  1. Cohesion is achieved by using the following ways, except ( )。

  2. A:transitional words B:disorder C:referencing D:repetition
  3. Which cohesive device has been employed in the following passage( )?
    When scientific experiments do not work out as expected, they are often considered failures until some other scientist tries them again. Those that work out better the second time around are the ones that promise the most rewards.

  4. A:ellipsis B:repetition C:transitional word D:referencing
  5. What does R possibly mean in “SQ3R”( )?

  6. A:read, review, repeat B:read, recite, review C:read, recite, repeat D:recite, review, repeat
    答案:read, recite, review
  7. You can read with the questions generated during the preview of the text for deeper understanding. The following are some hints to read, except ( )。

  8. A:jotting down notes in the margin B:highlighting all the details C:focusing on transition words D:paying attention to the first sentence of each paragraph
    答案:highlighting all the details
  9. Which of the following statement about skimming and scanning is true ( )?

  10. A:Skimming involves a very quick eye movement over the text, but scanning doesn’t. B:Although skimming and scanning are quite different, they can be used in combination when you are reading. C:‘To scan’ means‘to take a quick glance’. D:‘To skim’ means‘to look for something’.
    答案:Although skimming and scanning are quite different, they can be used in combination when you are reading.
  11. The following are the steps you usually go through when you scan to answer questions:
    ①Try to anticipate how the answer will appear in the text and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer.
    ②When you locate a keyword, read the surrounding text carefully to see if it is relevant.
    ③Identify the key words in the question.
    ④Re-read the question to determine if the answer you found answers this question.
    ⑤Use headings, subheadings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the information you are looking for.
    What is the correct order you should follow ( )?

  12. A:②④①③⑤ B:③①②⑤④ C:③①⑤②④ D:⑤④②①③
  13. Which of the following indicates an inference question ( )?

  14. A:“Where did the author received his first degree?” B:“How long has the speaker stayed in the island?” C:“What does the underlined word mean?” D:“Which of the following statements is best supported by the passage?”
    答案:“Which of the following statements is best supported by the passage?”
  15. Which of the following is NOT a good way to make inference ( )?

  16. A:Reading between lines. B:Checking the evidence in the paragraph. C:Judging by one’s own knowledge. D:Inferring from the context.
    答案:Judging by one’s own knowledge.
  17. What is the writer’s purpose if the writing is to give readers information about a certain topic ( )?

  18. A:To inform. B:To entertain. C:To argue. D:To persuade.
    答案:To inform.
  19. What is the purpose of a personal statement which is part of your application ( )?

  20. A:To persuade. B:To argue. C:To inform. D:To entertain.
    答案:To persuade.

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