
KFC sells Youtiao, a kind of Chinese doughnut, at its outlets in China. The Youtiao is considered an important part of a Chinese breakfast menu. In marketing terms, KFC is practicing a _____ strategy.

A:positioning B:segmentation C:localization D:indigenous

Which of the following is true about strategic planning?

A:It deals with the tactical issues of marketing B:It incorporates generalized goals for the enterprise as a whole C:It is conducted at the highest levels of management D:It addresses marketing and advertising questions 3.

Which of these aspects of international marketing is analyzed in Phase 1 of the international planning process?

A:Company character B:Product adaptation C:Situation analysis D:Advertising 4.

The first phase of the international planning process is to adapt the marketing mix to target markets.

A:对 B:错 5.

Incorrect decisions taken in Phase 2 of the international planning process lead to products inappropriate for the intended market or costly mistakes in pricing, advertising, and promotion. 

A:错 B:对

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