1. What percentage of soil is made up of pores?( )

  2. 答案:50%
  3. How many soil layers typically make up mature soil?( )

  4. 答案:3
  5. How many types of bacteria can be found in a spoonful of good soil?( )

  6. 答案:75,000
  7. What role does soil play in the carbon cycle?( )

  8. 答案:Important carbon storage
  9. What are the three principal characteristics of light that affect plant growth? ( )

  10. 答案:Quantity, quality, and duration
  11. What percentage of the world’s population lives in urban areas? ( )

  12. 答案:55%
  13. What are some fields that life sciences discoveries have applications in?( )。

  14. 答案:Health, agriculture, food science industries.
  15. The study of human settlements originated from urban planning. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. What is the goal of constructing human settlements? ( )

  18. 答案:To create a sustainable interactive relationship between people and the external environment
  19. What are some problems that are exacerbated by increasing population density in urban environments? ( )

  20. 答案:High energy consumption only.###waste-disposal problems.###Insufficient water availability only.###Poor air quality only.
  21. The proliferation of laboratory foods could end crop diversity, affecting the balance of ecosystems, and modified bacteria escaping from a laboratory( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Due to human activity, the temperature in urban or metropolitan areas is significantly higher than in the surrounding rural areas, the term Urban heat island ( )
  24. The name of the structure that makes the leaves of some plants feel fuzzy to the touch is trichomes( )
  25. The name of the symbiotic relationship in which neither species benefits is Commensalism( )
  26. What are some adverse consequences of light pollution? ( )
  27. What are some ways to support native biodiversity in cities?( )
  28. What are the three important factors for recovered ecosystems?( )
  29. What are the consequences of urbanization? ( )
  30. Which of the following is not a characteristic of unsustainable cities?( )
  31. What is the term for a chemical signal that triggers a response in plants when they are attacked by herbivores? ( )
  32. What is the purpose of rain gardens?( )
  33. What is an example of a biotic stress that plants face? ( )
  34. What is the process of converting nitrogen gas into a usable form for plants by bacteria? ( )
  35. What is the name of the process by which plants use carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce carbohydrates? ( )
  36. What is the aesthetic value of urban open spaces?( )
  37. What is an example of an ecosystem disservice caused by urban biodiversity?( )
  38. What is the name of the world’s largest city with 38 million inhabitants? ( )
  39. What is the term for a close ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species?( )
  40. What percentage of our food comes from 15 crop species and 8 livestock species ? ( )
  41. What is the name of the flower that opens in the morning and closes in the evening due to temperature difference between the upper and lower sides of its mesophyll? ( )
  42. Why is the quality of green space important?( )
  43. What is the proportion of native species in urban areas?( )
  44. Who manages and maintains community gardens?( )
  45. What is the name of the process that has resulted in the selection of a wide range of plant defenses against biotic stress?( )
  46. What benefits do green spaces in cities provide for social cohesion?( )
  47. What is the greatest cause of biodiversity loss? ( )
  48. What is an example of an invasive species that was introduced to Hawaii islands to control rat population ? ( )
  49. What is the name of the plant hormone that helps regulate the water balance in plants by controlling the opening and closing of stomata? ( )
  50. What is the difference between urban exploiter, urban adapter and urban avoider?( )
  51. What is urban biodiversity?( )
  52. What is the effect of climate change on global weather patterns ? ( )
  53. What is the primary cause of urban flooding?( )
  54. What is the term for the special protective proteins that some plants produce to survive severe droughts? ( )
  55. What is the key to urban biodiversity?( )
  56. What type of lamps are high in the blue range and are the best choice for starting seeds indoors? ( )
  57. Which of the following is not a stage in ecological restoration?( )
  58. What kind of species are favored in urban landscapes?( )
  59. What is cotton called? ( )
  60. What are the problems caused by urbanization?( )
  61. What is the term for the pores on the underside of leaves that allow gas exchange and transpiration? ( )
  62. What are the components of urban ecosystems?( )
  63. What is urban ecology?( )
  64. What is the name of the phenomenon by which carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere and causes global warming? ( )
  65. What was the purpose of the Victory Garden campaign during World War II?( )
  66. What was the United States School Garden Army?( )
  67. What is the most common type of community garden?( )
  68. What is urban agriculture?( )
  69. What is a community garden?( )
  70. How long does ecological restoration take?( )
  71. Which habitats are most critical for restoring ecology?( )
  72. What is phytodegradation?( )
  73. What is the first stage of ecological restoration?( )
  74. What is the purpose of ecological restoration?( )
  75. What is the proportion of the world’s population that will live in urban areas by 2050 according to the World Health Organization? ( )
  76. What is green infrastructure?( )
  77. What is the official term corresponding to the meaning of “megalopolis” in China? ( )
  78. What is the goal of urban ecology?( )
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