第十章 商务谈判策略:本单元讲授商业谈判中使用的策略,一共包括7节微课。第1节是对商业谈判策略的整体介绍;第2节介绍商业谈判中的适应策略;第3节是介绍商业谈判中的回避策略;第4节是介绍商业谈判中的合作策略;第5节是介绍商业谈判中的竞争策略;第6节是介绍商业谈判中的妥协策略;最后一节对整个单元内容的总结。在该单元的每个小节中都附以具体的例子让学习者能够对某策略的应用进行细致地了解,从而让学习者掌握该策略的类型、特点等相关知识。10.1谈判策略介绍:谈判策略介绍
[单选题]6. A risk of using accommodating strategy might be ___________.选项:[time cost on trivial matters, a breakdown in communication, lack of feedback, the loss of contribution]
[单选题]7. In negotiations, using competing strategy shows negotiators’ ability to ___________.选项:[use active or effective listening, confront situations in a non-threatening way, argue and debate, know when to withdraw]
[单选题]8. Which of the following statements is the feature of compromising?选项:[In order to find a compromise, the weak side must “give in” somehow to achieve a resolution., Compromise will prolong the process of negotiation which has negative effect., Both parties are satisfied with the outcome brought about by a compromise., All parties will achieve a partial victory and all points of view are taken into consideration.]
[单选题]1. Negotiations can take place _________________.选项:[between an employer and prospective employees, between the governments of two or more countries, between buyers and sellers, all of above]
[单选题]9. Things to consider before and during negotiations include justifying your position, _________________, keeping your emotions in check, and knowing when to walk away.选项:[understanding the market, putting yourself in the other party's shoes, criticizing other party’s standpoint, analyzing other party’s data]
[单选题]3. In negotiations, using avoiding strategy shows negotiators’ ability to ___________.选项:[endure the loss of one’s own side, communicate and keep the dialogue open, practice leaving issues unresolved, offer value to all aspects of the issue]
[单选题]10. When___________, the objective is to find an expedient, mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties选项:[compromising, avoiding, collaborating, accommodating]
[单选题]4. In a competitive climate, people are more likely to ________________.选项:[ignore information and opinions from others., remind the organization of their potential contributions, frame issues in nonthreatening ways, deprive them of the gains]
[单选题]5. In negotiations, using collaborating strategy shows negotiators’ ability to ___________.选项:[offer value to all aspects of the issue, endure the loss of one’s own side, communicate and keep the dialogue open, confront situations in a non-threatening way]
[单选题]2. A negotiator will conduct accommodating strategy, _____________选项:[when he/she wants to achieve a temporary settlement of a complex issue., when he/she wants to gain commitment by incorporating others’ concerns into a consensual decision., when he/she is outmatched and losing., on issues vital to company welfare when he/she knows it is right.]

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