1.From an economic standpoint, nonpricing strategies are more likely to be misinterpreted by competitors as aggressive acts.
A:对 B:错
2.In excess capacity model, the potential entrant moves first and selects a level of capacity, then the monopolist decides whether to enter, then the monopolist selects a capacity level and an output. The potential entrant produces a quantity of zero if it stays out.
A:错 B:对 3.In excess capacity model, the monopolist invests in excess capacity in period 1 in order to ( ) its costs in period 2; more importantly, this investment ( ) the monopolist’s costs in relation to a potential entrant’s costs in period 2. As a result, the monopolist deters entry and earns larger profits over the two periods.
A:increase, lowers B:increase, increases C:lower, lowers D:lower, increases 4.In excess capacity model, the monopolist can threaten to build the extra capacity after the potential entrant has already entered, but such a threat is not credible.
A:对 B:错 5.In excess capacity model, the monopolist cannot build the extra capacity in advance of the potential entrant’s decision of whether to enter. The monopolist’s early expansion of capacity would only affect the profit payoffs of itself.
A:错 B:对 6.When learning by doing is important, early entrants into the market may be able to maintain a large market share and increase the present value of their profits by strategically producing significantly larger outputs early on than would be justified by short-run profit-maximizing behavior.
A:对 B:错 7.According to Smiley’s results about the frequency use of different strategies, the most striking finding was that the strategic use of advertising and product proliferation was common in both new and existing product markets.
A:对 B:错 8.In excess capacity model, the monopolist invests in excess capacity in ( ) in order to lower its costs in ( ); more importantly, this investment lowers the monopolist’s costs in relation to a potential entrant’s costs in period 2. As a result, the monopolist deters entry and earns larger profits over ( ).
A:period 2, period 1, the two periods. B:period 1, period 2, the two periods. C:period 2, period 1, period 1. D:period 1, period 2, period 1. 9.

Faced with a threat of entry, the monopolist can invest in research and development in period 1 and earn a smaller profit in (     ); however, if the monopolist’s lower costs in period 2 deter entry, the monopolist’s profits will be significantly increased in(     )


period 2, period 2.


period 1, period 2


period 2, period 1


period 1, period 1.

10.Which of the following methods could be used for a monopolist to raise its rivals’ costs?
A:lobbying the government to erect barriers to entry B:sabotaging corporate competitors C:providing complementary goods and services to force entrants to also provide complementary products D:increasing advertising expenditures to force entrants to increase their advertising expenditures

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