第六章 Unit 6 Less is more:Is more always better than less?Just as all people have to make decisions in their everyday lives, college students are always faced with the dilemma of making right choices. The experiments in which students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology participated reveal one of the weaknesses in human beings: It’s hard to bear seeing opportunities slip away. This can also be illustrated by our modern life which brings an abundance of options to choose from. Repeated messages all around people say, “This choice is good. But wait! This next choice might be even better!” However, when there are too many choices in life, people usually feel less happy and more depressed. This kind of situation is not uncommon and can be noticed everywhere, and in the end nothing seems “good enough”. This unit provokes an interesting topic: Is more always better than less? Revolving around this topic, Text A pinpoints a weakness of human beings. As is evidenced by an experiment conducted by Dr. Ariely, it is hard for people to bear to see their options vanish. Text B supports this assumption: People feel less happy and more depressed when given an overabundance of choice. The two texts are similar not only in the theme but also in the way they unfold the topic, using a dramatic entrance to present the issue. So the topic discussion of online learning is “ Is less always better than more?” The second part is reading skill. The topic is reading between the lines. The third part is writing skill. The topic is the format of a letter.6.1英语怎么说?:Topic Discussion:The topic is about less is better than more. Life is full of choices. No matter who you are, you're going to be faced with situations where you need to make a choice every day.        Is more choices always better than less? Some examples are introduce. To an extent, it is only logical to think that if some choice is good, more is better. The fact is many people end up unhappy rather than pleased when their options expand. In numerous everyday domains, it has been ‘demonstrated that increasing the number of options can lead to poor choice. That can decrease satisfaction with the choice. How to live happily with less? What is the proper way to deal with this dilemma? 1) Limit the amount of information you take in. 2) Be aware of what you want. “Duan, She, Li” is also important on decision making. Letting yourself have less options to choose from can help you arrive at a more creative answer.
6.2英语怎么读?:Reading Skills:The topic of this lecture is about a reading skill, reading between lines. Reading between the lines is making inferences about the author's ideas from what is written as well as from what is not written. In other words, writers do not express all their thoughts directly, but they give hints and clues that help you “read between lines”. It gives us a deeper understanding of our reading; It can help us go beyond the surface details to see deeper meanings that the details imply or suggest; It can enhance the pure joy of reading. It can boost the development of our meta-cognitive skills;What steps to follow to acquire the skill?Step I: Read the title and the subtitles for the main idea.Step II: Read the entire passage.Step III: Relate the passage to extra-contextual factors.Step IV: Connect ideas and make the conclusion.By following these steps, students can better understand the reading passage and improve their reading skills.
6.3英语怎么写?:Writing Skills:Practical writing is a tool for people to convey information, deal with affairs and exchange feelings. Letters, according to different purposes, can be divided into thanks letter, invitation letter, apology and complaint letters. Format for letters should include addressing, date and inscription. Let's firstly look at the location of dates. It should be put on the top right of the paper. There are two kinds of formats for date. In America, people often use month, date, year format in a letter. While British people like to use date month year format in their writing. For month, we can use its full name, or abbreviation. For date, we can use either cardinal number or ordinal number. For year, you should write it completely. We use a comma to separate date month and year. The location of addressing is in the next line of the date, top left. The last part is inscription, which is placed one or two lines below the body part of the letter, in the middle right.
[多选题]According to the video, how to live happily with less? 
Be aware of what you want
If a thing is good, more should be even better.  
 Limit the amount of information you take in
The more information you have, the better decisions you can make.
答案:Limit the amount of information you take inBe aware of what you want
[判断题]Some choice is undoubtedly better than none, but more is not always better than less.

[多选题]What can the skill “reading between the lines” do for us? 
It can enhance the pure joy of reading.
It can help us go beyond the surface details to see deeper meanings that the details imply or suggest.
It can boost the development of our meta-cognitive skills.
It gives us a deeper understanding of our reading.[判断题]There are two kinds of formats for date. In America, people often use month, date, year format in a letter. While British people like to use date month year format in their writing.

[单选题]Displaying too many goods can actually overwhelm consumers and make them ______ shopping. 
be happy with
be good at
stop[判断题]Practical writing is a tool for people to convey information, deal with affairs and exchange feelings.

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