第二章 新闻英语的特点 Features of News English:本章讨论英语新闻文章的主要类型及其基本结构,同时介绍新闻英语的词汇特征以及语法现象,最后介绍新闻英语的修辞手段。This chapter first looks at the typical types of English news articles as well as the basic structures. Then it provides an introduction to the lexical and grammatical features of news English. Finally it introduces rhetorical devices of news English,2.1新闻分类及结构特点 Types and Structures of the News:本节讨论新闻英语的分类与结构特点。根据不同的角度,新闻可以分为不同的类型。新闻报道通常有三种结构类型:倒金字塔型、金字塔型和沙漏型。Session One discusses the types and structures of the news. News can be classified into different types based on different perspectives. There are three possible types of structures for a news report: the inverted pyramid, the pyramid and the hourglass.
2.2词汇特色 Lexical Features:本节讲授新闻英语的词汇特色,包括大量使用简短词和缩略词、频繁使用新词和时髦词、广泛使用转喻词和外来词、以及灵活使用模糊词和形象词。Session Two talks about the lexical features of news English: the preference for midget words and abbreviations, the frequent use of neologisms and vogue words, the wide use of metonyms and loan words, and the flexible use of fuzzy words and vivid words.
2.3语法现象 Grammar in News English:本节聚焦新闻英语的语法特点。为了能快速、准确、清晰地传递信息,一些有效的语法手段常常被采用,例如使用多重前置修饰词,灵活使用省略,时态呼应不规则,被动语态用法特殊,频繁穿插背景材料,以及引语和插入语的镶嵌。This session focuses on the grammatical features of news English. In order to deliver the information quickly, accurately and clearly, some effective grammatical measures are adopted. The grammatical features of news English include the heavy use of pre-modifiers, the flexible use of omission, the disagreement of tenses, the special usage of passive voice, the frequent use of backgrounds, and the insertion of quotations and parentheses.
2.4修辞手段 Rhetorical Devices:本节讲授新闻英语常见的修辞手段。一般来说,常用的有明喻、暗喻、双关、夸张、委婉语、借代、典故、反讽、重复、对偶、排比,以及语音修辞,包括头韵、元韵、辅韵、尾韵及拟声词的使用。Session Three focuses on the rhetorical devices commonly used in news. They are simile, metaphor, pun, hyperbole, euphemism, metonymy, allusion, irony, repetition, antithesis, parallelism, and phonetic rhetoric, which includes alliteration, assonance, consonance, end rhyme, and onomatopoeia.
2.5你问我答 Questions & Answers:你问我答 Questions & Answers
[多选题]What are the disadvantages of the inverted pyramid form?

选项:[Readers cannot find suspense and loose interest for the climax comes first., The standardized structure of makes the news lack of variety, The repetition of the important information makes the news boring and tedious.,  It is efficient for the editors to pick the biggest news out of piled-up messages.]
[单选题]In the sentence "...Hosack embodies the greatest impulses of the young nation--reverence for science, compassion for his fellow citizens and devotion to the civic life of the republic", what rhetorical devices are used?

选项:[Parallelism and metaphor., Allusion and irony., Irony and parallelism., Metaphor and allusion.]
[单选题]Normally, a story consists of three parts: introduction or background, facts and climax. 

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]In what kinds of news are passive sentences frequently used?

选项:[News about conflicts., News about disasters., All of the above., News about wars.]
[单选题]What can "Downing Street" and "White House" refer to?

选项:[British Parliament and American Congress., British government and American government., British Prime Minister and American President., London and Washington D. C.]

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