1. Which are nominal clauses/名词从句? ( )

  2. 答案:Subject clause/主语从句###Appositive clause/同位语从句###Object clause/宾语从句
  3. Complex prepositions consist of( )-word prepositions.

  4. 答案:two###three###four
  5. 人名——Ross的名词属格是Ross’s。( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. 判断句子汉译英时态用法的对错:要是昨晚下过雨的话,现在地面就会是湿的——If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. 我祖父是退休工人。=My grandfather is a retired worker. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. “COVID-19, WHO” 都是专有名词/ proper nouns. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. 在英语语法中,subjunctive mood的意思是祈使式。( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. 他们到的时候,我正在做饭。=When they arrived, I cooked dinner. ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. 我们一到,她就煮了咖啡。=When we arrived, she was making some fresh coffee. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. 今天上午我读了一本简·奥斯汀的书。=This morning I read a book of Jane Austen’s.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. “双宾及物动词”的英文是Mono-transitive verb。( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. 句子“I believe him to be innocent.”中的限定分句/finite clause是: to be innocent。( )
  24. 动词包括两类:主动词和助动词。( )
  25. 词“microbiology”中包含3个词素,分别是: micro、bio、logy。( )
  26. The machine has ( )for two hours.
  27. I want to ask three days ( ).
  28. Please throw away these rubbish, they are totally( )
  29. ( )属于基本句型:主语+双宾动词+间接宾语+直接宾语/S + Vt + Oi +Od。
  30. The fish smells( ). Please throw it away.
  31. The desk is made of ( )wood.
  32. If you can do it, ( ).
  33. ——May I use your car for a few days?  ——No, you( ).
  34. This is the first time I ( ) this kind of car.
  35. Henry told me that he( ) the film with his family last year.
  36. The bedroom( ) for months.
  37. Whether we can succeed or not depends on how hard we work at it. 该句中的Whether we can succeed or not和how hard we work at it分别是( )从句。
  38. Nominal substitutes include( ).
  39. ( )are adverbs in sentence “China’s history has been inscribed in human history, while China’s today is being created in the hands of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. China will surely has an even brighter future.”
  40. ( )are subordinating conjunctions/从属连词.
  41. ( )include nominal clauses.
  42. ( )are partial inversion sentences.
  43. 林肯的名言: 你可以一时欺骗所有人,永远欺骗一些人,但是不能永远欺骗所有人。=You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time. 判断该英语翻译中的限定词使用是否正确。( )
  44. Lexically, according to the combination of morphemes, there are three kinds of words——simple words, derivative words and compound words. 此语法表述无误。( )
  45. 句子“Hungry and exhausted, the climbers returned.”中的无动词分句/verbless clause 是:Hungry and exhausted。( )
  46. 约翰喜欢玛丽,但彼得讨厌玛丽。=John likes, but Peter hates, Mary.( )
  47. “词素”译为morpheme。( )
  48. The book was bought at John's, the bookseller's. =这本书是在John书店买的。( )
  49. The economic backdrop this time is far more menacing and the market has now fallen far more from top to bottom. =本次经济形势更加险恶,目前股市整体跌幅更大。 ( )
  50. A cloth covered the table. 的被动句是The table was covered by a cloth.( )
  51. In English grammar, finite is of a verb form that agrees with its subject in person/人称and number/数, and indicating the time of action or state expressed by the verb.该语法表述无误。( )
  52. 语法术语Derivational affix的意思是派生词缀。( )
  53. 真希望你住得离我们近一点。=I wish you lived closer to us.( )
  54. 判断动词语态的使用正误:我很高兴入选——I am happy to choose.( )
  55. 我讨厌迟到。=I hate arriving late. ( )
  56. 要么自己做,要么找别人做。=Do it yourself or ask somebody else to do it.( )
  57. 派生词缀分为前缀和后缀,能和词根搭配,构成派生词。( )
  58. In recent years, our school has taken( )a new look.
  59. Each possible means ( ) tried but without any hope.
  60. ( )of the hotel, we saw the beach right in front of us.
  61. It is still unknown( )the young man disappeared.
  62. Everybody must have( )own choice.
  63. I wish I ( )so much last night.
  64. 属于基本句型 “主语+系动词+表语/ S+ V+ C” 的是( )。
  65. Ross looks sleepy. She must ( )to bed very late last night.
  66. The word “clearly” contains( ) morphemes.
  67. She does not possess a car; this one she uses ( ) to Henry.
  68. Now that she is out of job, Mary( )going back to university, but she hasn’t decided yet.
  69. Charles is looking forward to( ) you again.
  70. Finally we found the exhausted tiger lying there ( ).
  71. I would like to have( ).
  72. “It would be dark before he could reach the village, and he heaved a heavy sigh when he thought of encountering the terrors of Dame Van Winkle.”is a( )sentence.
  73. The earlier you( ), the earlier you will arrive there.
  74. It was never clear ( )the man hadn't reported the accident sooner.
  75. By the time the course ends( )a lot about Britain.
  76. No sooner had he began his speech( )he was stopped by the chairman.
  77. He will ask somebody to do the job privately without it ( ).
  78. “It might have been at Christmas that John gave Mary a handbag.” 是分裂句/ cleft sentence. ( )
  79. 该表述是否正确?In English, the subject sends old information, and new information is usually carried by predicate, and the focus or the most important part of the sentence occupies the end position . ( )
  80. Which sentences can be used as answers to “What did he give you”? ( )
  81. 该句的被动结构正确吗?She was made to confess to her husband her secret. ( )
  82. ——What did Tom give Mary as a Christmas gift?  ——( ).
  83. 以下表述正确吗?Fronting means the placement of normally non-initial element at the head of the sentence so as to give prominence and lend emphasis. ( )
  84. 判断句子是否有语法错误。No sooner he had arrived than he fell ill. ( )
  85. 下列哪句话是分裂句? ( )
  86. 句中的倒装结构是否正确?Just then in the distance were heard the horns of two motorcycles speeding swiftly. ( )
  87. ——Amy will make it.    ——( ).
  88. 以下表述是否正确?In modern English, there is a tendency that postmodifiers are used more frequently. ( )
  89. If a modifier only offer some explanation and without it the meaning of the whole phrase is not affected, this modifier is( ).
  90. They found the driver beneath the overturned car with a broken left leg.该句无歧义。( )
  91. Let’s ( )go to work, Oliver.
  92. 他的小说对孩子们来说是不好的。=His novel is a bad one for children. 该英语翻译中的替代词使用正确吗?( )
  93. 判断以下语法说法的正误。Modifiers in a noun phrase can be restrictive or non-restrictive.( )
  94. Premodifiers and postmodifiers are classified based on their different ( ).
  95. She is more than pretty, ( ), beautiful.
  96. It is hard for them to find ( )in darkness.
  97. 判断语法表述的对错。English is intolerant of repetition, so we should try to avoid it in any case. ( )
  98. “Every subject is not treated equally.”的意思是“不是每门学科都被同等对待。”( )
  99. 判断倒装用法的对错。Here does the bus come.( )
  100. It is generally believed that only in exceptional circumstances( )the truth from the patient.
  101. I don't suppose anyone will volunteer, will they?( )
  102. ( ) but she also proved herself a good singer.
  103. Not all birds can fly.和All birds can’t fly.这两句话的意思都是:不是所有的鸟都会飞。( )
  104. “No sooner”位于句首时,需要将主、从句都进行倒装。 ( )
  105. 判断该句是否有语法错误。Not only the sun gives us light but also it gives us heat. ( )
  106. ( ) , she would have been able to pass the exam.
  107. The background music is usually designed( ).
  108. “As” can be used as a conjunction/连词 in many different adverbial clauses. ( )
  109. 以下“until”结构使用不正确的是( )
  110. We were told that we should go on with the work ( )we reached a satisfactory result.
  111. 可用于主句动作发生在前,从句动作发生在后的表达方式是( ).
  112. 名词性从句/ nominal clause 中必须使用陈述语序/ Statement expression. ( )
  113. Ellipsis/省略 can be used in adverbial clauses all the time. ( )
  114. Only noun/名词 and noun phrase/名词短语 can be used as an antecedent/先行词 in the attributive clause/定语从句. ( )
  115. 含有“until”的句子中, 主、从句谓语动词都必须为非延续性动词。 ( )
  116. In“I fixed the things the way he expected.”, the clause "the way he expected" is a/ an ( ).
  117. 判断以下语法表述是否准确。Using conjunction pronoun/关系代词 or conjunction adverb/关系副词depends on the antecedent word/先行词. ( )
  118. Which can indicate the sentence is a subordinating compound sentence/从属复合句? ( )
  119. The sentence with “not only…but also” is a subordinating compound sentence/从属复合句. ( )
  120. We should try to get a good sleep( )much work we have to do.
  121. The sentence “However, many scientists who specialize in ageing are doubtful about it and say the human body is not designed to last 120 years.” is a compound-complex sentence. ( )
  122. The sentence “Some companies have taken the environment-friendly products as their main selling point and emphasize them in their advertising.” is a complex sentence.( )
  123. What makes the middle school proud is that more than 80% of the students have been admitted to key universities. 两处划线部分--What makes the middle school proud和more than 80% of the students have been admitted to key universities分别是什么从句? ( )
  124. The team cannot work effectively( )it is free from this kind of interference.
  125. The sentence “Life provides a unique journey for each of us, and we have to take it with smiles and laughter all the way.” is a simple sentence.( )
  126. 判断该语法表述的对错。A sentence with two or more predicates/谓语is compound sentence/复合句. ( )
  127. Nominal clauses/名词性分句, adjective clauses/形容词性分句and adverbial clauses/副词性分句 are classified based on their different ( ).
  128. 判断句子语法形式的对错。“I too spoke to her father.” ( )
  129. 我喜欢玛丽和莉莉,但我觉得莉莉更好。=I like Mary and Lily, but I think Lily is the nicer of the two. 比较级“the nicer”的使用正确吗?( )
  130. 判断对错。“Such enormous assignments are impossible practically to imagine.”( )
  131. 他能跳得很高。=He can jump really highly. 副词“highly” 的使用正确吗?( )
  132. We are greatly( ) that we shall have no more cry.
  133. 我们几乎听不到你。=Hardly we can hear you. ( )
  134. 我最近很少去公园。=I haven't been to the park much lately. 副词“lately”使用正确吗?( )
  135. This officer has a number of clients who are very satisfied. = This officer has a number of very satisfying clients. ( )
  136. Don't play with the candle that is burning. = Don't play with the burning candle. ( )
  137. I feel greatly( )that you have welcomed me so magnificently.
  138. 判断语法表述的对错。Generally, there are two types of infinitives——the to-infinitive and the bare infinitive.( )
  139. Which below is grammatically incorrect? ( )
  140. Which ones of the following are wrong?( )
  141. 句子 “You must do as you are told.”中, “do” 是不定式/ infinitive. ( )
  142. 判断以下语法表述的正误。Prescriptive grammarians hold a liberal view toward “dangling participles”. ( )
  143. 以下语法说法是否正确?If the subject of the main clause is not the logical subject of the infinitive, an introducing “for” should be used before the logical subject. ( )
  144. Which below are grammatically correct?( )
  145. Which sentence is grammatically correct? ( )
  146. Which sentences are grammatically wrong? ( )
  147. In “I prefer traveling on my own“ the -ing participle refers to a specific act, but in “I prefer to travel with you this summer“ the to-infinitive refers to a general act. ( )
  148. God( )you!
  149. If you had one billion yuan now, what( )?
  150. The stubborn young boy did not follow the advice that he( )his homework on time.
  151. If you had written clearly, you ( )yesterday.
  152. 他下令立即把所有的书寄出去。=He ordered that all the books will be sent at once. ( )
  153. The teacher insisted that Tom ( )it.
  154. He acted as if he ( )everything in the world.
  155. 判断以下语法表述的正误。In the sentence “We propose that somebody take the chair.”, “take” is a “WERE-subjunctive”. ( )
  156. It is high time that such plans( ).
  157. It was necessary that the homework( ) in before the deadline.
  158. The Minister of Finance is believed( ) of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.
  159. The house is dirty. It ( ) for months.
  160. The wolf was killed( ) a gun.
  161. The door ( ) with difficulty.
  162. Which sentences cannot be transformed into passive sentence?( )
  163. The active sentence “He took great care of his books.” can be changed into two passive sentences: “His books were taken great care of.” or “Great care was taken of his books.”( )
  164. In the sentence “She likes to have been invited to the party last night.”, “to have been invited” is a perfective form passive voice infinitive.( )
  165. 以下语法说法是否正确?A doer subject is usually followed by an active voice verb while a recipient subject is often followed by a passive voice verb.( )
  166. 这台机器已经修了两个小时了。=The machine has been being repaired for two hours.( )
  167. You ought to put the meat in the refry, but now ( ) sour.
  168. —— “Ann is in hospital.”   ——“Oh, really? I didn’t know. I( )to see her.”
  169. 给“这将是我第一次在星期天上班。”选择正确的翻译。( )
  170. According to the time table, the train for Beijing( ) at nine o’clock in the evening.
  171. I read a novel yesterday.和 I was reading a novel yesterday.表示相同的意思。( )
  172. It was the first time I ( )on a Sunday.
  173. The project to build ten buildings in this city( ) before December.
  174. ——“Lily is in our town these days.”   ——“Yes, I know. I( ) visit her tomorrow.”
  175. It rained all night.和It was raining all night.表示不同的意思。( )
  176. 到了你度假的时间了。=It is time you have a holiday.( )
  177. 我下楼的时候,电话已经不响了。=By the time I got downstairs, the telephone stopped ringing.( )
  178. 句子 “He is glad to have lived here for 10 years.”中的谓语动词 “to have lived” 是进行体/ progressive aspect.( )
  179. “He enjoys living here. ”中,谓语动词 “living” 是进行体/ progressive aspect.( )
  180. 他总是在我忙着的时候对我讲话。=He is always talking to me when I am busy.( )
  181. 以下语法表述是否正确?In English, there are only two tense forms of verbs: One is the present tense. And the other is the past tense.( )
  182. 表演结束后我们将去见他。=We are meeting him after the performance. 英语时态的使用正确吗?( )
  183. As he _____ the newspaper, Grandpa ____ asleep.( )
  184. You ( ) TV. Why not do something more meaningful now?
  185. 句子 “He is living here.”中,动词“is living” 是完成体/ perfective aspect.( )
  186. The environment of our country is already good and it ( ) even better.
  187. The officer _____ Beijing and he will give us a talk when he _____ back. ( )
  188. 句子“Please look into this problem carefully.”中,“look into”是词组动词/ phrasal verb. ( )
  189. The grammatical function of auxiliaries is to help main verbs to express various grammatical and modal meanings. 该语法表述无误。( )
  190. In the sense of refusal to give permission, we can use the following forms except( ).
  191. Which of the following are durative verbs? ( )
  192. 该表述正确吗?In English, the three non-finite verb forms are the infinitive, the -ing participle, and the -ed participle. ( )
  193. The verb “smell” can be a transitive verb, or an intransitive verb, or a linking verb. ( )
  194. In English there are only three primary auxiliaries: be, do, have. ( )
  195. 判断语法表述的对错。There is difference between the “possibility” expressed by can and that by may. ( )
  196. Verb phrase and phrasal verb, these two concepts express the same idea. 该语法表述无误。( )
  197. Among the following modals, which one refers to “probability”? ( )
  198. The additional work will take ( ) months.
  199. This morning Mary went to see a house ( ) buying it.
  200. Lily’s and Lucy’s rooms是指莉莉和露西各自拥有的不同房间,是复数;Lily and Lucy’s room是指莉莉和露西共同拥有的一个房间,是单数意义。( )
  201. He is ( ) leader that all of us like him.
  202. Why is there ( ) traffic on the streets in June than in October?
  203. “a portrait of Mr. Brown’s”的意思是一张由布朗先生画的或收藏的画像,强调画像的来源和所有; and “a portrait of Mr. Brown ”表示一张布朗先生的画像,强调画像的内容。( )
  204. We will have to finish ( ) assignment this month.
  205. ( ) his main topic, the speaker mentioned a recent accident.
  206. ( )the many delays, we shall finish our work in time.
  207. ( ) fire, please summon the fire brigade.
  208. 中国人/Chinese的复数是Chineses。( )
  209. Orange contains this vitamin, ( ) is essential to sound teeth.
  210. Some of the wheat came from China. How about ( )?
  211. Either Mary or John, who are twins, ___ left ___ coat( ).
  212. Since her father is an accountant, she is going to major in it. 该句无语法错误。( )
  213. ( )not allowed to be put here.
  214. Lily is( ) sister.
  215. Getting out of the car, she said to the man in overalls: “Fill ( ) up, please.”
  216. The mother resisted the idea of ( ) leaving home.
  217. holiday的复数是holidaies。( )
  218. The number of deer, mountain lions and tigers ( ) much because people leave things as they are.
  219. In the sentence “The man, wearing such dark glasses, obviously could not see clearly.”, the clause——“wearing such dark glasses” is a nonfinite clause. ( )
  220. In sentence “The children might have been playing in the garden.”, the verb phrase “might have been playing” is a complex verb phrase. ( )
  221. What kind of object is “the little girl” in “He stands the little girl against the wall”? ( )
  222. “What you said is not true.” is a complex sentence. ( )
  223. What kind of verb phrase is the underlined part “wouldn’t have finished” in “But for your help, I wouldn’t have finished the work.”? ( )
  224. Chairman Mao’s works ( ) published.
  225. Lily as well as her sisters( ) Chinese in China.
  226. “The students I teach have made better grades in the past few weeks.” 是复杂句/complex sentence. ( )
  227. What element is the underlined part “playing football” in “I watched the boy playing football.”? ( )
  228. “You and me who are from one world are family.” is a ( )sentence.
  229. 下列哪句话属于基本句型:主语+双宾动词+间接宾语+直接宾语“S + Vt + Oi +Od”?( )
  230. Which of the following sentences contains “double predicate”? ( )
  231. What kind of word is “friendly”? ( )
  232. Which of the following words contains an inflectional morpheme? ( )
  233. We wished our motherland strong and prosperous. 属于基本句型: 主语+( ).
  234. Universities are not working hard to accept state school pupils. 属于“主语+( )”基本句型.
  235. 名词属于封闭词类。( )
  236. “minibus”中的词素“mini”是前缀。( )
  237. “This article is well-written and you’d better read it when you have time.” is a( ).
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