

  1. For hospitals that dispose of waste on their own premises, the optimum treatment method is

  2. A:incineration B:compaction C:sterilization D:hydropulping
  3. People are now living longer than ever before
    for many different reasons.

  4. A:The people in this region do not seem togain anything from medical science. B:Some people in the Soviet Union’s CaucasusMountains live to be over 100 years of age C:No one seems to understand this phenomenon. D:Advances in medical science have donewonders for longevity.
    答案:Advances in medical science have done wonders for longevity.
  5. According to the passage, two effective methods for treating waste caused by infectious matter are

  6. A:hydropulping and steam sterilization B:incineration and compaction C:hydropulping and incineration D:steam sterilization and incineration
    答案:Freshers’Week.AI参考:根据文章内容,治疗由传染病引起的废物产生有两种有效的方法,即A选项:hydropulping和蒸汽灭菌法;D选项:蒸汽灭菌和焚烧。因此,这两个方法被广泛使用,能够有效地减少废物的数量并降低传染病的传播风险。B选项的compaction(压实)与处理传染病废物的目的不符,C选项的incineration(焚烧)虽然也是一种处理废物的方法,但它通常用于燃烧垃圾和有害物质,而不是治疗传染病废物的有效方法。因此,正确答案是A:hydropulping and steam sterilization。'
  7. Gary is a distinguished looking man with a
    touch of gray at the temples. Even in his early
    50s, he still turns heads. He enjoys spending
    most of his time admiring his profile in the
    mirror. In fact, he considers his good looks to
    be his second-most important asset. The first,
    however, is money. He is lucky in this area,
    too, having been born into a wealthy family.
    __________. He loves the power his wealth
    has given him. He could buy whatever he
    desires, whether that be people, places, or
    things. Gary checks that mirror often and feels
    great delight with what he sees.

  8. A:The only objects of Gary’s respect are others who hold positions in society above him. B:Conceit is the beginning and the end of Gary’s character; conceit of person and situation. C:Gary feels blessed to be wealthy and the joyconsumes his every thought D:. Gary’s gray hair is his worst characteristic.
    答案:B.Conceit is the beginning and the end of Gary’s character;conceit of person and situation.
  9. Critical reading is a demanding process. To read
    critically, you must slow down your reading and,
    with pencil in hand, perform specific operations
    on the text. Mark up the text with your reactions,
    conclusions, and questions. When you read,
    become an active participant This paragraph best supports the statement that

  10. A:. critical reading is a slow, dull, but essentialprocess B:critical reading requires thoughtful andcareful attention C:critical reading should take place at thesame time each day D:the best critical reading happens at criticaltimes in a person’s life E:readers should get in the habit of question?ing the truth of what they read.
    答案:critical reading requires thoughtful and careful attention.
  11. The composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s remarkable musical talent was apparent even before most children can sing a simple nursery rhyme.Wolfgang’s older sister Maria Anna (who the family called Nannerl) was learning the clavier, an early keyboard instrument, when her three-year-old brother took an interest in playing. As Nannerl later recalled, Wolfgang “often spent much time at the clavier picking out thirds, which he was always striking, and his pleasure showed that it sounded good.” Their father Leopold, an assistant concertmaster at
    the Salzburg Court, recognized his children’s unique gifts and soon devoted himself to their musical education. Born in Salzburg, Austria, on January 27, 1756, Wolfgang had composed his first original work by age five. Leopold planned to take Nannerl and Wolfgang on tour to play before the European courts. Their first venture was to nearby Munich where the children played for Maximillian III Joseph, elector of Bavaria. Leopold soon set his sights on the capital of the Hapsburg Empire, Vienna. On their way to Vienna,the family stopped in Linz,where Wolfgang gave his first public concert. By this time, Wolfgang was not only a virtuoso harpsichord player, but he had also mastered the violin. The audience at Linz was stunned by the six-year-old, and word of his genius soon traveled to Vienna. In a much anticipated concert, the Mozart children appeared at the Schonbrunn Palace on October 13, 1762. They utterly charmed the emperor and empress. Following this success, Leopold was inundated with invitations for the children to play, for a fee. Leopold seized the opportunity and booked as many concerts as possible at courts throughout Europe. A concert could last three hours,and the children played at least two per a day. Today, Leopold might be considered the worst kind of stage parent,but at the time,it was not uncommon for prodigies to make extensive concert tours.Even so,it was an exhausting schedule for a child who was just past the age of needing an afternoon nap. Based on information found in the passage, Mozart can best be described as

  12. A:the greatest composer of the eighteenth century. B:a child prodigy. C:a workaholic. D:a victim of his father’s ambition.
  13. choose the sentence that
    does NOT support the given topic sentence.In Moby Dick, Herman Melville wrote that the
    whale men were “enveloped in whale lines,”
    that each man relied on the others during
    moments of danger

  14. A:. Once the whale was harpooned, the whaleline unraveled so fast that water had to bepoured on it to keep it from smoking. B:One wrong move and the line would snap aman right out of the boat; thus, his lifedepended on whether the crew would cutthe whale loose to save him, or leave him inthe ocean during the heat of the hunt. C:. The small boats that pursued the whales left the whaling ship far behind; each manin a boat had to depend on the others tostay alive. D:. The whale line was the rope, dozens ofyards long, that attached to the harpoon;it was raveled under the seats of all the men metaphorically connecting each manto the next.

  15. Once people wore garlic around their necks to ward off disease. Today, most Americans would scoff at the idea of wearing a necklace of garlic cloves to enhance their well-being.However,you might find a number of Americans willing to ingest capsules ofpulverized garlic or other herbal supplements in the name of health. Complementary and alternative medicine, which includes a range of practices outside of conventional medicine such as herbs,homeopathy,massage therapy,yoga,and acupuncture,hold increasing appeal for Americans.In fact,according to one estimate,42% ofAmericans have used alternative therapies.In all age groups,the use of unconventional healthcare practices has steadily increased in the last 30 years, and the trend is likely to continue, although people born before 1945 are the least likely to turn to these therapies.Why have so many patients turned to alternative therapies? Many are frustrated by the time constraints of managed care and alienated by conventional medicine’s focus on technology. Others feel that a holistic approach to healthcare better reflects their beliefs and values.Others seek therapies that relieve symptoms associated with chronic disease;symptoms that mainstream medicine cannot treat. Some alternative therapies have even crossed the line into mainstream medicine, as scientific investigation has confirmed their safety and efficacy. For example, physicians may currently prescribe acupuncture for pain management or to control the nausea associated with chemotherapy. Additionally, many U.S. medical schools teach courses in alternative therapies,and many health insurance companies offer some alternative medicine benefits.According to the passage,which practice would not be defined as alternative medicine?

  16. A:taking herbal garlic supplements B:massage therapy C:pain management D:acupuncture

  17. Use of electronic mail (e-mail) has been widespread for more than a decade.E-mail simplifies the flow of ideas, connects people from distant offices, eliminates the need for meetings, and often boosts productivity.However,e-mail should be carefully managed to avoid unclear and inappropriate communication. E-mail messages should be concise and limited to one topic.When complex issues need to be addressed,phone calls are still best.Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

  18. A:Appropriate Use of E-Mail B:E-Mail:The Ideal Form of Communication C:E-Mail’s Popularity D:Why Phone Calls Are Better Than E-Mail
    AI参考:正确答案是A: 恰当使用电子邮件(E-mail)文章主要讲述了电子邮件的使用优势,但同时也强调了需要谨慎管理,避免出现不清晰和不适当的沟通。因此,最合适的标题应该是“恰当使用电子邮件”,即A选项。文章没有对电子邮件作为理想通信方式或电子邮件的流行程度进行讨论,而是着重强调了在使用电子邮件时需要注意的问题。D选项“为什么电话比电子邮件更好”则过于片面,忽略了电子邮件的其他优点。B选项“电子邮件:理想的通信方式”则过于绝对,因为电子邮件并不是唯一的通信方式。'
  19. The hairs themselves are very sensitive.

  20. A:A cat’s whiskers are among the most perfectorgans of touch B:. The roots contain highly sensitive nerveendings. C:This is most important for a cat that doesits prowling at night. D:. Serving as feelers, they aid the cat’s abilityto move in the dark

  21. Native American art often incorporates a language of abstract visual symbols.The artist gives a poetic message to the viewer, communicating the beauty of an idea, either by using religious symbols or a design from nature such as rain on leaves or sunshine on water.The idea communicated may even be purely whimsical, in which case the artist might start out with symbols developed from a bird’s tracks or a child’s toy. The main idea of the passage is that Native American art

  22. A:communicates the beauty of ideas through the use of symbols. B:is purely poetic and dreamlike. C:is usually abstract,although it can also be poetic and beautiful. D:is sometimes purely whimsical.

  23. Firefighters are often asked to speak to school and community groups about the importance of fire safety,particularly fire prevention and detection. Because smoke detectors reduce the risk of dying in a fire by half, firefighters often provide audiences with information on how to install these protective devices in their homes. Specifically,they tell them these things:A smoke detector should be placed on each floor of a home.While sleeping,people are in particular danger of an emergent fire,and there must be a detector outside each sleeping area.A good site for a detector would be a hallway that runs between living spaces and bedrooms. Because ofthe dead-air space that might be missed by turbulent hot air bouncing around above a fire,smoke detectors should be installed either on the ceiling at least four inches from the nearest wall,or high on a wall at least four,but no further than twelve,inches from the ceiling. Detectors should not be mounted near windows,exterior doors,or other places where drafts might direct the smoke away from the unit.Nor should they be placed in kitchens and garages, where cooking and gas fumes are likely to cause false alarms.
    A smoke detector must always be placed

  24. A:outside at least one of the bedrooms on any level of the home. B:in all hallways of a home. C:in kitchens where fires are most likely to start. D:outside all bedrooms in a home.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:outside all bedrooms in a home.】。根据文章中的描述,消防员通常会被邀请到学校和社区团体中讲解消防安全的重要性,特别是火灾预防和检测。其中提到烟雾探测器可以将火灾中丧生的风险降低一半,因此消防员通常会向听众提供关于如何在自己的家中安装这些保护设备的信息。具体来说,他们告诉他们以下事项:烟雾探测器应该安装在房屋的每一层。睡眠时,人们尤其面临紧急火灾的危险,每个睡眠区域都应安装探测器。探测器的好位置是连接起居区和卧室的走廊。由于火灾上方可能被湍流热空气忽略的静空气空间,烟雾探测器应该安装在离最近墙壁至少4英寸的吊顶上,或者高挂在离天花板至少4英寸、最多12英寸的墙壁上。探测器不应安装在窗户、外门或其他可能导致烟雾从探测器旁边飘过的地方。也不应放置在厨房和车库,因为烹饪和燃气泄漏可能导致误报。因此,烟雾探测器必须始终安装在每个卧室的外面。所以选项D是正确的。'
  25. There is no instruction by the old bird in the
    movements of flight; no conscious imitation
    by the young.

  26. A:. Young birds brought up in artificial envi?ronments will build the proper kind of nestfor their species when the time comes. B:. Young birds frequently make their firstflights with their parents out of sight C:. More extraordinary than the fact that a birdis able to fly untaught, is that it is able tobuild a nest untaught D:The most obvious way in which birds differfrom humans in behavior is that they cando all that they have to do, without everbeing taught.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:The most obvious way in which birds differfrom humans in behavior is that they cando all that they have to do, without everbeing taught.】。原文中提到“老鸟在飞行动作上没有指导,小鸟也没有有意识地模仿”,这表明鸟类在行为上与人类不同,它们不需要被教导就能完成它们需要做的事情。因此,选项D最符合原文意思。选项A、B、C虽然也涉及到了鸟类行为与人类的不同之处,但表述不够准确或不够全面。'
  27. Saving energy means saving money.Homeowners and renters know this basic fact,but they often don’t know what kinds of adjustments they can make in their homes and apartments that will result in savings. For those willing to spend some time and money to reap long-term energy savings, an energy audit is the way to go. An energy auditor will come into your home and assess its energy efficiency.The auditor will pinpoint areas of your home that use the most energy and offer solutions to lower your energy use and costs. Trained energy auditors know what to look for and can locate a variety of flaws that may be resulting in energy inefficiency,including inadequate insulation,construction flaws,and uneven heat distribution. There are quicker and less costly measures that can be taken as well.One way to save money
    is to replace incandescent lights with fluorescents. This can result in a savings of more than 50% on your monthly lighting costs. When it’s time to replace old appliances,it’s wise to spend a bit more for an energy-efficient model,and be sure that you are taking advantage of energy-saving settings already on your current refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, or dryer. Windows provide another opportunity to cut your energy costs. Caulk old windows that might be leaky to prevent drafts, and choose double-paned windows if you’re building an addition or replacing old windows. Most areas of your home or apartment offer opportunities to save energy and money. The results are significant and are well worth the effort.
    217. Which two main organizational schemes can be identified in this passage? a. hierarchical order and order by topic b. order by topic and cause and effect c. hierarchical order and chronological order d. chronological order and compare and contrast
    218. Which of the following ideas is NOT included in this passage? a. You can reduce your $130 monthly lighting costs to $65 by using fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent. b. Double-paned windows can cut energy costs. c. Your local energy company will send an energy auditor at your request. d. Some appliances have energy-saving settings.
    219. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage? a. There are many things a homeowner or renter can do to save energy and money. b. Hiring an energy auditor will save energy and money. c. Homeowners and renters don’t know what they can do to save energy and money. d. Replacing windows and light bulbs are well worth the effort and cost.
    220. According to the passage,which of the following would an energy auditor NOT do? a. Check for construction flaws. b. Look for problems with heat distribution. c. Offer solutions to lower your energy costs. d. Locate a variety of flaws that may result in energy inefficiency and fix them.
    221. According the passage,double-paned windows a. are energy efficient. b. should only be used as replacement windows. c. should only be used in new additions to homes. d. will lower your heating costs by 50%.

  28. A:should only be used in new additions to homes. B:will lower your heating costs by 50%. C:should only be used as replacement windows. D:are energy efficient.

  29. The Daylight Saving Time Energy Act of 1973 was responsible for

  30. A:preserving and setting Daylight Saving Time across the continent B:instituting five time zones in the United States C:extending Daylight Saving Time in the interest of energy conservation D:conserving energy by giving the Department of Transportation authority over time laws
    AI参考:正确答案是C:在节能的利益下延长夏令时。四个选项都与时间和时区相关,但是问题明确要求从A项(保持和设置大陆上的夏令时)中选择。The Daylight Saving Time Energy Act of 1973 是在能源方面延长夏令时的法案,因此答案为C。'
  31. According to the passage, Milton Hershey sold his caramel company in

  32. A:1905 B:1894 C:1900 D:1904
    AI参考:正确答案是A:1905。根据文章中的描述,Milton Hershey在1905年卖掉了他的糖果公司,所以答案是A。文章中并没有提到他何时卖掉公司的具体年份,但文中提到“他在经营自己的工厂,并且在全美销售自己的糖果”,这表明他是在一个相对晚些的时期卖掉公司的。因此,选项B、C、D都不正确。'
  33. This passage is best described as

  34. A:a statement supporting the value of federal social policies B:a condemnation of outdated beliefs C:a polite response to controversial issues D:an account of the causes and effects of a major event
    AI参考:正确答案是B:a condemnation of outdated beliefs。文章主要讲述了联邦社会政策的重要性,而B选项中的“谴责过时的信仰”与文章内容相符,因此B选项是最佳描述。A选项中“支持联邦社会政策的价值”与文章内容不完全相符;C选项中的“礼貌地回应有争议的问题”虽然也符合文章内容,但文章并未明确表明作者的态度;D选项中“描述重大事件的原因和影响”虽然也是文章内容的一部分,但文章并非单纯地讲述原因和影响,而是通过具体案例说明联邦社会政策的重要性。因此,正确答案是B。'
  35. One New York publisher has estimated that
    50,000 to 60,000 people in the United States want
    an anthology that includes the complete works of
    William Shakespeare. And what accounts for this
    renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars
    point out, the psychological insights he portrays
    in both male and female characters are amazing
    even today.This paragraph best supports the statement that

  36. A:. academic scholars are putting together ananthology of Shakespeare’s work. B:. Shakespeare was a psychiatrist as well as aplaywright. C:. Shakespeare’s characters are more interest?ing than fictional characters today D:people today are interested in Shakespeare’swork because of the characters E:New Yorkers have a renewed interested inthe work of Shakespeare.

  37. The term policies, as it is used in paragraph 2, most nearly means

  38. A:practices B:laws C:theories D:examples
  39. In his famous study of myth, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell writes about the archetypal hero who has ventured outside the boundaries of the village and, after many trials and adventures, has returned with the boon that will save or enlighten his fellows. Like Carl Jung, Campbell believes that the story of the hero is part of the collective unconscious of all humankind. He likens the returning hero to the sacred or tabooed personage described by James Frazier in The Golden Bough. Such an individual must, in many instances of myth, be insulated from the rest of society, “not merely for his own sake but for the sake of others; for since the virtue of holi- ness is, so to say, a powerful explosive which the smallest touch can detonate, it is necessary in the interest of the general safety to keep it within narrow bounds.”
    There is between the arche- typal hero who has journeyed into the wilderness and the poet who has journeyed into the realm of imagination. Both places are dangerous and full of wonders, and both, at their deepest levels, are journeys that take place in the kingdom of the unconscious mind, a place that, in Campbell’s words, “goes down into unsuspected Aladdin caves. There are not only jewels but dangerous jinn abide . . . ”

    Based on the passage, which of the following would best describe the hero’s journey?

  40. A:whimsical B:awesome C:terrifying D:wonderful

  41. Remember that much scientific and technical writing deals with cold, hard, explicit facts. This means that, with close reading, you stand a good chance of answer- ing most, if not all, of the questions with confidence.

    No longer is asthma considered a condition with isolated, acute episodes of bronchospasm. Rather, asthma is now understood to be a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways—that is, inflammation makes the airways chronically sen- sitive. When these hyperresponsive airways are irritated, airflow is limited, and attacks of cough- ing, wheezing, chest tightness, and breathing difficulty occur.
    Asthma involves complex interactions among inflammatory cells, mediators, and the cells and tissues in the airways. The interactions result in airflow limitation from acute bron- choconstriction, swelling of the airway wall, increased mucus secretion, and airway remodel- ing. The inflammation also causes an increase in airway responsiveness. During an asthma attack, the patient attempts to compensate by breathing at a higher lung volume in order to keep the air flowing through the constricted airways, and the greater the airway limitation, the higher the lung volume must be to keep airways open. The mor- phologic changes that occur in asthma include bronchial infiltration by inflammatory cells. Key effector cells in the inflammatory response are the mast cells, T lymphocytes, and eosinophils. Mast cells and eosinophils are also significant partici- pants in allergic responses, hence the similarities between allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Other changes include mucus plugging of the airways, interstitial edema, and microvascular leakage. Destruction of bronchial epithelium and thickening of the subbasement membrane is also characteristic. In addition, there may be hyper- trophy and hyperplasia of airway smooth muscle, increase in goblet cell number, and enlargement of submucous glands.

    Although causes of the initial tendency toward inflammation in the airways of patients with asthma are not yet certain, to date the strongest identified risk factor is atopy. This inherited familial tendency to have allergic reac- tions includes increased sensitivity to allergens that are risk factors for developing asthma. Some of these allergens include domestic dust mites, animals with fur, cockroaches, pollens, and molds. Additionally, asthma may be triggered by viral respiratory infections, especially in children. By avoiding these allergens and triggers, a person with asthma lowers his or her risk of irritating sensitive airways. A few avoidance techniques include: keeping the home clean and well venti- lated, using an air conditioner in the summer months when pollen and mold counts are high, and getting an annual influenza vaccination. Of course, asthma sufferers should avoid tobacco smoke altogether. Cigar, cigarette, or pipe smoke is a trigger whether the patient smokes or inhales the smoke from others. Smoke increases the risk of allergic sensitization in children, increases the severity of symptoms, and may be fatal in chil- dren who already have asthma. Many of the risk factors for developing asthma may also provoke asthma attacks, and people with asthma may have one or more triggers, which vary from individual to individual. The risk can be further reduced by taking medications that decrease airway inflam- mation. Most exacerbations can be prevented by the combination of avoiding triggers and taking anti-inflammatory medications. An exception is physical activity, which is a common trigger of exacerbations in asthma patients. However, asthma patients should not necessarily avoid all physical exertion, because some types of activity have been proven to reduce symptoms. Rather, they should work in conjunction with a doctor to design a proper training regimen, which includes the use of medication.
    In order to diagnose asthma, a healthcare professional must appreciate the underlying dis- order that leads to asthma symptoms and understand how to recognize the condition through information gathered from the patient’s history, physical examination, measurements of lung function, and allergic status. Because asthma symptoms vary throughout the day, the respiratory system may appear normal during physical examination. Clinical signs are more likely to be present when a patient is experienc- ing. What is the reason given in this article for why passive smoke should be avoided by children?

  42. A:Smoke can heighten the intensity of asthma symptoms. B:Breathing smoke can lead to a fatal asthma attack. C:Smoke can stunt an asthmatic child’s growth. D:A smoke-filled room is a breeding ground for viral respiratory infections.

  43. Reality TV shows will have an adverse effect on
    traditional dramas and comedies. As Reality TV
    increases in popularity, network executives will
    begin canceling more traditional programs and
    replacing them with the latest in Reality TV. This paragraph best supports the statement

  44. A:network executives make hasty and unwisedecisions. B:Reality TV shows get the highest ratings C:. as Reality TV gets more popular, more traditional television shows may be threatened. D:. Reality TV is low quality E:more and more people love to watch andparticipate in Reality TV.
  45. One of the most common injuries teenagers and
    adults experience is a sprained ankle. A sprain
    occurs when the ligaments of a joint are twisted
    and possibly torn. Ligaments are bands of stringy
    fibers that hold the bones of a joint in position. A
    sprain can occur from a sudden wrenching at the
    joint, or a stretching or tearing of the fibers of the
    ligaments. The injured area usually swells and
    becomes black and blue. Stepping off the sidewalk
    at the wrong angle or having one foot land in a
    hole while jogging can leave you rolling on the
    ground in agony with an ankle on fire! If you
    cannot walk without experiencing intense pain,
    you must seek medical help. If the pain is man ageable, and you can walk, here are three words to
    help you remember how to treat yourself:
    ■ Elevate
    ■ Cool
    ■ Bandage
    As soon as there is injury to that ligament,
    there will be a certain amount of bleeding under
    the skin. Once the blood pools around the dam aged blood vessels, inflammation and swelling
    occur. The pressure from the swelling results in
    additional stress and tenderness to the region. In
    order to minimize the degree of swelling, lie down
    as soon as possible and keep the ankle elevated so
    that it is actually higher than your heart. Next, to
    shrink the blood vessels and keep bleeding (hence
    bruising) to a minimum, apply a cold pack. After
    20 minutes, take the pack off, wait half an hour,
    and then reapply. This can be done several times
    a day for a total of three days.
    Never leave a cold pack on for more than 20
    minutes at a time. Reducing the temperature in
    that area for an extended period of time signals
    the body to increase blood flow to raise the body
    temperature! Therefore, one inadvertently trig gers more blood distribution to the affected area
    by leaving a cold pack on for too long! Finally,
    bandage the ankle. Be careful not to wind it too
    tightly; doing so can restrict blood flow and cause
    harm to the entire foot. It can be inferred that the black-and-blue
    symptom of the sprain is due to

  46. A:bleeding under the skin. B:dirt ground into the wound from the fall. C:too tight of a bandage. D:torn fibers of ligaments.

    F0 40–72 mph Mild
    F1 73–112 mph Moderate
    F2 113–157 mph Significant
    F3 158–206 mph Severe
    F4 207–260 mph Devastating
    F5 260–319 mph Incredible
    F6 319–379 mph Inconceivable
    A tornado with a wind speed of 143 mph
    would be assigned which classification?

  48. A:F0 B:F2 C:F3 D:F1
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:F1。根据给出的表格,F0等级的风速范围是40-72 mph,属于轻度龙卷风;F1等级的风速范围是73-112 mph,属于中度龙卷风。因此,风速为143 mph的龙卷风应该被归类为F1等级,属于中度龙卷风。所以选项D是正确答案。'
  49. Keeping busy at important tasks is much more
    motivating than having too little to do. Today’s
    employees are not afraid of responsibility. Most
    people are willing to take on extra responsibility
    in order to have more variety in their positions. In
    addition, along with that responsibility should
    come more authority to independently carry out
    some important tasks.
    155. The main idea of the paragraph is that

  50. A:to avoid boredom, many people do morework than their jobs require of them. B:office jobs in the past have carried lessresponsibility. C:variety and independence on the jobincrease employee motivation D:today’s employees are demanding moreindependence than ever before.
  51. Which one of the following statements is true

  52. A:The coronary balloon angioplasty is a separate procedure from inflating a balloon into a blocked artery B:The risk of dying during an angioplasty procedure is 3–5% C:The plaque that has caused the problem is not removed during angioplasty D:All of the above statements are true

  53. Before we learn how to truly love someone
    else, we must learn how to love the face in the

  54. A:Don’t be shy about meeting members of theopposite sex B:Learning to accept ourselves for who we arewill teach us how to accept another person. C:Love is not something that lasts unless oneis very lucky D:No one can really love you the way you canlove yourself.
    AI参考:正确选项是D:No one can really love you the way you can love yourself. 这句话的意思是:在我们学会如何真正地去爱别人之前,我们必须学会如何去爱镜中的自己。也就是说,只有当你真正爱自己的时候,别人才会以同样的方式爱你。这句话表达了一个重要的观点,即自我接纳和自尊对于建立健康的人际关系至关重要。因此,选项D是符合题意的正确答案。'
  55. One of the missions of the Peace Corps is to help
    the people of interested countries meet their need
    for trained men and women. People who work for
    the Peace Corps do so because they want to, but
    to keep the agency dynamic with fresh ideas, no
    staff member can work for the agency for more
    than five years.
    136. The paragraph best supports the statement
    that Peace Corps employees

  56. A:are hired for a limited term of employment B:are highly intelligent people. C:have both academic and work experience. D:must train for about five years.

  57. What is the specific term for the substance capable of triggering an inappropriate or harmful immune response to a harmless substance such as ragweed pollen

  58. A:antigen B:autoimmune disease C:allergen D:microbe

  59. Everyone is sensitive to extreme weather condi?tions. But with age, the body may become less able
    to respond to long exposure to very hot or very
    cold temperatures. Some older people might
    develop hypothermia when exposed to cold
    weather. Hypothermia is a drop in internal body
    temperature, which can be fatal if not detected
    and treated.
    150. The paragraph best supports the statement

  60. A:. older people who live in warm climates are healthier than older people who live incold climates B:. hypothermia is a condition that only affectsolder people. C:cold weather is more dangerous for olderpeople than warm weather D:. an older person is more susceptible tohypothermia than a younger person.
  61. Coral reefs are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth.Consisting of both living and non-living components, this type of ecosystem is found in the warm, clear, shallow waters of tropical oceans worldwide. The functionality of the reefs ranges from providing food and shelter to fish and other forms of marine life to protecting the shore from the ill effects of erosion and putrefaction.In fact,reefs actually create land in tropical areas by formulating islands and contributing mass to continental shorelines. Although coral looks like a plant,it is mainly comprised ofthe limestone skeleton ofa tiny animal called a coral polyp. While corals are the main components of reef structure,they are not the only living participants. Coralline algae cement the myriad corals, and other miniature organisms such as tubeworms and mollusks contribute skeletons to this dense and diverse structure. Together, these living creatures construct many different types of tropical reefs.
    According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?

  62. A:Coral reefs are good for shorelines in tropical areas. B:Coral reefs are beneficial for fish. C:Coral reefs are composed exclusively of coral. D:Coral reefs contain living and non-living components.
    AI参考:根据文章内容,选项C:“珊瑚礁是由珊瑚组成的”是不正确的。文章中提到,虽然珊瑚看起来像植物,但主要由被称为珊瑚虫的微小动物的石灰石骨架构成,因此选项C忽视了珊瑚礁中非生物成分的存在。而其他选项在文章中都有相应的支持信息。因此,正确答案是C:Coral reefs are composed exclusively of coral。'
  63. Light pollution is a growing problem worldwide. Like other forms of pollution, light pollution degrades the quality ofthe environment.Where it was once possible to look up at the night sky and see thousands of twinkling stars in the inky blackness,one now sees little more than the yellow glare of urban sky-glow.When we lose the ability to connect visually with the vastness of the universe by looking up at the night sky,we lose our connection with something profoundly important to the human spirit,our sense of wonder.
    The passage implies that the most serious damage done by light pollution is to our

  64. A:sense of physical well-being. B:artistic appreciation. C:spiritual selves. D:cultural advancement.

  65. Which of the following statements is true of the U.S. Department of Transportation

  66. A:It oversees all time laws in the United States B:It set standards for DST throughout the world C:It constructed the Uniform Time Act D:It was created by President Richard Nixon

  67. The term spices is a pleasant one, whether it
    connotes fine French cuisine or a down-home,
    cinnamon-flavored apple pie. ____________.
    In the past, individuals traveled the world seek?ing exotic spices for profit and, in searching,
    have changed the course of history. Indeed, to
    gain control of lands harboring new spices,
    nations have actually gone to war

  68. A:The taste and aroma of spices are the mainelements that make food such a source offascination and pleasure B:The history of spices, however, is anothermatter altogether, and at times, it can befilled with danger and intrigue. C:The term might equally bring to mindIndian curry made thousands of miles awayand those delicious barbecued ribs sold onthe corner D:It is exciting to find a good cookbook and experiment with spices from otherlands—indeed, it is one way to travelaround the globe!
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:The history of spices, however, is another matter altogether,and at times,it can be filled with danger and intrigue.】原文中提到“香料这个词是一个令人愉快的词,无论它指的是精美的法国菜肴还是家常的肉桂苹果派。”这句话中暗示了香料的历史也是一个重要的因素,所以B选项“香料的历史,然而,是另一个完全不同的问题,而且有时,它充满了危险和阴谋。”是正确的选项。A选项主要是讲香料的味道和香气对食物的吸引力和快乐的重要性;C选项则倾向于想象遥远的印度咖喱和街角出售的美味烤肋骨;D选项主要是讲述发现一本好的食谱并用来自其他地方的香料做实验的兴奋,虽然也有一点全球旅行的意味,但并非原文重点。'
  69. It is well known that the world urgently needs
    adequate distribution of food, so that everyone
    gets enough. Adequate distribution of medicine
    is just as urgent. Medical expertise and medical
    supplies need to be redistributed throughout the
    world so that people in emerging nations will
    have proper medical care.
    148. This paragraph best supports the statement

  70. A:many people who live in emerging nationsare not receiving proper medical care. B:not enough doctors give time and money tothose in need of medical care. C:the majority of the people in the world haveno medical care. D:medical resources in emerging nations havediminished in the past few years.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:the majority of the people in the world have no medical care。原文中提到“Medical expertise and medical supplies need to be redistributed throughout the world so that people in emerging nations will have proper medical care.”,意思是全球需要将医疗专业知识和医疗用品重新分配,以便新兴国家的人们能够得到适当的医疗照顾。因此,可以推断出世界上大多数人没有医疗照顾,选项C符合原文意思。其他选项在原文中没有得到支持或与原文意思不符。'
  71. An ecosystem is a group ofanimals and plants living in a specific region and interacting with one another and with their physical environment. Ecosystems include physical and chemical components, such as soils, water, and nutrients that support the organisms living there.These organisms may range from large animals to microscopic bacteria.Ecosystems also can be thought of as the interactions among all organisms in a given habitat; for instance, one species may serve as food for another. People are part of the ecosystems where they live and work.Human activities can harm or destroy local ecosystems unless actions such as land development for housing or businesses are carefully planned to conserve and sustain the ecology of the area. An important part of ecosystem management involves finding ways to protect and enhance economic and social well-being while protecting local ecosystems.An ecosystem can most accurately be defined as a

  72. A:community. B:habitat. C:geographical area. D:protected environment.

  73. On February 3,1956,Autherine Lucy became the first African-American student to attend the University ofAlabama,although the dean of women refused to allow Autherine to live in a university dormitory. White students rioted in protest of her admission,and the federal government had to assume command of the Alabama National Guard in order to protect her.Nonetheless,on her first day in class,Autherine bravely took a seat in the front row. She remembers being surprised that the professor of the class appeared not to notice she was even in class. Later, she would appreciate his seeming indifference, as he was one of only a few professors to speak out in favor of her right to attend the university. For protection,Autherine was taken in and out of classroom buildings by the back door and driven from class to class by an assistant to the university president. The students continued to riot, and one day, the windshield of the car she was in was broken.University officials suspended her, saying it was for her own safety. When her attorney issued a statement in her name protesting her suspension, the university used it as grounds for expelling her for insubordination. Although she never finished her education at the University ofAlabama,Autherine Lucy’s courage was an inspiration to African-American students who followed her lead and desegregated universities all over the United States.According to the passage,what did Autherine Lucy do on her first day at the University of Alabama?

  74. A:She sat in the front row of her class. B:She moved into a dormitory. C:She was befriended by an assistant to the university president. D:She became terrified of the white rioters.
    AI参考:正确选项是A:她坐在了教室前排的位置。根据文章中的描述,Autherine Lucy在进入大学的第一天,勇敢地坐在了前排。文章中提到她很惊讶,教授似乎没有注意到她的存在,但这正是教授后来表现出对她进入大学的支持的例外。因此,选项A是正确的。选项B、C、D在文章中没有提到。'
  75. Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends or keep in touch with old ones,while keeping up on your reading and participating in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions.If you’re interested in starting a book club,you should consider the following options and recommendations. The first thing you’ll need are members. Before recruiting,think carefully about how many
    people you want to participate and also what the club’s focus will be.For example,some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction, others read nonfiction.Some are even more specific,focusing only on a particular genre such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance. Others have a more flexible and open focus.All ofthese possibilities can make for a great club, but it is important to decide on a focus at the outset so the guidelines will be clear to the group and prospective member. After setting the basic parameters, recruitment can begin.Notify friends and family,advertise in the local newspaper, and hang flyers on bulletin boards in local stores,colleges,libraries, and bookstores. When enough people express interest,schedule a kick-offmeeting during which decisions will be made about specific guidelines that will ensure the club runs smoothly. This meeting will need to establish where the group will meet (rotating homes or a public venue such as a library or coffee shop);how often the group will meet, and on what day of the week and at what time; how long the meetings will be; how books will be chosen and by whom;who will lead the group (ifanyone);and whether refreshments will be served and if so,who will supply them.By the end of this meeting, these guidelines should be set and a book selection and date for the first official meeting should be finalized. Planning and running a book club is not without challenges,but when a book club is run effectively, the experience can be extremely rewarding for everyone involved.
    Which of the following organizational patterns is the main one used in the passage?

  76. A:Starting your own book club is better than joining an existing one. B:When starting and running a book club,a casual approach is risky. C:Smaller groups are better for a variety of reasons. D:The social aspect of book clubs is more important than the intellectual.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Smaller groups are better for a variety of reasons。文章中提到,成立一个书俱乐部的好处之一是成员数量少,讨论更集中,更易于管理。此外,小规模的书俱乐部也更易于组织和管理,因为成员之间更容易建立联系和互动。因此,文章主要强调了小规模的书俱乐部的好处,选项C是正确答案。其他选项在文章中没有提到或与文章内容不符。'
  77. Notice 1
    All drivers are responsible for refueling their vehicles
    at the end of each shift. All other routine mainte nance should be performed by maintenance department personnel, who are also responsible
    for maintaining service records. If a driver believes
    a vehicle is in need of mechanical repair, the driver
    should fill out the pink repair requisition form
    and give it to the shift supervisor. The driver
    should also notify the shift supervisor verbally
    whether, in the driver’s opinion, the vehicle must
    be repaired immediately or may be driven until
    the end of the shift.The passage implies that the vehicles

  78. A:have the oil changed every 1,000 miles. B:are refueled at the end of every shift. C:are in frequent need of repair. D:are refueled when they have less than half atank of gas.

  79. The first paragraph of the passage deals mainly with which of the following effects of the atmosphere on the earth

  80. A:its sheltering effect B:its reviving effect C:its invigorating effect D:its cleansing effect
    AI参考:正确答案是A: its sheltering effect。文章第一段主要讨论了大气的保护作用,即它为地球提供了遮蔽和保护,防止了太阳辐射和宇宙射线的直接照射,从而对地球起到了保护作用。因此,选项A是正确答案。选项B、C、D虽然也涉及到了大气对地球的影响,但与文章第一段的内容不符。'
  81. The immune cells and other cells in the body coexist peaceably in a state known as

  82. A:self-tolerance. B:harmony. C:equilibrium. D:tolerance
  83. Many cities haves distributed standardized recy?cling containers to all households with directions
    that read:“We would prefer that you use this new
    container as your primary recycling container as
    this will expedite pick-up of recyclables. Addi?tional recycling containers may be purchased
    from the City.”143. According to the directions, which of the fol?lowing is true about the new containers?

  84. A:The new containers hold more than the oldcontainers did B:The new containers are less expensive thanthe old containers. C:The new containers are far better thanother containers in every way. D:. The new containers will help increase theefficiency of the recycling program.

  85. The main idea of the passage is

  86. A:to show the class distinctions that were so obvious during the setting of the story B:to have the reader feel great sympathy for the husband C:to show the reader how selfish and selfcentered the wife is D:to have the reader feel great sympathy for the wife

  87. Despite their similarities, the pyramids of Egypt
    and Mesoamerica seem to be unrelated because of
    distinct differences in the time of construction as
    well as their design and function. Historians have
    discovered that the construction of the pyramids
    in Egypt and Mesoamerica are separated by over
    2,000 years. The Egyptians used only cut stone
    quarried many miles away from the pyramid
    sites—a construction method that enabled them
    to construct sturdy buildings that could with stand the test of time.
    On the other hand, the pyramids of Meso america were not built to withstand the ravages
    of time. Rather, the step pyramids rose in tiers,
    on the top of which a small temple was erected.
    Unlike the Egyptians, they used irregular stones.
    Also, they did not share the same basic
    design function. While the Egyptian pyramids
    were private tombs meant to seperate the
    pharaoh’s remains from the mainstream of soci ety and protect him for eternity, the pyramids
    of Mesoamerica were primarily public temples
    of ritual and celebration.This passage best supports the statement that

  88. A:the Egyptian pyramids were public tombs. B:the Egyptians used stone quarried manymiles away from the pyramid site. C:the pyramids of Mesoamerica were built tolast for eternity. D:the Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramidswere built during the same time period.
    AI参考:正确选项是B:the Egyptians used stone quarried manymiles away from the pyramid site.。文章中提到,埃及金字塔使用的石头是从很远的地方开采的,而中美洲的金字塔则是用不规则的石头建造的。文章也指出,埃及金字塔是为私人陵墓而建,目的是将法老的遗体与社会的主体隔离开来,并保护他们永远存在,而中美洲的金字塔则主要是用于宗教和庆祝活动的公共神殿。因此,文章支持的观点是埃及人使用从远处开采的石头建造金字塔,这与选项B所述一致。选项A、C、D在文章中没有得到支持或与文章内容不符。'
  89. Whether you can accomplish a specific goal or
    meet a specific deadline depends first on how
    much time you need to get the job done. What
    should you do when the demands of the job
    exceed the time you have available? The best
    approach is to divide the project into smaller
    pieces. Different goals will have to be divided in
    different ways, but one seemingly unrealistic goal
    can often be accomplished by working on several
    smaller, more reasonable goals.
    151. The main idea of the passage is that

  90. A:the best approach to a demanding job is todelegate responsibility B:. the best way to complete projects is to makesure your goals are achievable. C:the best way to tackle a large project is toseparate it into smaller parts. D:. jobs often remain only partially completedbecause of lack of time
    AI参考:通过对文章进行上下文分析,该问题的正确答案为“C:the best way to tackle a large project is to separate it into smaller parts.”文章中明确提到,“将项目分成更小的部分”是最好的方法,无论目标大小如何,都应该将其分成不同的部分,以便更好地完成任务。因此,选项C符合文章的主旨,是正确的答案。选项A、D与文章内容不符,选项B虽然提到了完成项目的方法,但并没有突出文章的主要观点。'
  91. Charles Darwin was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury, England.He was a biologist whose famous theory of evolution is important to philosophy for the effect it has had on ideas relating to the nature of men. After many years of careful study, Darwin attempted to show that higher species came into existence as a result ofthe gradual transformation of lower species, and that the process of transformation could be explained through the selective effect of the natural environment upon organisms. He concluded that the principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest govern all life.Darwin’s explanation ofthese principles is that because of the food supply problem, the young ofany species compete for survival.Those young that survive to produce the next generation tend to embody favorable natural changes that are passed on by heredity.His major work that contained these theories is On the Origin of the Species, written in 1859. Many religious opponents condemned this work.Darwin’s explanation that the young of any species compete for food and survival,and those that survive are strong and pass their traits on to their young was called which of the following?

  92. A:the catastrophic theory B:belief in creationism C:theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest D:the study of anthropology
    AI参考:正确选项是C:theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest。根据文章内容,查尔斯·达尔文的著名理论是进化论,他认为高等物种是通过逐渐转变低等物种而产生的,这一过程可以通过自然环境对生物体的选择效应来解释。他认为自然选择和最适者生存的原则支配着所有生命。达尔文的主要著作《物种起源》包含了这些理论。许多宗教反对者谴责了这本书。达尔文关于任何物种的幼崽为了生存而竞争食物,而存活下来的幼崽是强壮的,并将它们的特性遗传给下一代的解释被称为自然选择和最适者生存的理论。因此,选项C“理论自然选择和最适者生存”是正确答案。'
  93. More and more people are eating organically
    grown fruits and vegetables.

  94. A:Fresh organic produce contains more vita?mins, minerals, and enzymes than non?organic produce B:Organic food is usually more expensivethan non-organic food. C:A wide variety of organic chocolate prod?ucts are now available in stores D:Raw foods are enjoying increasing popular?ity, now that people are discovering how araw-foods diet leaves you feeling and looking great.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Raw foods are enjoying increasing popular?ity,now that people are discovering how araw-foods diet leaves you feeling and looking great。原文中提到“越来越多的人正在食用有机种植的水果和蔬菜”,这表明越来越多的人正在食用原始的食物,也就是人们正在发现吃原始食物可以让身体感觉良好并且看上去很漂亮,因此D选项是正确的。其他选项与原文不符。'
  95. The angioplasty procedure begins with

  96. A:a special dye being injected into the bloodstream B:a balloon being inflated in the heart C:a thin catheter being inserted into the femoral artery D:a healthy artery being removed from the calf

  97. Businesses today routinely keep track of large amounts of both financial and non-financial information. Sales departments keep track of current and potential customers; marketing departments keep track of product details and regional demographics; accounting departments keep track of financial data and issue reports.To be useful,all this data must be organized into a meaningful and useful system.Such a system is called a management information system, abbreviated MIS. The financial hub of the MIS is accounting. Accounting is the information system that records, analyzes, and reports economic transactions, enabling decision makers to make informed choices when allocating scarce economic resources.It is a tool that enables the user, whether a business entity or an individual, to make wiser,more informed economic choices.It is an aid to planning,controlling,and evaluating a broad range ofactivities.A financial accounting system is intended for use by both the management of an organization and those outside the organization.Because it is important that financial accounting reports be interpreted correctly, financial accounting is subject to a set of ___________ guidelines called “generally accepted accounting principles”(GAAP).
    According to the information in the passage, which of the following is LEAST likely to be a function of accounting?

  98. A:producing reports of many different kinds of transactions B:assisting with the marketing of products C:helping business people make sound judgments D:assisting companies in important planning activities

  99. Before you begin to compose a business letter, sit
    down and think about your purpose in writing
    the letter. Do you want to request information,
    order a product, register a complaint, or apply for
    something? Do some brainstorming and gather
    information before you begin writing. Always
    keep your objective in mind.
    154. The main idea of the passage is that

  100. A:. planning is an important part of writing abusiness letter. B:business letters are frequently complaintletters C:. many people fail to plan ahead when theyare writing a business letter. D:brainstorming and writing take approxi?mately equal amounts of time.

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