第四章 Unit 4 Dance with love:Nowadays, for many students, college years are a perfect time to build friendships, especially for dating and romantic relationships. Young people long to find the right person ( their great love) whom they will spend their whole lifetime and raise a family with. However, it has never been an easy task. Just as the traditional rules and roles of dating are changing fast, beliefs and norms about how men and women should interact with one another are changing tremendously as well. Should students date during college years? If yes, should they date seriously or just for fun? What kind of person is ideal to date? Should women initiate and invite men out for a date? Who should pay for the date? Does formal dating have more advantages than casual dating or vice versa? Consider your own feelings about dating and get ready to give your insights to respond to these questions.This unit is designed to let students navigate their college romance. The topic discussion of online learning is about the background informaion of the 1960s. The second part is reading skill. The topic is understanding idiomatic expressions. The third part is writing skill. The topic is the focus on a narrative essay.4.1英语怎么说?:Topic Discussion:The 1960s in the United States are often perceived today as a period of profound societal change. Attitudes to a variety of issues changed, sometimes radically, throughout the decade. The urge to “find oneself”, the activism of the 1960s, and the quest for autonomy were characterized by changes toward sexual attitudes and practices, particularly among the young. The sexual revolution was often seen to have been centered on the university campus, among students. While the term “revolution” implies radical and widespread change, this was not necessarily in the case. Even in the “liberal”1960s, conservative and traditional views were widely held. The love story in Text A coincides with what happened in that particular historical period of time in the United States. From the story students can see the main characters, college sweethearts back then, were actually following a more traditional pattern of dating, romantic but conservative, a clear stream on campus in the 1960s.
4.2英语怎么读?:Reading Skills:An idiom is a phrase or expression where the words together have a meaning that is different from the meaning of the individual words as defined in dictionaries. Students or English learners often find that it is difficult to understand the idioms. Why do we have difficulty understanding the idioms? It is because the definitions for each individual word in dictionaries don’t always help and can even fool students entirely. Idioms grow out of events and usage within the specific culture, which is why learning about different aspects of a certain culture is as important and maybe more important in some instances, if students want to understand idioms to achieve truly effective communication. An idiom usually contains these three features. When we try to understand an idiomatic expression, we should put the idiom into the specific culture or put it into a context. If we do not have the knowledge of the specific culture, we cannot understand why the idiom appears.
4.3英语怎么写?:Writing Skills:A narrative is a story containing specific elements that work together to create interest for not only the author but also the reader. The elements of narrative writing include the plot, the characters, the setting, the climax, and the ending. A plot tells us what the story is about. It gives us the basic information such as who, what, where, when, why, and how does the story happen. Events unfold as they happen. Characters are the people who are affected by the actions of the plot. Setting is where and when the narrative takes place. It allows the readers to visualize the scenes and the characters in those scenes. Climax is the turning point of the narrative. It reveals the process involved for solving the conflicts. The ending tells how the resolution of the conflicts have affected the characters. To write a narrative paragraph, you should follow 4 steps
[单选题]Today's topic is to talk about the 1960s, we will mainly focus our attention on the events in ______.
[多选题]"The Sixties", as they are known in both ____  and ______, is a term used by historians, journalists, and other objective academics.
popular culture
book[单选题]_______ is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual.
Characteristics[单选题]What does “pull someone’s leg” mean? 
就棍打腿[单选题]A narrative is a ______ containing specific elements that work together to create interest for not only the author but also the reader.  
essay[判断题]The elements of narrative writing include the plot, the characters, the setting, the  climax, and the ending.

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