  1. 关于“有”字句,下面哪个中文句子不对?( )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences is wrong about the “有”-sentences? ( )

  2. A:中国有很长的历史。China has a long history. B:明天有雨。It will rain tomorrow. C:山田后边有玛丽。Behind Yamada is Mary. D:学校里有很多树。There are many trees in the school.
    答案:山田后边有玛丽。Behind Yamada is Mary.
  3. 关于连动句,下面哪个中文句子不对?( )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences is wrong about the sentences with a serial verb construction? ( )

  4. A:她上个星期坐火车去云南了。She went to Yunnan by train last week. B:我昨天没有去跑步。I didn’t go jogging yesterday. C:我每天自己做饭吃饭。I cook for myself every day. D:爸爸要去上海出差。Dad will go to Shanghai to have a business trip.
  5. “We often chat and text each other in Chinese”这句话的正确中文翻译是( )。
    The correct Chinese translation of the sentence “We often chat and text each other in Chinese” is( ).

  6. A:我们经常聊天用汉语和发短信用汉语。 B:我们经常聊天用汉语,也发短信用汉语。 C:我们经常用汉语聊天,和用汉语发短信。 D:我们经常用汉语聊天,也经常用汉语发短信。
  7. 下面哪些句式是表示强调的“是……的”句式?(  )
    Which of the following Chinese sentence patterns are the “是…的” structures, used to emphasize time, place, manner or the agent of an action? ( )

  8. A:我们是在公司认识的,他是我的新同事。We met at the company. He is my new colleague. B:这是送给你的。This is for you. C:我是跟旅游团一起来欧洲的。I came to Europe with a tour group. D:今天早上电话是儿子接的。The son answered the phone this morning.
  9. 关于“比”字句,下面哪些中文句子是对的?( )
    Which of the following Chinese sentences are correct about the “比”-sentences? ( )

  10. A:这个题比那个题难一点儿。This question is a little more difficult than that one. B:今天的西瓜比昨天便宜多了。Today’s watermelon is much cheaper than that of yesterday. C:爸爸比妈妈重得多。Dad is much heavier than Mom. D:北京比武汉凉快一些。Beijing is kind of cooler than Wuhan.
  11. “他吃得比我多得多” 和 “他比我吃得多得多” 这两个句子都是对的,意思也一样。
    Both of the Chinese sentences “他吃得比我多得多” and “他比我吃得多得多” are correct and have the same meaning: He eats much more than me.( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. “运动使我快乐,读书也使我快乐。”是典型的兼语句。
    “运动使我快乐,读书也使我快乐.(Sports make me happy, and reading makes me happy, too.)” is a typical pivotal sentence.( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. 有些常用的动词,像“是、在、来、去、觉得、毕业”等等,都不能用于“把”字句。例如,“姐姐把大学毕业了”就是一个错误的“把”字句。
    Some commonly used verbs such as “有”, “是”, “在”, “来”, “去”, “觉得”, “毕业”, etc. cannot act as the main verb of a“把-sentence. For example, “姐姐把大学毕业了(My elder sister has graduated from college)” is a wrong “把”-sentence.( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. 在“把”字句中,否定词、助动词、能愿动词等都应放在“把”的前面。例如,你可以把电视声音关小点儿吗?
    In “把”-sentences, the negative adverbs “不” or “没(有)” or auxiliary verbs should be placed before the preposition “把” if there is any. For example, 你可以把电视声音关小点儿吗?(Could you please turn down the TV?) ( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. “外卖送来了”和“外卖被送来了”这两个句子都是对的。
    Both of the Chinese sentences “外卖送来了” and “外卖被送来了” are grammatically correct.( )

  20. A:错 B:对

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