第七章 新闻英语写作 News English Writing:本章主要介绍新闻英语的写作方法,包括新闻写作、新闻评论、人物特写和社交网络写作四个部分。通过分析不同类型新闻的语言特征和写作结构元素,帮助学习者理解新闻英语文体的内在逻辑与结构。同时,引入范文赏析具体指导学习者进行写作实践。This chapter takes an approach to developing writing skills. Writing English news helps you develop writing skills. It is staged into four sessions ---news writing, commentary writing, feature writing and online writing for network media. Students are guided through the process of understanding how structural elements integrated each other and in what different language styles. Sample analysis in each part serves as kind of good interpretation for good writing.7.1校园新闻 Campus News Reports:第一节是新闻写作,特别是校园新闻写作。校园新闻写作是一种快速及时又直接的新闻写作,通常包括新闻事件发生的时间地点人物等六个基本要素中的大部分,取决于各种不同类型新闻的具体需要,但是最重要的信息一定是写在最开始。Session One leads in news writing, especially campus news writing. Campus news writing is kind of quick and direct react, and usually involves most of the six basic elements 5ws and the H depending on various different news with the most important information at the very beginning.
7.2新闻评论 Commentary Writing:本节讨论如何对新闻事件表达多维观点。它通常是一篇论证文章,标题短小精悍,主题直截了当,逻辑性强,论证性强,结论深刻。本节进一步讨论如何引入新闻由头、插入背景信息、选择可靠的引用、导入数据和图表、切换比较与对比等写作方法。This session deals with how to express multidimensional views on the news events. It is usually a piece of argumentative writing always with a short and catching headline, straightforward theme prelude, logic and convincing demonstration and impressive conclusion. This session further discusses how to introduce a news peg, blend Background information, select reliable quotations, lead in data and graphs, switch between comparison and contrast e
7.3特写故事 News Features & Profiles:新闻特写的目的不仅是传递信息,更是娱悦读者。人物描写应该生动。本节强调细节描写,以帮助读者自己贴近人物,具体观察倾听人物。另外,还介绍了一些语言修辞方法,以增强特写的文学功能。A feature serves the purpose of entertaining the readers in addition to informing them. Feature writing describes vivid characters. This session focuses on concrete details as to help readers see and get to know the subject, let readers themselves hear the profile person talk and to get a close look onto him. Some rhetorical devices are also introduced to achieve high literary quality.
7.4社交短信 Online Short Message Writing:本节讨论社交媒体成为独特传播工具的几个特点,介绍四种不同类型的社交媒体平台,并推荐了社交媒体短文本写作的一些原则。This session discusses several characteristics which make social media a unique communication tool. Four different types of social media platform are introduced. Some principles in creating social media short texts are also recommended in this session.
7.5你问我答 Questions & Answers:你问我答 Questions & Answers
[单选题] The goal of creating social media messages is not only to reach your audience, to share contents and emotions with others, but also to achieve an intended effect and to reflect the _________  of their author.

选项:[figure, unique voice, opinion  ,  face ]
[单选题] In 1979, the Pulitzer Prize Board established a category for a distinguished example for feature writing, that is “giving prime consideration to high literary quality and originality.”  

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In a straight news report, the most important information in the story is always put___ 

选项:[in the middle  , in the end, up to the top , down the story]
[单选题] A Commentary is usually a piece of___ writing.

选项:[living, narrative  , descriptive  , argumentative  ]
[单选题]The specific source is some kind_______ to well proof your viewpoint.

选项:[subjective opinion , silent opinion  , writer’s opinion , obvious opinion ]

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