

  1. Glass and reputation are easily cracked and never mended. In the above sentence, ( ) is applied.

  2. A:metaphor B:transferred epithet C:zeugma D:metonymy
  3. Her life was a tissue of vanity and deceit. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  4. A:synecdoche B:simile C:metaphor D:transferred epithet
    AI参考:正确答案是C:metaphor 。句子中使用了隐喻修辞手法,将“她的生活”比作“一张虚荣和欺骗的织物”,因此选项C“隐喻”是正确答案。A选项“提喻”通常用于描述事物的部分特征,B选项“明喻”通过比较两个事物之间的相似性来表达,D选项“转喻”是一种替代或转换的表达方式,与句子中的修辞手法不符。'
  5. Read, then, the following essay which undertakes to demonstrate that logic, far from being a dry, pedantic discipline, is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  6. A:personification B:synecdoche C:simile D:metaphor
  7. Bees hum. ( ) is used in the above sentence.

  8. A:Consonance B:Onomatopoeia C:Alliteration D:Assonance
  9. This prize was the blue ribbon in mathematical research. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  10. A:simile B:metaphor C:metonymy D:transferred epithet
    答案:篮带的,有一定名誉地位的人AI参考:答案:B推理过程:这句话中“This prize was the blue ribbon in mathematical research”中用到了比喻的修辞手法,用奖品的美好的品质或外观来描绘它。故选B。'
  11. ( ) is not a euphemism.

  12. A:Death-penalty—capital punishment B:Economic crisis—recession C:Stupid—foolish D:Strike—industrial action
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Strike—industrial action。strike-industrial action(罢工-工业行动)不是委婉语,而其他选项中的词都是委婉语。因此,正确答案是D。'
  13. Nice lies are harmless and well-intended, a necessary social lubricant. This sentence is in ( ).

  14. A:metaphor B:climax C:overstatement D:simile
  15. He treats his child as the apple in the eye. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  16. A:personification B:metaphor C:simile D:synecdoche
    AI参考:答案是B:metaphor。句子中的“he treats his child as the apple in the eye”使用了比喻修辞手法,其中“apple in the eye”指的是最珍贵、最重要的东西,在这里表示“他视自己的孩子为最珍贵的存在”。所以答案是B,metaphor。'
  17. “Going to one's long home” is a euphemism used to express ( ).

  18. A:employment B:age C:position D:death
  19. ( ) is symbolic of anyone who is “locked” in a childhood mind-set.

  20. A:Alice B:Juliet C:Cinderella D:Peter Pan
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Cinderella。Cinderella是灰姑娘的意思,象征着被困在童年思维模式中的人。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项中,Alice和Juliet通常与特定的故事或情境相关联,而Peter Pan则与儿童和幻想有关,不太适合作为“被困在童年思维模式中的人”的象征。'
  21. Professor Wilson has a very busy schedule. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  22. A:metaphor B:simile C:transferred epithet D:synecdoche
    AI参考:句子“Professor Wilson has a very busy schedule.”中使用的修辞手法是“提喻”(Synecdoche)。在这个句子中,“schedule”作为整体被提及,但仅指的是其一部分,即特定的时间安排或活动。提喻是通过局部代替整体,或通过整体代替局部,来表达一种概括的意义。因此,选项D:“Synecdoche”是正确答案。'
  23. She closed her nervous life at the age of eighty. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  24. A:metaphor B:personification C:transferred epithet D:simile
    AI参考:正确答案是C:transferred epithet。句子中“closed her nervous life”使用了转喻手法,即用一个名词代替另一个名词或事物。所以答案为C。A选项比喻,B选项拟人,D选项明喻,都与句子不符。'
  25. Moreover, she had married into conversation. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  26. A:simile B:metaphor C:metonymy D:personification
    AI参考:答案B. metaphor。句子中使用的修辞手法是隐喻,表示“她通过婚姻而说话”。在英语中,隐喻通常是用一个事物来比喻另一个事物,用来表达两个事物之间的相似之处。而选项A是明喻,C是转喻,D是拟人,与句子所表达的意思不符。因此,答案为B。'
  27. The coat would be beyond his miserable pocket. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  28. A:simile B:metaphor C:transferred epithet D:metonymy
    AI参考:正确答案是C:transferred epithet。这句话使用了转移修饰语(transferred epithet)的修辞手法,指的是一个词或短语原本用来形容某人或某物,但在语境中转移到另一个与之有相似性的人或物上。在这个句子中,“beyond his miserable pocket”原本指的是一件外套价格高昂,让人难以承受,但现在转移到了他贫乏的口袋上,表达了他无法购买这件外套的意思。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项不符合这句话的修辞手法。'
  29. Truth is a deep well. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  30. A:synecdoche B:transferred epithet C:metaphor D:simile
    AI参考:正确选项是C:metaphor。原文中使用了“Truth is a deep well”这个比喻句,将真理比作深井,因此答案为C,即比喻。其他选项A、B、D都不符合句子的修辞手法。'
  31. ( ), as an allusion, refers to a person who finds it hard to decide and act.

  32. A:Shylock B:Hamlet C:Mikey D:Romeo
  33. The men were held in the valley by a wall of fire. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  34. A:simile B:metaphor C:personification D:synecdoche
  35. If someone is not wealthy, we can use the following expressions except ( ) for euphemism.

  36. A:the have-nots B:poor wretch C:the underprivileged D:the disadvantaged
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:poor wretch其他选项A,C,D都符合贫寒的含义,表示一种带有同情、照顾的情感,对于某个个体物质财富、权利等方面表达出来一种不安感、无力感、受苦感。而poor wretch 是直译表达,对于物质贫困的表述更直白。所以答案是B。'
  37. Zeugma is a figure of speech by which ( ) is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence.

  38. A:four words B:two words C:a single word D:three words
    AI参考:正确答案是C:a single word。Zeugma是一个词组,指的是用一个单词修饰或支配同一句中的两个或更多单词的修辞手法。因此,C选项“一个单词”是正确答案。其他选项A、B、D都与修辞手法的定义不符。'
  39. I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  40. A:metonymy B:simile C:transferred epithet D:metaphor
    AI参考:正确答案是D:metaphor。这句话的意思是“我有实力,他们从我这里赚钱。上面句子中使用的修辞手法是隐喻(metaphor)”。因此,答案为D。A.转喻(metonymy)指的是用一个事物的名称代替与其有关联的其他事物。B.明喻(simile)是用比喻词“像……一样”来连接本体和喻体。C.移情(transferred epithet)是将通常用来形容甲的词语转移用来形容乙。在题目中,肌肉并没有被用来代替说话者本人或其他事物,而是被用来比喻说话者的实力,因此选择D。'
  41. “I want to congratulate myself on the good fortune that my illness has brought me.” In the above sentence, ( ) is used.

  42. A:irony B:overstatement C:oxymoron D:paradox
  43. He crashed down on a protesting chair. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  44. A:metaphor B:synecdoche C:transferred epithet D:simile
    AI参考:正确选项是B:synecdoche。句子中使用了“crashed down”这个词语,表示他猛地摔在椅子上,这是属于象征(synecdoche)的修辞手法,即部分代替整体。其他选项A、C、D都不符合句子的语境和修辞手法。'
  45. Oxymoron has the following functions except ( ).

  46. A:closing a statement. B:enhancing a concept. C:creating an impression. D:making a sense of humor.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:closing a statement.。oxymoron的意思是通过运用矛盾的词汇来创造一个富有幽默感和有趣的效果,B选项(增强概念)是它的功能之一;C选项(创造印象)也是它的功能之一;D选项(制造幽默感)也是它的功能之一。而A选项(封闭声明)不是oxymoron的功能。因此,答案是A。'
  47. It is a fair and square affair from the beginning to the end. The phonetic device used in the above sentence is ( ).

  48. A:Onomatopoeia B:Alliteration C:Assonance D:Consonance
    AI参考:在给出的句子中,“from the beginning to the end”是一种重复(alliteration),用于强调每一部分或主题的起始和结束。这是一种在文学和日常对话中常用的技巧,能够强调话语的重要性。其他选项A(拟声词)、C(同音韵)、D(同音节)与句子中描述的情况不符。因此,答案是B:Alliteration。'
  49. “We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air.” ( ) is not a proper quality of the above sentences.

  50. A:Parallelism B:Repetition C:Climax D:Balanced sentence
  51. Speech is silver; silence is golden. ( ) is not a proper quality of the above sentences.

  52. A:Repetition B:Parallelism C:Antithesis D:Balanced sentence
  53. “It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpieces of horror.” In the above sentence, ( ) shows irony.

  54. A:incredible B:ignorance C:masterpieces D:horror
  55. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. The repetition in the above sentence is ( ) .

  56. A:syntactic framing B:syntactic epiphora C:repetition of the whole sentence D:syntactic anaphora
    答案:错AI参考:答案选B:syntactic epiphora。这句话的意思是让自由从密西西比山脉的每一座小山和土堆中响起,从每一座山峰中响起。这句话中的重复是语法上的重复,即同一个词或短语在句子中重复出现两次或更多次,这种重复在修辞上被称为“语法重复”。因此,答案为B。'
  57. He is a black sheep in the family. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  58. A:synecdoche B:metaphor C:simile D:personification
  59. Yet most education discourages people from venturing far enough to take risks to make mistakes. The phonetic device used in the above sentence is ( ).

  60. A:Alliteration B:Consonance C:Assonance D:Onomatopoeia
  61. He likes to dress in cottons. ( ) is applied in the above sentence.

  62. A:Metaphor B:Simile C:Synecdoche D:Metonymy
    答案:at a nightclubAI参考:正确答案是C:Synecdoche。Synecdoche是修辞手法的一种,指的是部分代替整体,或整体代替部分。在这个句子中,“cottons”代表了所有的棉质衣物,属于部分代替整体的情况,因此选C。A选项“隐喻”通常用于描述两个不同但相关的事物之间的相似性,B选项“明喻”通常用于直接比较两个事物之间的相似性,D选项“借代”通常用于用部分代替整体或用专有名词代替普通名词。这些选项与这个句子的语境不符。'
  63. My brain, a precise instrument, slipped into high gear. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is ( ).

  64. A:simile B:synecdoche C:personification D:metaphor
    答案:Doppler Log
  65. I buried my head under the miserable sheet and rug, and cried like a child. In the above sentence, ( )is applied.

  66. A:metonymy B:zeugma C:transferred epithet D:metaphor
    AI参考:正确答案是D:metaphor。这句话的意思是“我埋着头在又冷又薄的被单和毛毯下哭泣,像个孩子一样。”其中“buried my head”是隐喻,表示“埋头于某物中”,与“哭泣”形成对比。其他选项不符合语境。因此,答案为D。'
  67. There are two kinds of repetition, namely, repetition in ( ) and repetition in dialogue.

  68. A:dictation B:speaking C:writing D:reading
    答案:to help the students memorize and master the imitated materialsAI参考:正确答案是B: speaking。该句的意思是重复有两种形式,即口述重复和对话重复。根据语境,只有B选项“speaking”符合。A选项“dictation”指听写,C选项“writing”指写作,D选项“reading”指阅读,都与重复无直接关系。因此,B选项为正确答案。'
  69. The crowd hissed the speaker when he said the taxies should be increased. ( ) is used in the above sentence.

  70. A:Alliteration B:Consonance C:Onomatopoeia D:Assonance
  71. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo committed suicide because he thought Juliet was dead. The irony is ( ).

  72. A:situational irony B:verbal irony C:dramatic irony D:none of them
    答案:错误AI参考:在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,罗密欧自杀是因为他认为朱丽叶已经死去,这种具有讽刺意味的情况是情境反讽(situational irony)。因此,正确答案是A。'
  73. The sentence that falsehoods can put us on a slippery slope is in ( ).

  74. A:simile B:overstatement C:climax D:metaphor
  75. So excited ( ) that he could not say a word.

  76. A:he did B:he was C:did he D:was he
    AI参考:正确答案是 B.he was 。此题中需要使用强调句型。因为 excited 是系动词,而“could not say a word”是对谓语动词的描述,因此应使用过去时。故正确选项为B。因此,该句的正确答案是 B:he was so excited that he could not say a word。'
  77. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. In the above sentence, ( ) are used.

  78. A:anti-climax B:inversion C:parallelism D:climax
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:parallelism】。在所给句子中,各个词、词组或从句在语法和语义上构成平行关系,形成了平行结构。因此,选项C parallelism符合题意。而选项A anti-climax(反高潮)通常用于表示文章或句子结构中突然出现的与前文相反的转折或对比,与句子语境不符;选项B inversion(倒装)通常用于表示语法上的特殊结构,如部分倒装,也不符合题意;选项D climax(高潮)通常用于描述文章或对话中的情感或思想的高潮部分,同样与句子语境不符。'
  79. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. In the above sentence, ( ) are used.

  80. A:anti-climax B:antithesis C:climax D:parallelism
  81. If not required by grammar, one can use rhetorical inversions to serve for his specific writing purposes. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. In parallelism, the parallel elements may range from a minimum of three to any number required. ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    答案:free answer.AI参考:答案是B:错。并行元素的最小数量应该是至少三个,但题目中并没有提到任何数量要求,因此该说法是不准确的。因此,答案为B:错。'
  85. Consonance is also called rhyme. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
    答案:repetition of identical consonant sounds within two or more words in close proximity,as in boost/best;it can also be seen within several compound words,such as fulfill and Ping-Pong.AI参考:正确答案是B,对。和协音也叫押韵。'
  87. English sounds are classified phonetically into vowels and consonants. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. A loose sentence can be changed into a periodic one by preposition. ( )

  90. A:对 B:错
  91. Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. In the above sentence, a metaphor is applied. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错
    答案:Forrest Gump
  93. Formal words often appear in formal writing, such as scholarly or theoretical writing, political and legal documents, and formal lectures. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. The sentence “Two heads are better than one” means two persons are better than one. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:“对”。句子“Two heads are better than one”的意思是“两个人一起总比一个人强”,所以这个说法确实意味着两个人比一个人更好。因此,答案是B,即这个句子是正确的。'
  97. Different from English, there is no irony in Chinese. ( )

  98. A:对 B:错
  99. Uncle Sam is often used to refer to the United States of America. ( )

  100. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A。Uncle Sam常用来指美国。因此,这个判断题是正确的。'

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