  1. The patience of Job 的意思是 ( )

  2. A:缺乏耐心 B:毫无耐心 C:丁点儿耐心 D:极大的耐心
  3. Still small voice的意思是 ( )

  4. A:良心的呼声 B:卑劣的想法 C:灵光一闪 D:恶魔的低语
  5. 以下句子不正确的是 ( )

  6. A:The customer has been raising Job about the service charge we included on his bill. B:The customer has been raising hell about the service charge we included on his bill. C:The customer has been complaining about the service charge we included on his bill. D:The customer has been raising Cain about the service charge we included on his bill.
  7. Sell one’s birthright for a mess of pottage的意思不是 ( )

  8. A:买椟还珠 B:因小失大 C:见利弃义 D:买卖不成仁义在
  9. I’ve tried every possible source without success, and now I’m at my_______ end. ( )

  10. A:abilities’ B:capabilities’ C:wit’s D: power’s

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