1. Glycolysis takes place in mitochondria.( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Ion-exchange chromatography is a method that can be used to separate and purify proteins, basing on the relative molecular mass of proteins.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. All enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis exist in the cytoplasm.( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. RNAs are synthesized from DNA templates, no need for a primer.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. β-Oxidation of FAs includes five repeated steps: activation, oxidation, hydration, oxidation and thiolysis. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. The base thickness of α-helix is 3.4 nm.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Tyrosine is (are) neutral and polar at pH = 7.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. A number of the digestive enzymes are synthesized in an inactive form and are only activated in the duodenum. These inactive precursor forms are termed( ).

  16. 答案:Zymogens
  17. Urea is utilized in( ).

  18. 答案:Extra-hepatic
  19. Which of the following does not pump protons? ( ).

  20. 答案:Complex II
  21. All of the following compounds contain high-energy phosphate bond, EXCEPT( ).

  22. 答案:Glucose-6-phosphate
  23. What are the steps involved (in order) in the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA?( )
  24. For identification of a gene, against which strand of DNA must the probe complement: the top or bottom strand? ( ).
  25. The chemical bond in charge of maintaining secondary structure of proteins is( ).
  26. All of the following amino acids are L-amino acids, EXCEPT( ).
  27. All of the following processes occur in the mitochondria, EXCEPT( ).
  28. The reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide is( ).
  29. Name three amino acids that are positively charged at a neutral pH( ).
  30. The wavelength of maximum absorption of nucleic acids is 280 nm.( )
  31. Ketone bodies are produced in the mitochondrial matrix of liver cells, and then further oxidized in liver cells, which is an another form of oxidative energy supply for fatty acids.( )
  32. The kinetic behavior of allosteric enzymes does not follow the Mechaelis-Menten equation.( )
  33. Three nucleotides code for 3 amino acids.( )
  34. Genes can be inserted into eukaryotic cells by ( ).
  35. Which of the following amino acid residues would most likely be buried in the interior of a water soluble, globular protein( )?
  36. What are the primary metabolic fates of pyruvate?( )
  37. The enzyme in charge of proofreading function in DNA replication is( ).
  38. The sites for intron splicing consensus sequences are often( ).
  39. Cori cycle is the process that transport ammonia from muscle to liver?( )
  40. When a protein is denatured, its molecular mass decreases.( )
  41. In the process of DNA replication, the enzyme that can remove primers is DNA polymeraseⅠ.( )
  42. Most eukaryotic mRNAs have poly(A) at the 5 'end and cap structure at the 3' end.( )
  43. The coenzyme of most aminotransferases is pyridoxal phosphate.( )
  44. All enzymes involved in glycolysis exist in the cytoplasm.( )
  45. Alanine-glucose cycle is the process that transport ammonia from muscle to liver?( )
  46. ATP is the main form of energy storage.( )
  47. The initial synthesis of polypeptide chains of prokaryotes begin with formylmethionine (fMet).( )
  48. The wavelength of maximum absorption of proteins is 260 nm.( )
  49. Reverse transcriptase is normally found in( ).
  50. Ribosomes are composed of( ).
  51. Which of the following is the main deamination style in the body?( )
  52. If a plot of the reciprocal of the velocity of an enzyme catalyzed reaction versus the reciprocal of the substrate concentration yields a straight line, the intercept on the 1/[S] axis is( ).
  53. The site to which RNA polymerase binds on the DNA template prior to the initiation of transcription is ( ).
  54. The difference in RNA bases compared to DNA bases is( ).
  55. What do Southern, Northern, and Western blots detect, respectively?( )
  56. In the urea cycle, the carbon skeleton of aspartate is preserved as( ).
  57. What is the binding site of peptidyl-tRNA?( )
  58. The first amino acid in bacterial proteins is( ).
  59. How many high-energy phosphate bonds are expended in gluconeogenesis?( )
  60. Which of the following is an allosteric activator of mammalian carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase?( )
  61. In protein synthesis, after the initiation complex forms, how many high-energy phosphate bonds will be consumed when an amino acid is added into a peptide chain?( )
  62. The Km is( ).
  63. What is the approximate error rate in DNA replication?( )
  64. If the codon of mRNA is ACG, then the anticodon of tRNA is( ).
  65. Which of the following sequences would retain the base-pairing necessary to form a hairpin loop? ( )The original sequence is UUGCUCAGUAAGAGCAA.
  66. Plasmids used in recombinant DNA technology typically( ).
  67. Which of the following codon are the initiation codon in the process of protein biosynthesis? ( )
  68. How many rounds of  oxidation would be required for a 16-C fatty acyl chain to be degraded to acetyl-CoA?( )
  69. Which of the following steps is NOT included in the protein biosynthesis?( )
  70. The energy required for protein synthesis is ATP( ).
  71. Promoter is a short sequence rich in purines, lies 5’to the AUG initiation codon and is complementary to part of the 16S rRNA in the small ribosomal subunit( ).
  72. Energy for the movement of peptidyl-tRNA from the A-site to the P-site is provided by( ).
  73. The operon model proposes three elements, EXCEPT( ).
  74. Most mRNAs of eukaryotes are polycistron, while most mRNAs of prokaryotes are monocistron( ).
  75. The RNA polymerase holoenzyme of prokaryotes is composed of several subunits, such as α2ββω( ).
  76. The template strand of DNA is 5’-ATTCAG-3’, its transcript is( ).
  77. Which of the following codons are the termination codons in protein biosynthesis?( )
  78. All of the following descriptions about the synthesis of leading strands in DNA replication in prokaryoticcells are correct, EXCEPT( ).
  79. The leading strand is continuously replicated, and the lagging strand is not continuously replicated, which is the semi-conservative replication( ).
  80. During deamination, L-amino acid oxidase has higher activity and is found widely in bodies( ).
  81. Urea is synthesized in( ).
  82. In the urea cycle, one “N” in the urea molecule comes from NH3, another “N”comes from( )
  83. Under All of the following molecules are called ketone bodies, EXCEPT( ).
  84. The substances that can produce acetyl CoA are ( ).
  85. Unbranched fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms are usually converted after β-oxidation to acetoacetyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA( ).
  86. For each molecule of glucose converted to pyruvate in the glycolytic pathway ___molecules of ATP are used initially (Stage I) and ___ molecules of ATP are produced (Stage II) for an overall yield of ___ molecules of ATP/ glucose. The "ATP math" is:( ).
  87. Which of the following reactions is not a control point in the citric acid cycle?( ).
  88. Complex II of the electron transport chain shares its enzymatic activity with the citric acid cycle.( )
  89. Which compound is NOT the coenzyme of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex?( )
  90. The sequence of cytochrome in the respiratory chain is b→c1→c→aa3→O2.( )
  91. The order of the members of NADH oxidative respiratory chain is( ).
  92. All of the following compounds are components of the respiratory chain, EXCEPT( ).
  93. Two hydrogen atoms (2H) in cytosolic NADH(+H+) are transported from cytosol to mitochondria through( ).
  94. About competitive inhibitors, which one is true?( ).
  95. Isoenzyme is a group of enzymes that catalyze the same chemical reaction, and the molecular structure, physicochemical properties and immunological properties of the enzyme protein are different( ).
  96. Inhibition of phosphate pesticide on choline esterase belongs to( ).
  97. Northern hybridization is used to detect( ).
  98. The correct description about measuring DNA denaturation are included, EXCEPT( ).
  99. The sedimentation coefficient of the mammalian ribosome large subunit is 50S.( )
  100. The protein molecule (PI=4.5) will mobile to the negative electrode when the PH of electrophoresis buffer is( ).
  101. Gel filtration chromatography is a method that can be used to separate and purify proteins, basing on the solubility of proteins( )
  102. All of the following amino acids are acidic or basic amino acids, EXCEPT( ).
  103. The amino acids that determine the UV-absorbing properties of proteins are( ).
  104. Approximately what percentage of the human genome encodes for proteins?( )
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