  1. 以下哪项不是现代汉语语法的主要特点?( )
    Which of the following is not the main characteristic of modern Chinese grammar? ( )

  2. A:虚词 Function Words B:声调 Tones C:量词 Measure Words D:语序 Word Order
    答案:声调 Tones
  3. ( ) 是现代汉语中最常用的量词。
    ( ) is the most common measure word in modern Chinese.

  4. A:个 ge B:根 gen C:封 feng D:辆 liang
    答案:个 ge
  5. 汉语的句子成分通常包括: (  )、状语和补语等。
    Chinese sentence elements usually include ( ), adverbial modifier and complement.

  6. A:谓语 Predicate B:主语 Subject C:宾语 Object D:定语 Attributive
    答案:谓语 Predicate###主语 Subject###宾语 Object###定语 Attributive
  7. 下面哪些汉语句子是对的?( )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences are correct? ( )

  8. A:去年她是学生,现在她是老师。Last year she was a student, but now she is a teacher. B:他是学生。He is a student. C:我是学生。I am a student. D:他们是学生。They are students.
    答案:去年她是学生,现在她是老师。Last year she was a student, but now she is a teacher.###他是学生。He is a student.###我是学生。I am a student.###他们是学生。They are students.
  9. “朋友的妈妈”和“妈妈的朋友”的意思是一样的。
    The two Chinese phrases“朋友的妈妈”and“妈妈的朋友”have the same meaning. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. “读书好”、“读好书”和“好读书”的意思都不相同。
    The three expressions“读书好”, “读好书”and“好读书”have different meanings. ( )

  12. A:错 B:对

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