  1. 下面哪个动词不能用来表示正在进行的动作?( )
    Which of the following verbs cannot be used to express an action in progress? ( )

  2. A:听 B:吃 C:有 D:写
  3. 表示正在进行的动作,下面哪个中文句子不对?( )
    Which of the following sentences is incorrect about an action in progress-“She is watching TV in the living room”? ( )

  4. A:她在客厅看电视。 B:她正在在客厅看电视。 C:她在客厅看电视呢。 D:她正在客厅看电视。
  5. 表示动作的完成,下面哪个句子是对的?( )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences is correct about the completion of an action? ( )

  6. A:她生病了,昨天我去了医院看她。She was sick. I went to the hospital to see her yesterday. B:去年我们学校常常举行足球比赛。Our school often held football matches last year. C:昨天晚上我吃了晚饭就睡觉。I went to bed immediately after dinner last night. D:今天的作业我还没有做了。I have not done today’s homework.
  7. “Summer break is coming.”用汉语可以怎么说?(   )
    How can we express the sentence “Summer break is coming” in Chinese? ( )

  8. A:暑假就要到了。 B:暑假要到了。 C:暑假快到了。 D:暑假快要到了。
  9. “墙上挂着中国地图。”和“中国地图在墙上挂着。”这两个句子都是对的,意思也差不多。
    Both of the sentences “墙上挂着中国地图。” and “中国地图在墙上挂着。” are correct and they have the similar meaning.( )

  10. A:对 B:错

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