1.A class B amplifier (not push-pull) (     ).
A:conducts through less than 180° of the input waveform B:conducts between 180° and 360° degrees of the input waveform, depending on the amount of dc bias C:conducts through 360° of the input waveform D:conducts through 180° of the input waveform
2.Crossover distortion in class B amplifiers is prevented by (    ).  
A:biasing the transistors deeply into cutoff B:increasing the load resistance C:using complementary-symmetry transistors D:biasing the transistors slightly above cutoff 3.The maximum theoretical efficiency of an RC-coupled class A amplifier is (    ).
A:99%  B:25% C:50% D:78.5% 4.Power amplifiers are typically used to drive low impedance loads.(     )
A:错 B:对 5.The power that an amplifier delivers to a load is equal to the difference between the power that the circuit draws from the power supply and the power that the circuit dissipates.(     )
A:对 B:错

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