1.Promissory note is a typical three-party instrument and it contains an unconditional promise to pay. (( )
A:对 B:错
2.Joint and several notes contain more than one debt, and hence, the makers are liable on the note jointly and severally. (( )
A:对 B:错 3.Cheque is a special type of bills of exchange, in which drawer must be a commercial bank. (( )
A:错 B:对 4.According to UK Bills of Exchange Act 1882, a general crossing on a cheque may be converted into a special crossing and vice versa. (( )
A:错 B:对 5.Which of the following financial instruments are belonging to the promissory notes? ( )
A:Note of central bank. B:Negotiable certificate of deposit. C:Note of trader. D:International money order. 6.Which of the following statements associated with promissory note is incorrect? ( )
A:Each maker is individually liable for its responsible amount of the note. B:The death of one maker of promissory note extinguishes his/her liability, this is happening for joint and several note. C:The holder of joint and several note can sue each one of the makers in turn until it obtains the desired outcome in the court. D:The payee/holder has multiple right of action for joint and several note. 7.Which of the following statements associated with cheque is incorrect? ( )
A:The drawer is the customer of bank, has cheque writing account, and the drawee may be a commercial bank or trader. B:A cheque is payable on demand, there is no usance cheque. C:Drawer and indorsers are all secondary obligors for the cheque, and if the cheque is certified by the commercial bank, bank and drawer will become the principal obligors. D:A cheque can be utilized as the payment and credit financial instrument.

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