1. Soft drinks are charged on board. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Looking after the flight crew is not responsibility of cabin attendants. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Travelers can choose a train, a bus, a ship, a plane, etc. as their means of transportation _____ their tastes. (       )

  6. 答案:according to
  7. He was responsible for the engine's _____. (       )

  8. 答案:maintenance
  9. The thing _____ now is clearing up the mess. (       )

  10. 答案:to do
  11. The plane won't make an emergency landing at alternate and ask the help from the ground ____ there are passengers suffering from a life threatening disease. (       )

  12. 答案:unless
  13. Bad weather will not only disrupt flight schedules, but also _____ the safety of the plane. (       )

  14. 答案:endanger
  15. Newly on the ground, passengers needn’t worry about deplaning because they will have enough time to collect their_____ . (       )

  16. 答案:belongings
  17. Mary doesn't mind our_____ fun of her. (       )

  18. 答案:making
  19. ______ instructed to do anything necessary, the cabin attendants should make sure that no one goes anywhere near the bomb. (       )

  20. 答案:Unless
  21. The car is eight years old, but it operates as if it ______ new. (       )

  22. 答案:were
  23. A transit passenger is one who ______ the same, onward flight. (       )
  24. If the route weather is unfavorable, turbulence will cause problems for the cabin attendants as they work. ( )
  25. If the crew is responsible, passengers will feel less comfortable and more anxious with     their travel. ( )
  26. Passengers buy duty free items because they are charged sales tax. ( )
  27. Shock has the different degrees. It can range from fainting to deep shock following serious injuries and illnesses.  ( )
  28. A cabin attendant must be trained to perform her own assigned duties and to provide whatever assistance the other cabin attendants require.  ( )
  29. Passengers move physically through the terminal system using the passenger holding areas. ( )
  30. She sang _____ at the party last night. (       )
  31. No sooner ______ a sick passenger on board ____ the cabin attendant notified and kept the     captain informed of the situation. (       )
  32. If the cabin attendants find it difficult to follow the passengers’ speech, they must be _____, and ask for repetition. (       )
  33. Kangaroo belts ______ strap children to the parent belts. (       )
  34. It is important to make sure that all the ___________ are observed when sending goods by air. (       )
  35. The purser must ______ the inventory of the liquor and cigarettes before the plane lands. (       )
  36. The airline didn't agree to meet their demand for a pay rise ____ the crew threatened to hold a strike. (       )
  37. The cockpit is provided with _____ insulation. (       )
  38. The turbulence can be severe to a degree sufficient to _____ any aircraft. (       )
  39. Occasionally cabin attendants make announcements _____ specific circumstances. (       )
  40. Lightning accompanying a thunderstorm can _____ aerials or affect radio-navigation equipment, particularly at lower levels. (       )
  41. All taxable items must be listed. Those which are not found on the _____ form may subject the owner to heavy fines. (       )
  42. Passengers may ________ the "Goods to Declare Channel" or the "Nothing to Declare Channel" according to their individual cases. (       )
  43. In some airports, those who have goods to _____ pass through the red channel. (       )
  44. Were it not for the fact that there is dense fog in the destination airport, the flight ______ there? (       )
  45. We may monitor the system where possible and may properly ________ our own responsibilities. (       )
  46. When a first aid incident occurs, the cabin attendants must make a detailed _____ of the     incident. (       )
  47. ________ the shipping agent or freight forwarder will collect the goods from the enterprise. (       )
  48. Customers may have a _____ for the purchase after buying duty-free goods on board. If a customer offers the change as the tips, the stewardesses always reply in polite refusal. (       )
  49. Cabin attendants should possess essential qualifications for their work, _____ the rigid physical requirements. (       )
  50. The captain suggested that the flight ______ to the alternate airport. (       )
  51. Note that _____ items such as bottles are best not stored in the overhead compartments. (       )
  52. I appreciate your ______ me about that.  (       )
  53. In both Africa and Asia, a number of independent countries were emerging, each of which had ambitions of operating its own national carrier, so they purchased those surplus propeller powered planes sold by the jet-owning airlines. ( )
  54. Cabin attendant seats may be provided with a maximum of 6 imperative seats in A340-500. ( )
  55. CD-player is likely to be provided to passengers on board. ( )
  56. 当有乘客挡住过道时,可以这样说:“Would you kindly make some room for the old lady to pass by?” ( )
  57. Cabin crew check the safety belts only at takeoff and landing. ( )
  58. The passenger seating layout may be varied to suit operating requirements up to a certified the biggest number of 380 seats. ( )
  59. The crew must be ______ the damage and be ready to use the flashlights. (       )
  60. The grooming training for CA will include consultations with hairdressers and makeup teachers with the emphasis on practicing ______.   (       )
  61. The key for this padlock is in the ________ of the purser or senior purser. (       )
  62. He suggested that the meal and drink service ______ at once. (       )
  63. There are plenty of parking ________ in front of the airport. (      )
  64. The purpose of the last check of the cabin is to _____.  (       )
  65. Don’t touch any explosive device, because it may be ___ to heat, altitude or movement. (       )
  66. An airplane cannot depart or land ___________ with poor visibility. (       )
  67. For this reason airlines have a _____ of lighter meals which can be loaded according to the time of day. (       )
  68. When taking care of the _____ minor, the cabin attendants should use the child's name when talking to him/her, and keep the conversation appropriate to the child's age. (       )
  69. The first recorded incident of hijacking took place in July 1948, _____ four Chinese hijackers seized control of a flight from Macao to Hong Kong. (       )
  70. There is no possibility that the plane ______ in Hong Kang for two days. (       )
  71. The cabin attendants make good use of their first-kit according to signs and ____ of a passenger. (       )
  72. Passengers are requested to take all their _____ when they disembark. (       )
  73. I was going to phone my classmate, ______ I lost his telephone number. (       )
  74. A passenger with a baby or an incapacitated passenger might need______ in deplaning. (       )
  75. The early planes were _____ trains over the same routes. (       )
  76. They may need to check to ensure the normal condition of equipment, and to have a post-flight briefing and evaluate the service that has just come to an end. ( )
  77. Drinks are often served after meals. ( )
  78. The crisis management drill comes into force in an aircraft as it is hijacked due to a failure of preventive measure. ( )
  79. Cabin attendants don’t have the time for their own in-flight meals. ( )
  80. When administering first aid, cabin attendants can minimize passenger's complaints concerning illness or injury. ( )
  81. Then the Customs should ________ separate dutiable and duty free limit for each category of passengers. (       )
  82. In Airbus 340 the _____ is arranged to allow a two-member operation. (       )
  83. Most involuntarily bumped passengers ____ some minimum compensation schedule. (       )
  84. A tailwind can be of great ______ as it increases the ground speed and results in a reduction in fuel consumption.  (       )
  85. Fog, dust, wind, etc., are common bad weather _____ that affect flying safety. (       )
  86. The plane _____by the time he arrived. (       )
  87. I want to have my watch _____. (       )
  88. The airbus 340 is a _____ transport aircraft. (       )
  89. The management of the company was delighted to receive the prize as best small _________ in 2002. (       )
  90. Idiomatic phrases, slang and strong _____ accents should be avoided in the communication. (       )
  91. We must _____ that the flight arrives on time. (       )
  92. During the emergency landing, about 100 meters before landing, the purser will announce "_____" to the passengers. (       )
  93. _____ is not among the things to do after the boarding. (       )
  94. What information can be obtained from the boarding pass during boarding? (       )
  95. She can ______ take the examination offered to all applicants ______ask for a personal    interview.  (       )
  96. I wish (that) we ______ in New York any longer last time we went there. (       )
  97. The cabin attendant in charge of the doors should know that door in "____" condition when aircraft is clear of stairs or as soon as the aircraft is moving. (       )
  98. A gun is allowed to take into the cabin. ( )
  99. Travelers should hand in their "Arriving and Departing Travelers Customs Declaration Form",    or any other official declaration forms at the Declaration Desks. ( )
  100. As cabin attendant, learn some basic first aid knowledge is difficult for the cabin service.
  101. Aircraft seat belts should be tied when cabin attendants show passengers how to fasten and unfasten them.
  102. When passengers are involuntarily bumped, they can be compensated properly according to relevant regulations. ( )
  103. To a passenger in shock, breathing may be rapid and the casualty may become confused or unconscious. ( )
  104. Passengers needn’t be shown how to fasten, pull and release their seat belts. ( )
  105. Passengers who import prohibited articles illegally will suffer possible jail sentences. ( )
  106. Before the flight the cabin attendants usually attend two briefings, one held by the captain and the other held by the purser. ( )
  107. The reason to prohibit some electric appliances on airplanes during the flight is that they will be additional weight. ( )
  108. When an international passenger _____ at a country, he must go through the customs formalities.
  109. U.S. airlines provide compensation only when a passenger is involuntarily bumped. ______ this limitation, they will still offer something for the troubles. (       )
  110. Some goods are heavy and _______ quite a small volume, like metal automotive parts. Other goods have a large volume for their weight, like fresh flowers. (       )
  111. It's a long letter, but _____, he says "no". (       )
  112. Both active and passive panic can be controlled by ______intervention. (       )
  113. If an explosive device is suspected on board, the cabin crew should move the passengers ____ the device as possible. (       )
  114. By the end of last year, she___ as a cabin attendant for 10 years.
  115. Leisure travelers are often _____ to experiment and try new brands that they might not normally purchase in full-price domestic stores. (       )
  116. Establishment of the "Something to Declare" Channel and the "Nothing to Declare" Channel ______ whether the passenger's luggage needs customs declaration or not. (       )
  117. Some customers for duty free goods were with taste and _____ spending power. (       )
  118. Then psychological (心理的)aspect also focuses on the hijackers engaged in negotiations _____ persuade them to give up hijacking. (       )
  119. In order to keep safe, passengers must have _____ in their crew during the flight.
  120. When administering first aid, avoid direct contact ______ blood and open cuts ____ your skin or _____ your mouth. (       )
  121. Deep shock range from fainting to deep shock ( ) a serious injury or illness, especially where there is severe bleeding or pain.
  122. Narrowly, the flight crew includes such people except _____. (       )
  123. What he will do is _____ some information for the passengers on future flights. (       )
  124. U.S. airlines are allowed to overbook flights to ______ “no-show” passengers. (       )
  125. It is often ____ the passenger to know _____ demands can be made in order to get compensation as soon as possible. (       )
  126. Now we can fly to Tokyo. There was a time _____ we had to take a boat. That was very inconvenient. (       )
  127. During the briefing, the chief purser attendant assigns positions by _____ and qualifications. (       )
  128. The airplane is going to land at a(n) ________ airport because of unfavorable weather conditions or a sick passenger on board. (       )
  129. Sometimes luggage is loaded onto a non-stop flight even though you were on a plane that had a _____ on the way. (       )
  130. All doors become emergency exits _____ evacuation.
  131. What one thinks and feels is _____ due to habit and education. (       )
  132. All aircraft are ______ with inflatable escape slides. (       )
  133. The end of the in-flight sales service is normally _____ about an hour before arrival. (       )
  134. After the aircraft __ to a full stop, leave it speedily from the cloest exit.
  135. ______ business you may be engaged in, you must do your best. (       )
  136. This is a place___ we had a transit stop last time.
  137. Operational requirements make it necessary to _____ to another aircraft. (       )
  138. The fuselage has a circular cross section and is enclosed and air pressure is added with the _____ of the nose and tail cone. (       )
  139. The areas of responsibility of cabin attendants during an emergency do not include ___.
  140. This seat belt, the lap-strap _____ is broken, is of no use. (       )
  141. He ______ control and strives for his own survival. (       )
  142. Mr. Smith _____ his flight. The cabin attendant offers to carry his bag and show him to his seat. (       )
  143. _____ is not among the information on the I-94 Arrival and Departure card. (       )
  144. Items ______ as baggage may be acceptable as cargo. (       )
  145. Sometimes, passengers may have to take large items. If a passenger can't take it into the cabin, he will have to ( ) it.
  146. Passengers must be ______ as to the type of goods they are prohibited from transporting aboard an aircraft as checked baggage or carry-on articles.
  147. The day ______I shall never forget is the one ____ I became a cabin attendant. (       )
  148. The captain advised that the plane land at an alternate airport ___ there was a sick passenger.
  149. If the passenger ___ more attention to his handbag, he might not have lost it.
  150. As a rule, passengers with plants or animals must ______ the "Certificate of Origin" issued at the time of purchase when going through the quarantine.
  151. ______is by far the most dangerous part of the flight
  152. I have lost __ completely. What time and what day is it?
  153. Before the plane lands, cabin attendants should take back____ that have been given away to passengers.
  154. Airsickness may occur during the flight, especially if the person is passive, in a hot ( ) cabin and is experiencing unusual motion, such as in turbulence.
  155. ( ) is used in situations where the injured passenger or crewmember needs emergency treatment to stop bleeding, bandage a cut and fix a limb.
  156. When there is a medical incident during the flight, cabin attendants should notify and keep the captain informed of the situation. Complete the appropriate administrative procedures and documentation.
  157. First aid lasts until medical aid arrives or until the casualty recovers.
  158. When there are in-flight medical emergencies, cabin attendants should work as a team with each flight attendant performing a duty to ensure prompt and ( ) handling of the situation.
  159. First aid is the initial care of the sick or injured. It can preserve and protect the unconscious. It can also ( ) worsening of a condition and promote recovery.
  160. If a passenger faints during a flight, cabin attendants should keep other passengers from ( ) the patient.
  161. A fracture is a broken or cracked bone. The area where the break has occurred may be ( ), bruised, misshapen or swollen, and unable to use the arm or leg normally.
  162. When the slide is ______, jump to sit onto the slide and slide down.
  163. The cabin emergency exits are used for _____.
  164. These are the emergency and survival equipment on board ______ an emergency incident should happen.
  165. Which methods of preventing hijackings are effective?
  166. Certain dangerous goods are ________ to be too dangerous to be carried by air.
  167. Duty free service is available on _____.
  168. Alcoholic beverages are free of charge for _____.
  169. Passengers buy duty free items _____.
  170. Which of the following is NOT listed as one of the special meals in the text?
  171. Food and drinks are often _____.
  172. Which of the following means different from the other choices?
  173. Which of the following is TRUE?
  174. Which of the following should not be among the characteristics of children's food?
  175. Please fasten your seat belt, open the sunshade, and make sure all electronic devices have been _____. (       )
  176. What is Chinese meaning for “unaccompanied minor”? (       )
  177. In order to ensure the normal operation of the airplane _____ and communication system, cell phones are strictly prohibited on the plane.  (       )
  178. I apologize that there is no _____ in the overhead locker above your seat. (      )
  179. Sir, is this your baggage? This is an _____. For safety purpose, would you mind putting it into the overhead compartment? (       )
  180. What is Chinese meaning for “pregnant”? (       )
  181. I will get you a _______ seat belt for the baby. (       )
  182. May I help you to hang your coat in the  _____? Please let me know when you need it. (       )
  183. Special care must be taken in checking the seat belts of certain types of passengers, especially the elderly, handicapped passengers and others. ( )
  184. The safety demonstration that follows the welcome announcement is an absolute requirement on every flight. ( )
  185. Changing seats is not so easy and simple. There is a science behind the weight distribution: ( ).
  186. In the cabin, there is a space between every two rows: this is the ( ).
  187. The seat number will be indicated on the ( ) near the seat.
  188. There are different classes in the cabin, economy class, first class and ( ) .
  189. With the boarding pass, passengers have the permission to enter the restricted area of an airport and to board the airplane for a particular flight.
  190. The important information is on the ( ): airline, flight number, date, seat number, boarding time, gate number, etc.
  191. The following items can be transported by air, for example, the flammable and explosive materials, the poisonous materials, radioactive materials, and so on.
  192. Which one is not a proper space for carry-on baggage?
  193. It is necessary to pay special attention to the elder, the sick, the disabled, and the children.
  194. The _____ may assign the stewardesses to other locations such as the terminal end of the boarding bridge
  195. The position of the stairs or air bridge should ____ for safety before landing.
  196. For take-off, cabin attendants must __ with seat belts secured.
  197. The pilot will conduct the briefing, reviewing ( ) and any other important aspects of what the particular flight will entail.
  198. Dozens of others are working _____ to prepare the plane and its passengers for the trip
  199. The cabin attendant was  _____ to first class section during this flight. (       )
  200. Cabin attendants must _____ their language to the age, experience and level of understanding of each individual passenger. (       )
  201. The knowledge of essential information and an ability to work in a team are also important qualifications for a cabin attendant. ( )
  202. Cabin attendants may need English to report a cabin _____ at a foreign airport. (       )
  203. In order to be _____ cabin attendants, they should pay attention to every detail of their appearance, language, behavior and service to the passengers. (       )
  204. Dignity, warmth, and a _______ liking for people are the best qualities. (       )
  205. Cabin attendants’ professional image _____ the airlines’ service image. (       )
  206. Cabin attendants must be familiar with routine emergency procedures. ( )
  207. Passengers’ opinion of an airline is not based on cabin attendants’ speech, behavior and service standard. ( )
  208. They should be able to remain calm and keep the passengers calm in an _____.  (       )
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