  1. Advocacy对应下列哪个选项?

  2. A:Statement in a pleading B:the final decision by a court in a lawsuit, criminal prosecution or appeal from a lower court's judgment, except for an "interlocutory judgment," which is tentative until a final judgment is made. The word "decree" is sometimes used as synonymous with judgment. C:The profession or work of an advocate; the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal D:to prepare and sign a bill of exchange or check.
    答案:The profession or work of an advocate; the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal
  3. Allegation对应下列哪个选项?

  4. A:to prepare and sign a bill of exchange or check. B:Statement in a pleading C:The profession or work of an advocate; the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal D:the final decision by a court in a lawsuit, criminal prosecution or appeal from a lower court's judgment, except for an "interlocutory judgment," which is tentative until a final judgment is made. The word "decree" is sometimes used as synonymous with judgment.
    答案:Statement in a pleading
  5. Attorney对应下列哪个选项?

  6. A:the party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution. In some types of cases (such as divorce) a defendant may be called a respondent. B:A person authorized to act on another’s behalf; esp lawyer C:the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights. D:a body of laws and legal concepts which come down from old Roman laws established by Emperor Justinian
    答案:A person authorized to act on another’s behalf; esp lawyer
  7. Civil law对应下列哪个选项?

  8. A:the party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution. In some types of cases (such as divorce) a defendant may be called a respondent. B: A person authorized to act on another’s behalf; esp lawyer C:a body of laws and legal concepts which come down from old Roman laws established by Emperor Justinian D:the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights.
    答案:a body of laws and legal concepts which come down from old Roman laws established by Emperor Justinian
  9. Defendant对应下列哪个选项?

  10. A: the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights. B:a body of laws and legal concepts which come down from old Roman laws established by Emperor Justinian C: A person authorized to act on another’s behalf; esp lawyer D:the party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution. In some types of cases (such as divorce) a defendant may be called a respondent.
    答案:the party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution. In some types of cases (such as divorce) a defendant may be called a respondent.
  11. Plaintiff对应下俩哪个选项?

  12. A: the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights. B:the party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution. In some types of cases (such as divorce) a defendant may be called a respondent. C:A person authorized to act on another’s behalf; esp lawyer D:a body of laws and legal concepts which come down from old Roman laws established by Emperor Justinian
    答案: the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights.
  13. Draft对应下列哪个选项?

  14. A: to prepare and sign a bill of exchange or check. B:the final decision by a court in a lawsuit, criminal prosecution or appeal from a lower court's judgment, except for an "interlocutory judgment," which is tentative until a final judgment is made. The word "decree" is sometimes used as synonymous with judgment. C: The profession or work of an advocate; the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal D:Statement in a pleading
    答案: to prepare and sign a bill of exchange or check.
  15. judgment对应下列哪个选项?

  16. A:the final decision by a court in a lawsuit, criminal prosecution or appeal from a lower court's judgment, except for an "interlocutory judgment," which is tentative until a final judgment is made. The word "decree" is sometimes used as synonymous with judgment. B: to prepare and sign a bill of exchange or check. C:Statement in a pleading D:The profession or work of an advocate; the action of advocating, pleading for, or supporting a cause or proposal
    答案:the final decision by a court in a lawsuit, criminal prosecution or appeal from a lower court's judgment, except for an "interlocutory judgment," which is tentative until a final judgment is made. The word "decree" is sometimes used as synonymous with judgment.
  17. Lawyers in the United Kingdom (1) generally practice as solicitors in private firms, as legal advisers in corporations, government departments, and advice agencies, or as barristers. 


  18. A:Jurisdictions B:solicitors C:tribunal D:barristers
  19. They can each do (2), (3) and give written advice, but (4), unlike (5), cannot appear in every court. 


  20. A:impartially B:Advocacy C:judge D:documents
  21. They can each do (2), (3) and give written advice, but (4), unlike (5), cannot appear in every court. 


  22. A:documents B:judge C:draft legal documents D:Advocacy
    答案:draft legal documents
  23. They can each do (2), (3) and give written advice, but (4), unlike (5), cannot appear in every court. 


  24. A:barristers B:solicitors C:Jurisdictions D:tribunal
  25. They can each do (2), (3) and give written advice, but (4), unlike (5), cannot appear in every court. 


  26. A:tribunal B:solicitors C:Jurisdictions D:barristers
  27. (6) mostly specialise in courtroom advocacy and litigation.


  28. A:barristers B:solicitors C:tribunal D:Advocacy
  29. Their tasks include taking cases in superior courts and (7), drafting legal pleadings, researching the philosophy, hypothesis and history of law, and giving expert legal opinions. 


  30. A:Advocacy B:assess C:tribunal D:documents
  31. A (8) is a legal practitioner who traditionally deals with most of the legal matters in some jurisdictions. A person must have legally-defined qualifications, which vary from one jurisdiction to another, to be described as a solicitor and enabled to practise there as such. 


  32. A:solicitors B:assess C:system D:inquisitorial
  33. A (9) presides over court proceedings, either alone or as a part of a panel of judges. The powers, functions, method of appointment, discipline, and training of judges vary widely across different jurisdictions. 


  34. A:judge B:system C:assess D:impartially
  35. The judge is supposed to conduct the trial (10) and in an open court. 


  36. A:documents B:Advocacy C:hear D:impartially
  37. The judge (11) all the witnesses and any other evidence presented by the barristers of the case


  38. A:inquisitorial B:assess C:hear D:system
  39. (12) the credibility and arguments of the parties, and then issues a ruling on the matter at hand based on his or her interpretation of the law and his or her own personal judgment. In some jurisdictions


  40. A:impartially B:inquisitorial C:assess D:system
  41. the judge's powers may be shared with a (13)


  42. A:system B:inquisitorial C:assess D:jury
  43. In (14) of criminal investigation, a judge might also be an examining magistrate.


  44. A:tribunal B:system C:jury D:inquisitorial system
    答案:inquisitorial system

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