第三章 E-commerce Marketing and Advertising Concepts 电子商务营销原理:This chapter dicussed the Internet audience and consumer behavior,online marketing and advertising tools, and ad formats.本章探讨了互联网用户和消费者行为模式,在线营销工具和主要广告形式。3.1The Internet Audience and Consumer Behavior Models 互联网用户和消费者行为模式:The Internet Audience and Consumer Behavior Models互联网用户和消费者行为模式
3.2Online Marketing and Advertising Tools 在线营销工具:Online Marketing and Advertising Tools在线营销工具
3.3Ad formats 广告形式:Ad formats 广告形式
[判断题]A roughly equal percentage of men and women use the Internet today.

[多选题]Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations_______goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants.
Dispose of[判断题]Chinese Singles’ Day shopping festival is a successful application of FOMO.

[多选题]A consumer’s buying behavior is influenced by independent demographic variables which include __________.
Psychological factors
Cultural factors
Marketing campaigns
Social factors[单选题]______occurs when a competitor clicks on search engine results and ads, forcing the advertiser to pay for the click even though the click is not justified.
Link farm
Ad Blocking
Bidding process
Click fraud[多选题]How can a business optimize its website?
Carefully choose key words used on the Web pages
update content frequently
make a high bid in the SEM auction
design the site to be easily recognized and read by the search engine[多选题]Both________ and _________ are the main things that determine your performance in the auction.
Quality score
Topic of your website
The maximum CPC[判断题]Organic search results depends on a biased algorithm.

[判断题]Amazon Associates Program is a private industrial networks.

[判断题]Context advertising is based on a pay-per-click basis.

[单选题]Advertising networks allow advertisers target specific customers based on the profile of the audience viewing the content. This is called __________.
context advertising
personalized advertising
seach engine optimization
viral advertising[单选题]Which of the following is NOT one of advertising networks’ functions?
Create a network of both publishers and advertisers and place relevant/personalized ads on publishers.
Collect and share data with businesses.
Handle the money involved.
Design advertisement.[判断题]Rich Media Ads are also the least effective and the lowest cost form of online marketing.

[判断题]Rich Media Ads are far more effective than simple banner ads.

[判断题]Compared with other ad formats, sponsorships are not in an overtly commercial manner.

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