as a dangerous disease that people could die from.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, it was considered virtuous to miss your home, especially for women. During the Civil War, soldiers who showed symptoms of combat stress were diagnosed as suffering from “nostalgia”, or severe homesickness. Immigrants still create and live in their own communities, to cope with their homesickness.

        But in recent years, we’ve been more willing to talk about it. They reveal how favorite pieces of music or food can launch them into floods of tears. For professional exiles, homesickness is acknowledged as part of culture shock, a stage everyone goes through sooner or later after the initial enthusiasm for one’s new surroundings. Acknowledging that one is homesick may help avoid the risk of anxiety and depression.

        Homesickness is both a painful longing to be back home, and an extremely common occurrence. It’s not immature or something to be ashamed of. Maybe, just maybe, it’s when your parents die that you make your own home, that you no longer have to suppress your feelings of homesickness. Can you finally indulge in your strong feelings for your own home?

答案:"AI参考:Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage? A. Homesickness is a painful longing to be back home. B. Homesickness is associated with a lack of maturity. C. Homesickness is a universal emotion that everyone experiences. D. Homesickness is an emotion that people often suppress. 正确答案是:C. Homesickness is a universal emotion that everyone experiences. 文章主要讲述了人们对乡愁的认识和感受,强调乡愁是一种普遍的情感,每个人都会经历,无需羞愧或抑制。因此,选项C“乡愁是一种普遍的情感,每个人都会经历”最能概括文章主旨。选项A和B都过于片面,只涉及了乡愁的一部分含义;选项D则与文章内容不符。因此,正确答案是C。"




7.下列搭配对应正确的是_____。( )
A:Curtain call(谢幕) B:Black tea(红茶) C:Back number(最后一位) D:Own goal(乌龙球)
答案:AI参考:正确选项为:D: Own goal(乌龙球)。\n\n选项A、B、C的搭配都不正确。Curtain call(谢幕)通常指的是演出结束时的掌声,而不是指某个动作或行为;Black tea(红茶)是一种茶叶的种类,而不是一个搭配;Back number(最后一位)通常指的是比赛或比赛中的最后一名,而不是一个搭配。因此,只有选项D的搭配是正确的,即Own goal(乌龙球)指的是足球比赛中本方球员将球误打入自家球门的情况。'
8.以下哪些说法可以作为die死亡的委婉表达?( )
A:to be no more B:to be deceased C:to go the way of all flesh D:to be gone
答案:AI参考:正确答案是【ABD】。\n\n这些都是用于描述死亡的委婉表达。A. to be no more表示不再存在;B. to be deceased表示已去世;C. to go the way of all flesh意为走兽之死,是一种俗语,非正式;D. to be gone表示离去或消失。'
9.英语中“bring the house down”和“bring the roof down”表达的意思相同。( )
A:对 B:错
答案:AI参考:答案:B:错。\n\n“bring the house down”和“bring the roof down”在英语中的表达意思不同。前者表示“使全场观众起立鼓掌”,后者表示“使某物爆裂”。因此,该题判断为错误。'
10.boy friend不是复合词。( )
A:对 B:错
答案:AI参考:答案是B:错。boy friend是一个复合词,由两个单词boy和friend组成。'
11.When a group of people reache a _____ it has reached a general agreement about a given point.
A:consensus B:sensitive C:sensational D:sentimental 12.词根meter表示to measure, 从下列选项中选择一个合适的词来完成句子: A _______ measures the number of “feet” that you have walked.
A:biped B:pedology C:pedal D:pedometer 13.A _____ keeps someone from doing something against you.
A:deterrent B:terrotist C:terror D:terrific 14.A _____ person has a strong desire to want a lot of something, especially food.
A:voracious B:devour C:carnivore D:herbivorous 15.删除一个单词尾部看起来像是后缀的部分而生成一个新词的方法是( )。
A:逆构法 B:截短法 C:词缀法 D:后缀法 16.The loquacious and _____ politician was favourite among journalists to interview.
A:elocution B:colloquial C:eloquent D:interlocution 17.下列哪个单词表示to accuse; inform against 的意思?
A:denounce B:announce C:pronounce D:renounce 18.有一些有爱心的成功商人将自己的一部分资金捐献出来,成立基金会,如Bill Gates、马云等,帮助贫困地区发展教育。可以用哪个词来描述他们的这一身份?
A:philanthropist B:politician C:profiteer D:economist 19.We spoke about ____ on the roads.
A:safe B:safely C:saference D:safety 20.下列哪一个单词表示group of instruments which ‘sound’ together的意思?
A:megaphone B:symphony C:microphone D:euphonious 21.The birds soared ____.
A:skyfully B:skywards C:skyful D:skyly 22.前缀eu-表示“good, well”,与它的含义相近的前缀是什么?
A:anti- B:mal- C:bene- D:pro- 23.根据“词根尾部的辅音如果是/t/,那么它的变体形式的尾辅音往往为/s/ ”这一规律,单词extend中表达to stretch,to pull tight等含义的词根tend的变体形式是什么?
A:tenx B:tenz C:teng D:tens 24.表达“一目了然”含义的英语习语是( )。
A:see no further than one's nose B:turn up one's nose at C:as plain as the nose on the face D:look down one's nose at 25.We sponsor a ____ of programs to help new students integrate themselves into the new community.
A:various B:variety C:variation D:varied 26.古英语中的拉丁语单词成分,多由( )而来。
A:与罗马的商业往来 B:基督教会的传教 C:古罗马军队的入侵 D:日耳曼人的入侵 27.由单词circle和circulate,可推测句子“Today anyone with a middle-class income can safely and easily circumnavigate the globe in just forty-eight hours”中的circumnavigate的意思是( ).
A:宇宙飞行 B:环球航行 C:水上旅行 D:陆上旅行 28.下列哪个单词表示to break down naturally through the action of biological agents?
A:biopsy B:biomass C:biodiversity D:biodegrade 29.单词England和English与下面哪个部族的名字密切相关?
A:Angles B:Norse C:Jutes D:Saxons 30.单词distort中,前缀dis-表示away,词根tort 表示twist,句子“His words had been distorted by the reporters”中,distort的近义词是( )。
A:justified B:falsified C:dissatisified D:disconnected 31.下句Our company is short of hands中使用的修辞手法为( )。
A:提喻 B:隐喻 C:借代 D:明喻 32. Only very________ children manage to fill up a money-box.( )
A:swift B:thrifty C:thrilling D:thrive 33. A(n)__________vehicle is one which has been left unwanted and discarded by its owner or by others .( )
A:quit B:abandoned C:deserted D:left 34.He has an interest ____ Beijing opera.( )
A:upon B:on C:in D:for 35.在句子She singled him out at once as a possible victim中,single的词性为( )。
A:动词 B:形容词 C:副词 D:名词 36.下列哪一个单词不是来自法语的借词: ___________。( )
A:question B:sacred C:fear D:Terror 37.The ink had faded so that many words were _____.( )
A:illegal B:impossible C:illegible D:irregular 38. A cat’s mewing may be _________ of hunger, cold or pain.( )
A:express B:expression C:expressionism D:expressive 39.Do try and have____ the children. Remember that you were young once.( )
A:patient to B:patience with C:patient with D:patience to 40.在句子He was knocked out in the first round中,round的词性为( )。
A:动词 B:形容词 C:名词 D:副词 41.以下关于缩略词对应不当的一项是( )。
A:Walmart——Sam Walton+mart B:uni——university C:memo——memory D:DINK——Double Income,No Kids 42.以下哪个词的构词理据为形态理据。( )
A:crow B:snore C:far-reaching D:glare 43. If you want to see the CEO of this company, you’d better make a(n)________ with his secretary first.( )
A:visit B:appointment C:commitment D:interview 44.The brain is the most intricate and complex_________ in existence.( )
A:mechanical B:mechanic C:mechanism D:machine 45.下句Who is the first violin中,使用的词义转移手段为( )。
A:移就 B:通感 C:隐喻 D:借代 46.以下表述正确的是( )
A:overripe、dog-eared、uprising都是复合形容词。 B:air-conditioning、spaceship、overcoat都是复合名词。 C:overcharge、uphold、footprint都是复合动词。 D:throughout、outgo、offset都是复合动词。 47. 下列哪项不是来自逆生词? ( )
A:To lip-read B:To chain-smoke C:To nickname D:To mass-produce 48.下列选项中,哪些后缀可以附加在动词性词根后,表动作行为的过程、状态或结果?
A:-ion B:-age C:-ness D: -ment 49.单词prospect中,前缀pro-表示forward,prospect表示“前景,展望”,由此可推测词根“spect”的意思,下列错误的是(   )
A:to walk B:to see C:to listen D:to say 50.前缀under-可以表示方位含义“在……下面”,下面哪些词中的under-表示此方位含义?
A:underwater B:underdeveloped C:underground D:underwear 51.下列哪些词词性相同?
A:beautify B:hearten C:modernize D:maiden 52.下列哪些单词是首字母拼音词?
A:NATO B:BBC C:UNESCO D:NASA 53.下面哪些单词不是首字母拼读词?
A:SARS B:AIDS C:IELTS D:DPRK 54.下列哪些选项可以用作词根?
A:-er B:pre- C:man D:demo 55.词根man表示hand,在词根后增加元音,有mani、manu等变体形式。下列哪些单词含有这个词根或者其变体形式?
A:manage B:manhood C:manifest D:manuscript 56.运用复合法构成的单词是( )
A:autocamp B:forget-me-not C:ash tray D:sunflower 57.下列选项中,哪些语素表示数量?
A:semi- B:cent C:mono- D:centr 58.前缀pro-为多义词缀,它的含义有( )
A:程度:不足 B:时间:以前的 C:方位:向前 D:态度:赞成 59.下列哪些前缀在表示方位含义上同义?
A:in- B:extra- C:intra- D:inter- 60.An orator is very good at speaking in public, persurading others into believing him.下面哪类人可以被称作orators?
A:美国参与总统竞选竞选发表演说的人 B:辩论赛的辩手们 C:人际交流障碍者 D:法庭里的控辩双方的律师们 61.词根cred的变体形式为credit,它不符合下面哪些音变规律?
A:词根尾部的辅音如果是/t/,那么它的变体形式的尾辅音往往为/s/ B:在词根后加音节-at,-et,-it 或者-ut,形成它的变体 C:两个单词语音相近,则其语义很可能相同或者相近 D:词根尾部如果是除了/t/、/d/、/r/、/b/、/g/外的其他辅音,那么它的变体形式是在词根后加/t/音 62.Which of the following are biodegradable?
A:fallen apples B:tree leaves C:cotton clothes D:plastic bags 63.下列词根都表示to draw tight或者to bind,哪些可以在英语中直接独立成词?
A:strain B:string C:strict D:stress 64.下列哪些构词法是将一个复杂表达缩短构词的方法?
A:词缀法 B:首字母缩略词法 C:拼缀法 D:截短法 65.词根carn表示flesh或者meat,中国哪些传统节日活动可以看作是carnival?
A:春节的庙会 B:端午节的龙舟竞赛 C:中秋节的赏月 D:清明节的扫墓 66.下面选项中哪些单词含有表示“to cut”含义的词根?
A:fraction B:section C:anatomy D:precise 67.Which of the following things are portable?
A:flower B:house C:book D:mobile phone 68.单词e-mail中e-指的是英语单词electric。( )
A:错 B:对 69.uprising是复合形容词,理解为“提升的”。( )
A:错 B:对 70.复合词有很多种类,主要是复合名词、复合形容词以及复合动词。( )
A:错 B:对 71.使用英汉双解词典或者英英词典,让我们更加全面地掌握单词的各种搭配以及切合语境的应用。( )
A:对 B:错 72.后缀-er构成的不同单词汉译时都可以译为“……人”。( )
A:对 B:错 73.英语成语“a dog’s life”的意思是“美满的生活”。( )
A:错 B:对 74.形容词custom-made(定做的) 逆生构成了动词to custom-make(定做)。( )
A:错误 B:正确 75.单词friendly,fatherly,deadly,cowardly的后缀-ly是形容词后缀。( )
A:错 B:对 76.英语表达“dog in the manger”是来源于寓言故事的成语。( )
A:错 B:对 77.民族之间的感情会影响词义的褒贬,例如,因为英国和荷兰在17世纪的时候经常打仗,使Dutch这个词在许多用法中都带上了贬义。( )
A:对 B:错 78.果冻:英式英语是jam,美式英语是jelly。( )
A:错 B:对 79.breakneck是以名词为中心的复合形容词。( )
A:错 B:对 80.语义理据就是试图从词的本义和引申义之间的关系中找到解释某个词表示某种意义的根据。( )
A:错 B:对 81.英语中所有的前缀都只能改变原词或词根的意思,不能改变单词的词性。( )
A:对 B:错 82.词是对相关事物的“命名”或“指称”,绝大多数词与所指称的事物存在直接的联系。( )
A:错 B:对 83.词素(morpheme)是语言中音义的最小结合体。( )
A:错 B:对 84.jetlag是复合词,意思是“飞行时差综合征”。( )
A:错 B:对 85.如果词的使用方式是比喻义的,即词从“字面意义”转移到“比喻意义”,那么词所指事物的类别就完全不同了,词义发生了转移。( )
A:正确 B:错误 86.副词性后缀-ly可以派生出副词,如kindly和friendly等。
A:错 B:对 87.表示heart含义的词根cord经过元音音变后有card这一变体形式。
A:对 B:错 88.早期现代英语中的新增词汇,大部分都是引进的外来词。
A:对 B:错 89.单词anthropology中的词根anthropo表示man,human,那么这个词的意思是“人类学”。
A:对 B:错 90.If someone examines you, you are the examiner and he or she is the examinee.
A:对 B:错 91.Briton、Britannia等词来自于日耳曼人。
A:错 B:对 92.一个语素之所以会有不同变体形式,是因为它受一个单词中其它语素发音的影响,会呈现不同的发音形式,但语义保持不变。
A:对 B:错 93.北欧维京海盗的入侵标志着中古英语的开始。
A:错 B:对 94.The participants in a discussion are the people who participate in it.
A:对 B:错 95.If you are employed by a company, you are one of its employers.
A:对 B:错 96.单词是不可再分的语言单位。
A:错 B:对 97.The person who conducts an orchestra or choir is called the conducter.
A:对 B:错 98.单词antecedent中的词根为ced,它和单词ancestor中cest都表示to go的意思。
A:对 B:错 99.单词patriot中的词根为patri,该词根表示mother。
A:对 B:错 100.拉丁词根string、strain、strict和stress都表示to draw tight或者to bind, 在英语中都可以独立用作单词。
A:对 B:错 101.Doggy和mummy具有功能及意义完全相同的后缀。
A:对 B:错 102.Your teacher is the person who teaches you.
A:错 B:对 103.诺曼征服开启了古英语发展的辉煌旅程。
A:错 B:对 104.与Marxism含义相同的表达是Marxist doctrine。
A:错 B:对 105.单词forever,eve和longevity中都含有表示“时间”含义的词根ev 。
A:对 B:错 106.选出下列词义变化为缩小的单词。( )
A:garage B:china C:champagne D:starve 107.“打破词典三大误区”是哪三大误区? ( )
A:一本词典走天下。 B:词典越大越好,收词量越多越好。 C:词典是令人敬畏的权威,不会有错。 D:使用英英词典,去接触真实的英语环境。 108.表示“解决问题”的英文搭配有_____。( )
A:Solve a problem B:Encounter a problem C:View a problem D:Undo a problem 109.下列单词中由自由词根构成的词有( )。
A:animate B:visit C:bookish D:childhood 110.选出下列词义变化为扩大的单词。( )
A:arrive B:girl C:manuscript D:chap 111.以下属于通过逆生法得到的复合动词是( )
A:babysitter——to babysit B:driveway——to driveaway C:outline——to outline D:footprint——to footprint 112.以下属于截短词形式的是( )。
A:截除首尾 B:截除词首 C:截除词腰 D:截除词尾 113.下列英语哪些是从法语中借用过来的_________。( )
A:rapport B:champagne C:naive D:salon

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