1.After water, tea is the( )mostly widely consumed beverage in the world. .
A:fourth B:first C:third D:second
2.There is always an array of small, delicate clay figurines of ( ), which are usually called tea pets.
A:animals B:children C:Buddhas 3.Chinese Baijiu has a production history of more than 2,000 years, and usually uses ( )as its raw materials.
A:potatoes B:beans C:sorghum 4.Due to a special seasoning, ( )is famous for its numbing and spicy flavor.
A:Chengdu hotpot B:Chongqing hotpot C:Chaoshan hotpot D:Beijing hotpot 5. Which of the following Chinese idioms refers to a betrothal meaning?( )
A:three teas and six rites B:plain tea and bland rice C:have no appetite for rice or tea D:after having dinner and drinking tea 6.From the 6th century to the 20th century, people in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces traveled by foot and horseback with pack horses to exchange tea for horses with people in Tibet. ( )
A:错 B:对 7.Literally, the Chinese character 茶 just likes a person standing between grass and wood, exactly conveying Chinese traditional theory that humanity and nature are a community of life. ( )
A:对 B:错 8.中国白酒一般有酱香、浓香、清香和米香之分,其酒精含量通常超过60%。( )
A:错 B:对 9.按照时间长短吃火锅可分为 汆、涮、煮三种,分别对应不同的食材,肉片蔬菜易老适宜“汆”,内脏鳝鱼带虫要“煮”,而毛肚鸭肠讲究“涮”。( )
A:错 B:对 10.俗语“冬至饮酒,天长地久”,反应出酒与节气相互联结、相互”缠绕”的密切同源关系。( )
A:对 B:错

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