  1. Try to illustrate the kinetic types at a low and high substrate level in Monod equation.

  2. 答案:Low substrate level: Linear kinetics High substrate level: Saturation kinetics
  3. The anaerobic membrane bioreactor system offers advantages that stem from the fact that the membrane is a perfect separator for solids, please briefly describe the advantages of membrane bioreactor.

  4. 答案:The membrane bioreactor offers three major advantages:The membrane eliminates the possibility of uncontrolled biomass loss to the effluent;Effluent quality is improved, since it contains no suspended BOD and only a fraction of the SMP;The volumetric loading can be increased to very high levels.
  5. Point out the key features of SMP.

  6. 答案:Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) refers to a computer architecture where two or more identical processors, connected through a shared memory bus, work simultaneously and independently on different tasks or parts of a task. The key features of SMP include: 1. Multiple Processors: SMP systems incorporate two or more identical processors, typically of the same type and speed. 2. Shared Memory: All processors have equal access to a common physical memory, allowing them to read from and write to any location in the memory without restrictions. 3. Cache Coherence: To maintain data consistency, SMP systems employ cache coherence protocols, ensuring that when one processor updates a memory location, all other processors' caches reflect this change promptly. 4. Symmetric Nature: Each processor in an SMP system has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities, executing both user-level applications and operating system code. They can run any process or thread, and there is no distinction between a "master" or "slave" processor. 5. Inter-Processor Communication (IPC): SMP systems use various mechanisms for inter-processor communication, such as interrupts, shared memory flags, and message passing, to coordinate tasks, synchronize access to shared resources, and handle interrupts and exceptions. 6. Load Balancing: The operating system dynamically assigns processes or threads to available processors, aiming to distribute the workload evenly across them. This ensures efficient utilization of processing resources and improves overall system performance. 7. Scalability: SMP systems can scale to accommodate additional processors as needed, provided the hardware and software architectures support it. However, the scalability of SMP systems is limited by factors like memory bandwidth, cache coherency overhead, and contention for shared resources. 8. Hardware Synchronization Mechanisms: SMP systems rely on hardware-supported synchronization primitives like locks, semaphores, and atomic operations to manage concurrent access to shared data and prevent race conditions. 9. Multi-threading Support: SMP systems are well-suited for multi-threaded applications, as they can execute multiple threads concurrently on different processors, enabling parallel execution and improved performance for tasks that can be divided into independent sub-tasks. In summary, the key features of SMP include multiple processors with equal capabilities, shared memory, cache coherence, symmetric operation, inter-processor communication, load balancing, scalability, hardware synchronization mechanisms, and support for multi-threading.
  7. What is the biofilm?

  8. 答案:Biofilm is a complex, structured community of microorganisms, typically bacteria or fungi, embedded within a self-produced extracellular matrix that adheres to a living or non-living surface.
  9. Please briefly describe the crucial steps during anaerobic reactor start-up.

  10. 答案:The crucial steps during start-up are:Begin with as much good anaerobic seed as possible;Fill the digester with this seed and water;Bring the system to temperature;Add buffering material in the form of a chemical such as sodium bicarbonate to protect against pH drop;Add a small amount of organic waste sufficient to let the organic acid content from fermentation reach no more than about 2000 to 4000 mg/L, while keeping pH between 6.8 and 7.6.
  11. Treating an industrial wastewater with a flow of 104 m3/d and BODL of 20000 mg/L. Computing the volume of methane gas generated if the waste stabilization is 90 precent. Also, computing the energy value of that methane.

  12. 答案:Volume of methane gas generated: 56.7 m³/day Energy value of that methane: 84,.png kWh/day
  13. Can you introduce the effect of air sparging in three-phase system of fluidized bed?

  14. 答案:Enhanced gas-solid contact, improved mass transfer, and enhanced fluidization quality
  15. Please explain why the introduction of biofilm media in activated sludge process would promote the wastewater treatment capacity.

  16. 答案:Biofilm media introduction in activated sludge process enhances wastewater treatment capacity due to: 1. **Increased surface area for microbial attachment**: Biofilm media provide a large, structured surface for microorganisms to colonize, forming dense biofilms. This significantly increases the overall surface area available for biological reactions compared to suspended biomass alone, allowing for higher microbial populations and thus greater substrate uptake and pollutant degradation. 2. **Improved retention of biomass**: Biofilm systems help retain biomass within the reactor, reducing washout of微生物 under high hydraulic loads or variations in flow conditions. This ensures a stable and concentrated microbial community continuously working on wastewater treatment, even at higher organic loading rates. 3. **Enhanced substrate utilization and metabolic diversity**: Biofilms harbor diverse microbial communities with different physiological capabilities, which can utilize a broader range of substrates more efficiently. This leads to better degradation of complex or refractory compounds and improved nutrient removal (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus). 4. **Protection from environmental stress**: The biofilm matrix shields microorganisms from toxic substances, fluctuations in temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen levels, enabling them to withstand adverse conditions that might otherwise inhibit their activity in suspended growth systems. This resilience contributes to more consistent treatment performance. 5. **Potential for simultaneous nitrification-denitrification (SND)**: In certain biofilm configurations, aerobic and anaerobic zones can coexist within the same biofilm, facilitating SND without the need for separate reactors or operational stages. This can lead to enhanced nitrogen removal efficiency and reduced energy consumption for aeration. 6. **Reduced sludge production**: Biofilm processes often generate less excess sludge compared to conventional activated sludge systems, as biomass grows predominantly on the media rather than being produced as freely suspended flocs. Lower sludge production translates to lower sludge handling, treatment, and disposal costs. In summary, the introduction of biofilm media in an activated sludge process promotes wastewater treatment capacity by increasing available surface area for microbial growth, improving biomass retention, fostering metabolic diversity, providing environmental protection to microorganisms, enabling simultaneous nitrification-denitrification, and potentially reducing sludge production.
  17. Briefly describe ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d, and ASM3.

  18. 答案:ASM1: Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) ASM2: Activated Sludge Model No. 2 ASM2d: Activated Sludge Model No. 2 with Dynamic Growth Rate ASM3: Activated Sludge Model No. 3
  19. Why most biofilm systems work well for denitrification ?

  20. Describe the three basic strategies for preserving organic electron donors during nitrification.

  21. https://image.zhihuishu.com/zhs/teacherExam_h5/COMMONUEDITOR/202103/d7e12b582b6e44a9b68228d1dc23146c.png

  22. What is the steady-state biofilm?

  23. Please draw the schematic diagram of five basic process configurations and introduce the characteristics of each configuration.

  24. Try to establish the stoichiometry matrix using the following components and processes.Components: Particle substrate (XP), Soluble substrate (SS), Acetate (Sac), Soluble methane (Sch4), fermenter (Xf), and methanogen (Xm).Processes: 1. Hydrolysis of XP with a parameter of khyd,p;2. Consumption of SS to produce acetate by fermenters (maximum specific uptake rate km,S, semi-saturation constant KS,S);3. Consumption of Sac to produce methane by methanogens (maximum specific uptake rate km,ac, semi-saturation constant KS,ac, yield Ym);4. Decay of Xf (kdec,Xf);5. Decay of Xm (kdec,Xm);

  25. In the completely mixed biofilm reactor (CMBR),active biomass in the reactor and the effluent is at concentration Xa and comes solely from detachment from the biofilm. (     )

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. S*min, K* , and S* of the steady-state-biofilm solution are three dimensionless variables consolidating the information of eight variables (, K, Y, b’, Df, D, L, S). (   )

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. The close juxtaposition of cells in a biofim is important for the exchange. (     )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Anaerobic treatment is generally a net producer of energy. (     )

  32. A:对 B:错
  33. One of the characteristics of the deep biofilms is the substrate concentration approaches zero at some point in the film. (     )

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. The removal of BODL or waste stabilization totally depends on methane formation. (    )

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. Denitrification can only be carried out in anaerobic condition. (   )

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. Nitrogen source is the only factor that affects cell synthesis equation (RC) . (    )

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. Sulfate reducers divert electron equivalents away from methane when they produce sulfides. (     )

  42. A:对 B:错
  43. Biomass itself can be used as electron donor in denitrification.   (   )

  44. A:错 B:对
  45. Three distinct causes of sludge bulking: low dissolved oxygen, short SRT, and input reduced sulfur.(    )

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. A special case of shallow is called fully penetrated when the substrate concentration has negligible gradient. (     )

  48. A:对 B:错
  49. For normal biofilm process operation, the operating flux lies in the high-load region. (  )

  50. A:错 B:对
  51. The early literature indicated aeration basins for sewage treatment should have a 6 h hydraulic detention time, a BOD loading of 1.6 kg/m3.d or a MLSS concentration between 1,200 and 3,000 mg/L.(   )

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. All microbial reactions are assumed to occur in the biofilm and suspended flocs when we want to apply the steady state biofilm model in In the completely mixed biofilm reactor (CMBR). (     )

  54. A:错 B:对
  55. Which of the following measures could prevent massive detachment of biofilm (      ).

  56. A:decrease the air ventilation B:a proper speed of rotary distribution arms C:keep adequate air ventilation D:decrease the hydraulic loading
  57. The performance of an anaerobic sludge digester can measured by: (     ).

  58. A:The methane-gas yield. B:Biodegradable solids destruction. C:The net sludge production. D:Stabilizing the BOD to methane.
  59. Disadvantages of anaerobic treatment include (       ) .

  60. A:Low growth rate of microorganisms. B:Low production of waste biological solids. C:Poor removal efficiency with dilute wastes. D:High buffer requirement for pH control.
  61. Which factors could affect the substrate flux in biofilm system (     ).

  62. A:Presence of inhibitors B:pH C:Temperature D:Medium texture
  63. Which of the following can be used as indicators to indicate the system has a long SRT. (      )

  64. A:Protozoa B:Rotifers C:other multicellular forms D:nematodes
  65. The selection of mixed-liquor suspended solids concentration depends upon (       ).

  66. A:settling characteristics of the activated sludge B:Solids Retention Time C:the design of the settling tank D:the rate of recycle of sludge from the settling tank back to the aeration tank
  67. Which of the following statements about nitrification is true ?(    )

  68. A:The content of dissolved oxygen in nitrification should be less than 0.5mg/ L B:The sludge age of nitrification must be greater than its minimum generation period C:Nitrifying bacteria are autotrophic bacteria, too high concentration of organic matter in the reaction process will cause toxicity to the activity of nitrifying bacteria D:Nitrification consumes alkalinity and lowers the pH of the system
  69. Which of the following statements is correct about the characteristics of two-stage anaerobic treatment: (     ).

  70. A:The overall volume of the two-phase system is less than for a conventional one-reactor CSTR. B:The limiting step in biomass conversion to methane is the hydrolysis. C:The sludge or other complex organic substrate is first treated in a CSTR that has a short detention time, 1 to 2 d. D:The liquid retention time of the second reactor normally is 8 to 10 d.
  71. The following key things to using the steady-state-biofilm model are described correctly (      ).

  72. A:there is a unique XfLf for any S>Smin. B:a large S*min indicates that biofilm accumulation strongly limits substrate utilization. C:J has an uncertain value for all S>Smin. D:a small K* value indicates that external mass transport is a major determinant of substrate flux. 
  73. When using the pseudo-analytical procedure for a steady-state biofilm, f can be computed to determine if the biofilm is deep or shallow. Which of the following statement is correct (    ).

  74. A:the biofilm is deep when f = 1.0. B:the biofilm is deep when f ≠ 1.0. C:the biofilm is deep when f <1.0. D:the biofilm is deep when f approaches 1.0.
  75. What are the advantages of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) compared to traditional nitrogen removal process(      ).

  76. A:No need for organic carbon B:Higher nitrogen removal rate C:Lower sludge production D:Significant savings in aeration energy
  77. The membrane bioreactor offers some advantages including: (       ).

  78. A:Low operating cost. B:The membrane eliminates the possibility of uncontrolled biomass loss to the effluent. C:Effluent quality is improved. D:The volumetric loading can be increased to very high levels.
  79. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (    )

  80. A:Stoichiometry defines how much product and biomass is produced. B:Nitrite is considered in ASM1. C:Anabolism is related to the rate of substrate uptake by a yield. D:The inhibition caused by LCFA is ignored in ADM1.
  81. The presence of abundant of which is generally considered a sign of a system that is operating well now and has been stable for some time. (     )

  82. A:predators B:ciliated protozoa with stalks C:free swimming protozoa D:predator eukaryotes
  83. The volatile suspended solids concentration follows the trend of (     ) .

  84. A:BAP B:inert biomass C:SMP D:active biomass
  85. Which of the following has a relatively short detention time (     ).

  86. A:Plug Flow (Conventional)  B:Completely Mixed C:Contact Stabilization D:Step Aeration
  87. Which of the following organisms owns the highest true yield in their typical operating conditions? (     )

  88. A:Methanogens B:Denitrifiers C:Nitrifying autotrophs D:Aerobic heterotrophs
  89. The half-saturation coefficient K for dissolved oxygen is generally less than 1 mg/L, therefore, dissolved oxygen should be kept at less what value to keep oxygen non-limiting? (    )

  90. A:0.5 mg/L B:1 mg/L C:4 mg/L D:2 mg/L
  91. The fundamental “law” of the steady-state biofilm having the following properties except. (     )

  92. A:

    Near the outer surface,is negative.


    Near the attachment surface,is negative.

    C:The locations with positive growth rates are exporting biomass to the locations with negative biomass. D:

    it says that the growth of new biomass per unit area(YJ is just balanced by the losses per unit area.

  93. Which of the following is the unique operating parameter in rotating biological contactors (RBC)? (       )

  94. A:the percent submergence B:BOD surface loading C:hydraulic loading D:volumetric loading
  95. The retention and accumulation of biomass in biofilm system mainly rely on (     ).

  96. A:biomass settling B:floc formation C:attach to solid surface D:the recycling process

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