1. The third person point of view can be divided into three subcategories: Objective point of view, omniscient point of view and subjective point of view.( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Setting is important for it can help the author to introduce the conflict of a story.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Hyperbole is the use of exaggerated statements for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. In “The Story of an Hour”, the sparseness of setting was chosen deliberately by Chopin to illustrate the poverty of the Mallard family. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Explicit themes are usually stated openly and clearly in the story. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Settings cannot be in imaginary places.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Sensory details can help readers emotionally connected to the story.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. The father shot down a fox when he was hunting.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. In "A Day's Wait" by Ernest Hemingway, The father senses his son’s fear through his behavior and the words the boy says toward the end of the story. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. One of themes of "A Day's Wait" is symbolic of humanity's inability to come to terms with its own mortality.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Situational irony is a plot device that highlights the difference between a character’s understanding of a given situation, and that of the audience. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Onomatopoeia is the use of words which sound like the noise they refer to. ( )
  24. Personification gives a special kind of animation to objects, concepts, etc. ( )
  25. Anne Mansfield Sullivan is the supporting character in The Story of My Life (Chapter 4) who was kind, patient, and good at teaching. ( )
  26. @/a@17、 A story that has made-up characters or events that are not real is called fiction.( )
  27. A wolf can really blow down a house.( )
  28. Point of view can generally be defined as who tells the story, how the story is told or the way in which it is narrated. The view can only be limited to characters’ actions. ( )
  29. Opposing characters aren’t always antagonists; sometimes, they just represent opposing ideas. ( )
  30. Parallelism a figure of speech in which two or more elements of a sentence (or series of sentences) have the same grammatical structure. ( )
  31. Oscar Wilde was very good at using different techniques and styles like paronomasia, irony, twisted plots, exaggeration etc. ( )
  32. Which of the following are the themes developed in “The Cop and the Anthem”? ( )
  33. What lesson can we learn from the story The Necklace? ( ).
  34. In “After twenty years”, the plainclothes police officer can be regarded as” ( )
  35. How can a writer present the themes of a story? ( )
  36. What are the writing techniques employed in “After twenty years”? ( )
  37. The wolf was baking a cake for his_________. ( )
  38. While all of us were panicking just before the declaration of the results, Naina was as cool as a cucumber. ( )
  39. What is the point of view adopted in The Story of My Life? ( )
  40. Which of the following title indicates the setting?( )
  41. Why didn’t Madame Forestier open the case when Mathilde returned the necklace to her? ( ).
  42. ( ), which is also called person vs. self conflict, refers to the inner struggle of a person.
  43. ( ) is the process of linking and connecting sentences together through a variety of linguistic and semantic ties.
  44. On a plot timeline, which of the following is the correct order? ( )
  45. Which of the following describes the sense of smell?( )
  46. “A dead leaf fell in Soapy’s lap. That was Jack Frost's card. Jack is kind to the regular denizens of Madison Square, and gives fair warning of his annual call.” In these sentences, Jack Frost is _______ .( )
  47. How does Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” communicate the idea that marriage can be oppressive for women? ( )
  48. Which sentence does not indicate the setting?( )
  49. “Big” is the ( ) of “large”.
  50. What impact did the “w-a-t-e-r” incident have on Helen’s life? ( ).
  51. “The dish ran away with the spoon.” -“Hey, diddle, diddle” by Mother Goose.( )
  52. Which figure of speech is used when someone says “We’re having a little rain.” in the middle of an intense thunderstorm?( )
  53. What was the function of the necklace in the story The Necklace? ( )
  54. Before her teacher came into her life, Helen Keller’s feeling was like a ( ).
  55. The problem the wolf encountered was_________.( )
  56. Well, what are you waiting for? Stretch your legs, go ahead and put your feet on a cushion, on two cushions, on the arms of a sofa, on the wings of the chair…Take your shoes off first. If you want to, put your feet up; if not, put them back.The point of view is __________________.( )
  57. The end of a plot is called ( ).
  58. Rising action refers to ( ).
  59. If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material. Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you additional instruction. You are worth it. Don't give up on yourself.The point of view is __________________. ( )
  60. Which sentence is the best example of sensory details in action?( )
  61. In narrative writing, what do we use to make the chronological sequence of events clear.? ( )
  62. Which sensory detail does this statement “The sun’s rays warmed my face as Istepped outside” appeal to?( )
  63. All of the following are components of setting except ( ).
  64. “Fruit” is the ( ) of “apple” and “orange”.
  65. “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.” - Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years. ( )
  66. Which sentence does not contain figurative language?( )
  67. ( ) is the introduction of a story.
  68. “Daffodil”, “rose” and “daisy” are ( ) of “flower”.
  69. ( ) conflict is particularly common in survival or adventure stories, including Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea.
  70. The ( ) is the series of events that follow the climax.
  71. Lexis is a way of creating cohesion by using ( ).
  72. By what methods is Chopin able to symbolize the notion of personal freedom in “The Story of an Hour”? ( )
  73. Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” can be categorized as all of the following, EXCEPT: ( )
  74. ( ) conflict is a common feature of the science fiction genre, especially dystopian novels about innovation taken too far.
  75. According to E. M. Forster, “The king died, and then the queen died” is a ( ).
  76. ( ) uses a word or a phrase to replace a word or a phrase used earlier.
  77. In most stories, the themes are explicitly presented. ( )
  78. There is only one theme in a story. ( )
  79. A writer shouldn’t keep the theme in mind when writing a story. ( )
  80. The police officers in “The Cop and the Anthem”are antagonists. ( )
  81. Being preachy should be avoided in story writing. ( )
  82. Careful word choice is essential to writing clear and effective sentences. ( )
  83. The wolf thinks of the pigs as great neighbors. ( )
  84. When deciding which verb tense to use, aim for consistency, simplicity, and clarity. ( )
  85. The wolf says that the main problem with the story of "The Three Little Pigs," is that everyone likes pigs more than wolves. ( )
  86. The boy is able to fall asleep as a result of the doctor's visit. ( )
  87. What does setting include? ( )
  88. What sense is involved in the setting description “In December, the shops are filled with chatter and jingles and friendly greetings of ‘Happy Holidays’ ”?( )
  89. Why is time an important element of a story?( )
  90. How can one write better setting for a story?( )
  91. Which one of the following statements is not true? ( )
  92. Why is setting important for characterization?(    )
  93. Too Soon a Woman tells a story about a pioneer family moving west. ( )
  94. Read the sentence “The moon was shining brightly as he stepped forward into the yard” and choose the best answer that shows the element(s) of setting.( )
  95. Where should one put setting in a story?(    )
  96. The title My Father Sitting in the Dark embodies setting elements.( )
  97. Balancing the acts of telling and showing in developing characters is quite important and they should be organically intertwined. ( )
  98. Round characters are also called stereotypes and the hallmark of round characters is that they are incapable of surprising readers. ( )
  99. Minor characters or secondary characters are not as important as the major characters, but still play a large part in the story. ( )
  100. Only round characters can be used to help teach a lesson, to entertain, to educate, and even to persuade in a narration. ( )
  101. Figurative language can add to the quality of the writing, making the words more memorable. ( )
  102. The twisted plots in the story The Necklace include ( ).
  103. By using concrete details, we immerse our readers in a sensory world of our own making. ( )
  104. Which mini-genre of narrative does The Story of My Life belong to? ( )
  105. Implicit themes are stated openly and clearly in a story. ( )
  106. What words can be used to describe the personality of Mathilde’s husband in The Necklace? ( )
  107. Helen Keller’s story tells us that the patience of a teacher can lit up the hope of handicapped children. ( )
  108. Concrete details are details that can arouse our senses of( ).
  109. Which part of the narrative story should be attractive enough to capture the reader’s interest? ( )
  110. Point of view adopted in The Necklace is first person point of view.. ( )
  111. A story that is a realistic account with true events and real people is known as non-fiction. ( )
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