第八章 新闻英语采访与播报 News Interviewing and Broadcasting:第八章讲授新闻采访中提问的技巧和如何复述报刊文章,介绍新闻课堂陈述的步骤流程,并分享一些使课堂陈述更有效的技巧,最后探讨如何评价课堂新闻口头陈述。This chapter talks about techniques for asking questions in a journalistic interview and how to retell a newspaper article. It also introduces the procedure of making a news presentation and tips for an effective presentation. Finally it discusses how to evaluate the news presentation in class.8.1新闻采访提问 Asking Questions in a News Interview:本节首先讲授如何使用开放性问题和封闭性问题来收集信息, 然后探讨如何在不同类型的采访中为达到不同的目的进行采访提问。希望你能像一名记者那样设计问题、提出问题。This session first talks about how to use open and closed questions to gather information. Then it explores how to ask questions in different types of interviews for different purposes. Hopefully you can create and ask questions like a journalist.
8.2新闻事件复述 Retelling a News Report:复述是一种读或听完一个故事后用释义来总结这个故事的能力,它是一种能提高你阅读理解和口语能力的策略。 本节主要回答一下问题:复述是什么?为什么采用复述?以及如何对报刊文章进行复述?Retelling is the ability to read or listen to a story, then summarize it in paraphrased form. It is a strategy that can enhance your reading comprehension, as well as improve your speaking skills. This session mainly deals with the following questions: What is retelling? Why use retelling? And how to retell a newspaper article?
8.3新闻口头报道 Giving an Oral News Presentation:第三节讨论了课堂上做口头新闻陈述的三件事:新闻陈述的准备;帮助观众们记住要点;以及幻灯片设计的基础要点Session Three discusses three things about delivering an oral news presentation in class:preparing a news presentation; helping the audience remember the key points and the basics of PowerPoint slide design.
8.4新闻报道评价 Evaluating News Presentations:Peer assessment of a news report can bring benefits to both the presenters and the audiences. Students can learn from each other's presentation skills. They are encouraged to be active listeners and assessors and involved in critical reflection. This session introduces two ways to evaluate a presentation: oral evaluation and written evaluation. Guidelines are given respectively about how to evaluate the presentation orally and in a written rubric. 同伴评议对报道者和观众都益处颇多。学生能够互相学习对方的陈述技巧,学会更用心地观看他人的报道,更活跃地参与点评,进行批判性反思。评价新闻报道的方法有两种:口头评价和书面评价,如何对新闻报道进行口头评价及书面评价本节分别给出了指引。
8.5你问我答 Questions & Answers:对于观众来说, 问答环节是整个陈述的重要部分,因为它可以为观众解答疑惑、巩固知识 。本节主要解答一个问题:如何解决和有效回应口头陈述的最后的提问环节?The Q & A session is an important part of the presentation for the whole audience as it allows for clarification and consolidation of learning. This session mainly discusses how to deal with and respond effectively to questions at the end of a presentation.
[单选题]The focus of a profile interview is a person rather than an event or situation.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Which of the following is not true about open question?

选项:[ Reporters often start their interviews with open questions., Open questions typically begin with interrogative words, Television and radio interviews usually end with an open question., They cannot be answered with a yes or no response.]
[单选题]The best evaluations are a combination of praise, areas for improvement, and specific suggestions.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Which one of the following is not true?

选项:[Ask sensitive questions at the last minute of an interview., What you want to know determines which questions you will ask., Closed questions bring conversations to a halt., Ask easier questions first.]
[单选题]Which one of the following about retelling is not true?   

选项:[Retelling can determine how well we comprehend a story.,  Retelling is a useful assessment tool., Retell in your own words instead of reciting the original sentence., Add your own opinion while retelling.]

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