第五章 Music & Dance (音乐与舞蹈):本章介绍了中国传统音乐、西方古典音乐、中国传统舞蹈、西方古典舞蹈,以及中国流行音乐、舞蹈和西方流行音乐、舞蹈的发展变化、不同类型和风格特点;同时介绍了中西方伟大的音乐家和舞蹈家,并对一些具有代表性的音乐、舞蹈作品进行了赏析。5.1Appreciation of Chinese Folk Music(中国民乐欣赏):本节介绍了中国传统民族音乐的起源与历史、中国乐器的分类与特点以及中国民乐的代表作品。中国传统音乐起源于中华文明早期,古代代表乐器有贾湖骨笛、曾侯乙编钟等。中国传统乐器按照材质以及演奏方式分类。具有代表性的中式乐器包括古琴、古筝、琵琶、笛子与二胡。本节对不同乐器演奏的代表作品进行了赏析,如:古琴曲《平沙落雁》、古筝曲《高山流水》、琵琶曲《十面埋伏》、笛子曲《姑苏行》、二胡曲《二泉映月》等。
5.2Appreciation of Western Classical Music(西方古典音乐欣赏):本节介绍了西方古典音乐的种类与特点,以及发展的三个阶段:巴洛克时期、古典主义时期和浪漫主义时期,并介绍了不同时期的代表音乐家和代表作品。古典音乐按照西方音乐传统,采用既定形式写成。古典音乐的种类有协奏曲、交响曲、奏鸣曲、舞曲、练习曲、组曲、交响诗等。巴洛克时期的代表音乐家有被誉为“西方音乐之父”的巴赫,他最著名的代表作有《G弦上的咏叹调》等;古典主义时期,西方古典音乐进入辉煌时代,这个时期的代表音乐家有海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬。浪漫主义时期,音乐种类变得更加丰富、精致,代表音乐家有肖邦、约翰施特劳斯父子等。
5.3Appreciation of Chinese Traditional Dance(中国传统舞蹈欣赏):本节介绍了中国传统舞蹈的历史发展、不同类型以及风格特点。中国传统舞蹈起源于宗教仪式与庆典,是古代中国礼乐的重要组成部分。中国古典宫廷舞在唐代达到顶峰,代表作品有《霓裳羽衣舞》、《胡旋舞》等。中国民间舞蹈多种多样,反映了人们的生活方式以及习俗。不同的民族与地区都有独特的舞蹈种类,如汉族的舞龙舞狮、维吾尔族的民族舞、藏族的锅庄、傣族的孔雀舞以及蒙古族的马刀舞、顶碗舞等。中国传统舞蹈是中国文化的重要组成部分。
5.4Appreciation of Western Classical Dance (西方古典舞蹈欣赏):本节介绍了三种西方古典舞蹈,即芭蕾,现代舞和交际舞。芭蕾的发展经历了浪漫芭蕾、古典芭蕾和现代芭蕾几个重要阶段。现代舞突破了古典芭蕾的种种限制,注重舞者情感和情绪的表达。交际舞需要舞伴的配合,常见的交际舞有萨尔萨舞,阿根廷探戈,华尔兹,桑巴,伦巴,恰恰和快步舞。
5.5Appreciation of Chinese Pop Music and Dance (中国流行音乐和舞蹈欣赏):本节介绍了中国的流行音乐和舞蹈。中国的流行音乐是伴随着中国的改革开放而发展繁荣的,我们回顾了四十年流行音乐发展历程中的重要代表人物,如邓丽君,崔健,周杰伦等;我们也盘点了推动流行音乐发展的重要事件,如春晚和超级女声。在中国,不同年龄的人喜欢不同的舞蹈,年轻男孩偏好嘻哈,中年人喜欢交际舞,老年人则钟爱广场舞。
5.6Appreciation of Western Pop Music and Dance (西方流行音乐和舞蹈欣赏):本节介绍了西方的流行音乐和舞蹈。披头士乐队、猫王、鲍勃 迪伦、迈克尔 杰克逊和麦当娜都是流行音乐史上闪闪发光的名字。嘻哈、摇摆舞、踢踏舞与萨尔萨舞都是西方流行的舞种。
[判断题]Bone flutes (骨笛), which were found in Jiahu Village (贾湖) , Henan Province, was traced back to 8,000 years ago.

[判断题] The basic collection of Chinese music notes are the same with Western music.

[判断题]Compared with Baroque music, classical music has a lighter, clearer texture and is less complex. Composers began to strive for beauty through simplicity and balance. 

[判断题]The golden age of Chinese dance came in the Song Dynasty, when song and dance was at the highest level.

[判断题]Guo-Zhuang”(锅庄) is a Tibetan Dance, which is a form of circle dancing.

[多选题]According to different ways of performance, what categories can Chinese musical instruments be divided into? 
Bowed string instrument (拉奏乐器)
Percussion instrument (打击乐器)
Wind instrument (吹奏乐器)
Plucked string instrument (弹拨乐器)[单选题]The sequence of the different stage of Classical Music is 
 Classical Era, Baroque Era, Romantic Era
 Baroque Era, Romantic Era, Classical Era
 Baroque Era, Classical Era, Romantic Era
Romantic Era, Classical Era, Baroque Era[多选题]Who are the outstanding representatives of Classical Music Era? 
Mozart (莫扎特)
Bach (巴赫)
Haydn (海顿)
Beethoven (贝多芬)[单选题]Who was a crucial figure in the transition between classical and romantic eras in classical music?
Beethoven[单选题]Which one was later associated with “the Pear Garden (梨园)”?
Chinese painting 
Chinese education
Chinese farming 
Chinese opera[判断题] Isadora Duncan is the Mother of Modern Dance.

[判断题]The most popular dance in China is street dance.

[判断题]Li Yuchun was the first pop idol elected by fans instead of by record companies in China. 

[判断题]In swing dance, couples hold hands instead of placing hands on the shoulders or around the waist.

[判断题] Taylor Swift is a prominent country music performer in the US. 

[多选题]The basic types of ballet inclde 
 Romantic Ballet
 Neoclassical Ballet
Contemporary Ballet
Classical Ballet
[单选题]Which of the following is not ballroom dance
Cha Cha
 Waltz Waltz
Swing Dance
[单选题]Who made great accomplishments in Chinese style pop music
张学友[单选题]Which television show contributed to the thriving of pop music in the 1980s  
Voice of China
Super Girl
 the Spring Festival Gala
This is Street Dance[单选题]Which song is considered America’s greatest war protest song 
Like a Prayer
Hey Jude
Blowin’ in the Wind
 Thriller  [多选题] The three broad categories of hip pop dance are 

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