  1. 判断下列中文句子哪个不是陈述句?( )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences is not a declarative sentence? ( )

  2. A:我不认识他。I don’t know him. B:明天星期六?Is it Saturday tomorrow? C:你别忘了带护照。Don’t forget your passport. D:下课了。Class is over.
    答案:明天星期六?Is it Saturday tomorrow?
  3. 下面哪些中文句子是是非问句?(   )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences are yes-no questions? ( )

  4. A:中午吃面条?Noodles for lunch? B:这是她的桌子吧?This is her desk, right? C:我们找时间去看看他,可以吗?Let’s visit him sometime, all right? D:这是新买的手表吗? Is this a new watch?
  5. 下面哪些句式是用来询问年长者的年龄的?(  )
    Which of the following sentence patterns are used to ask about an elder person’s age? ( )

  6. A:请问您多大年纪? B:您今年多大年纪了? C:你今年几岁了? D:你多大了?
  7. 下面哪些句子是反问句?(  )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences are rhetorical questions? ( )

  8. A:你今天爬山爬得那么快,能不累吗? B:不是说今天有雨吗?怎么没下? C:校长哪儿有时间啊? D:你看我这么胖,怎么办呢?
  9. 汉语句子按功能分为四类,分别是陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。
    There are four types of Sentences classified in terms of function and they are respectively declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence and exclamatory sentence.( )

  10. A:对 B:错

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