1.The cavity of lung abscess has smooth inner wall and rough outer wall. ( )
A:错误 B:正确
2.CT findings of congenital bronchial atresia showed pulmonary finger sheath lesions with obstructive emphysema and no obstructive atelectasis. The lesions did not increase for many years, but their density could increase significantly. ( )
A:错误 B:正确
3.The superior and inferior mediastinum were divided by the line between the sternal Angle and the thoracic 3 and 4 intervertebral space. ( )
A:错误 B:正确
4.For pleura and chest wall nodular or mass lesions, commonly included: ( )
A:Solitary fibrous tumor B:Lymphoma C:Pleural mesothelioma D:Thymoma E:Schwannoma
5.When detecting nodules or masses of pleura, the incorrect statement about CT scanning sequence is: ( )
A:Only need mediastinal window B:Only need lung window C:Enhanced scanning is not required D:Enhanced scanning and multiplanar reconstruction are required E:It is not necessary to observe abdominal lesions
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:Only need lung window。\n\n在检测肺部的结节或肿块时,不需要只使用肺窗(选项B),而是需要使用肺窗和纵隔窗(选项A)进行CT扫描。增强扫描(选项C)和多平面重建(选项D)是必要的,以更好地观察病变。观察腹部病变(选项E)也是必要的,因为某些肺部疾病可能同时伴有腹部病变。因此,关于CT扫描顺序的错误陈述是只需要肺窗。'
6.The best choice for diagnosing bronchiectasis is ( )
A:Chest MRI B:Bronchography C:Chest X-ray D:Ultrasound E:High resolution CT of chest
答案:AI参考:正确答案是E:High resolution CT of chest。\n\n对于诊断支气管扩张(bronchiectasis)的最佳选择是高分辨率CT(High resolution CT of chest),因为它可以提供高清晰度的肺部影像,可以清晰地显示支气管扩张的形态和范围。相比之下,X光胸片(Chest X-ray)只能提供基本的肺部影像,无法提供足够的信息来诊断支气管扩张。MRI(A)和超声(D)通常用于其他疾病的诊断,而支气管造影(B)是一种侵入性检查,通常用于手术前的评估。因此,E选项是最佳选择。'
7.Male, 30 years old, was found to have a mixed density mass in the anterior mediastinum by physical examination. The local CT value of the lesion was measured to be 300HU and -40HU. These findings suggest which kinds of components were contained in the tumor, and which is the most possible choice: ( )
A:Hemorrhage, fluid, seminoma B:Hemorrhage, fat, teratoma C:Calcification, hemorrhage, schwannoma D:Calcification, fluid, seminoma E:Calcification, fat, and teratoma
答案:AI参考:正确答案是E:Calcification,fat,and teratoma。\n\n根据题干描述,患者前纵隔发现混合密度肿块,病灶CT值为300HU和-40HU,这表明该肿块中可能含有钙化、脂肪和畸胎瘤成分。因此,最可能的诊断是钙化、脂肪和畸胎瘤(选项E)。出血、液体和精原细胞瘤(选项A)的可能性较小。出血、脂肪和神经鞘瘤(选项B)可能含有出血、脂肪和胶质瘤成分。出血、钙化和神经鞘瘤(选项C)的描述不太准确。出血、钙化和畸胎瘤(选项D)也较少见。因此,选项E是最佳选择。'
8.Which disease shows the diffuse multiple small wallless nodules of bright shadow in both lungs?
( )
A:Paracicatricial emphysema B:Bronchiectasia C:Panlobular emphysema@/a@? D:Paraseptal emphysema E:Centrilobular emphysema
答案:AI参考:正确答案是C:Panlobular emphysema(肺泡弥漫性扩张)。\n\nPanlobular emphysema(肺泡弥漫性扩张)是一种疾病,表现为双肺出现多发、小、无壁的透亮影,即“bright shadow”(明亮阴影)。其他选项中,Paracicatricial emphysema(肺内小叶间隔旁肺气肿)和Paraseptal emphysema(肺间质旁肺气肿)都可能表现为双肺多发小结节影,但通常有壁或部分壁,Bronchiectasia(支气管扩张)可能出现部分囊状扩张阴影,Centrilobular emphysema(小叶中心型肺气肿)表现为周围肺小叶中的独立透明区,但是都不会出现双肺弥漫性多发小结节影。因此,答案为C。'
9.Which is the most common clinical presentation of early peripheral lung cancer?( )
A:Asymptomatic B:Chest pain C:Cough D:Blood phlegm E:Fever
10.Which of the the following description is correct about the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma : ( )
A:Pleural effusion is rare B:Pleural plaques with calcification C:It is often located in the middle and lower chest wall on both sides D:Including pleural patches, diffuse pleural thickening. E:Uneven thickening of the pleura with a thickness greater than 1 cm
答案:AI参考:正确答案是E:Uneven thickening of the pleura with a thickness greater than 1 cm。\n恶性胸膜间皮瘤的诊断标准包括:不规则的胸膜增厚,厚度大于1cm。其他选项A、B、C、D都不符合这个标准。因此,答案为E。'
11.The normal size of the mediastinal lymph nodes is less than?( )
A:15mm B:8mm C:12mm D:9mm E:10mm

12.Which of the following is characteristic of the Kerley B line?( )
A:Reticular shadow of phrenic angle B:A line shadow above and go along with the diaphragm C:The line shadow of the lung apex in line with the first rib D:The line shadow of the hilar region and not consistent with the lung markings E:Short horizontally linear shadow in diaphragmatic angle 13.Which of the following is not the risk factor for lung cancer?( )
A:Environmental pollution B:Genetic factors C:Alcohol abuse D:smoking E:Harmful dust 14.What is the main pathogen that develop empyema in adults?( )
A:Pseudomonas B:Pneumococcus C:Colibacillus D:Tuberculosis E:Staphylococcus aureus 15.About obstructive pneumonia, which of the following description is correct:( )
A:Increased transmittance and sparse lung texture were found in the lung tissue distal to the lesion B:Increased density and indistinct boundary in lung tissue distal to the lesion C:Soft tissue mass in the lung tissue distal to the lesion D:Alveolar collapse and volume reduction in the lung tissue distal to the lesion E:Hilar soft tissue mass with reduced upper lobe volume and interlobar fissure traction 16.What are the structures of the secondary pulmonary lobule except?( )
A:Interlobular septa B:Lobular parenchyma C:Subpleural interstitial structure D:Lobular central artery E:Lobular central bronchi 17.HRCT findings of diffuse interstitial lung disease do not include which of the following?( )
A:Bronchovascular bundle thicken B:Subpleural line shadow C:Mosaic sign D:Thickening of interlobular septa E:Traction bronchiectasis 18.Bronchiectasis is a thin-walled cavity lesion with surrounding consolidation shadow during infection. ( )
A:错 B:对 19.For 4A nodules, a negative PET examination indicates that the nodules are benign.( )
A:错 B:对 20.The airway of cystic bronchiectasis shows a significant cystic cavity with honeycomb changes, and there may be a gas-liquid plane in the cavity. ( )
A:错 B:对 21.In children, the thymus showed uniform low signal on T1WI, and with age, the gland was replaced by adipose tissue and the signal increased, which was similar to fat, could not be displayed on MRI.( )
A:对 B:错 22.Air containing space lesions or cystic lesion are all congenital diseases. ( )
A:对 B:错 23.Which lesions are common causes of pleural calcification? ( )
A:Asbestosis B:History of radiation therapy C:Chronic bacterial empyema D:Mesothelioma E:Chronic tuberculous empyema 24.What are the imaging features of mediastinal lymphoma?( )
A:Wrap the large vessels of middle mediastinum B:Calcification C:Moderate enhancement D:Necrosis E:Uniform density 25.The main structures in the anterior mediastinum are: ( )
A:Thymus B:Left brachiocephalic vein C:lymph nodes D:fat E:Pericardium 26.What diseases are seen in butterfly wings? ( )
A:Pulmonary edema B:Sarcoidosis C:Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia D:Pulmonary hemorrhage E:Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 27.The main treatments for peripheral lung cancer include( )
A:Surgery B:Immunotherapy C:Chemotherapy D:Targeted therapy E:Radiotherapy

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