  1. acquisition对应

  2. A:The acquisition of control or possession (as of a corporation) B:the obtaining of controlling interest in a company C:the condition of having more debts (liabilities) than total assets which might be available to pay them, even if the assets were mortgaged or sold. D:n. the administration of an insolvent debtor’s property by the court for the benefit of the debtor’s creditors
    答案:the obtaining of controlling interest in a company
  3. merger对应

  4. A:n. a member of the governing board of a corporation or association elected or re-elected at annual meetings of the shareholders or members. B:To bring to an end by taking care of unfinished business C:To determine the liabilities and apportion the assets of esp. in bankruptcy or dissolution D:the joining together of two corporations in which one corporation transfers all of its assets to the other, which continues to exist. In effect one corporation "swallows" the other, but the shareholders of the swallowed company receive shares of the surviving corporation.
  5. bankruptcy对应

  6. A:the joining together of two corporations in which one corporation transfers all of its assets to the other, which continues to exist. In effect one corporation "swallows" the other, but the shareholders of the swallowed company receive shares of the surviving corporation. B:the condition of having more debts (liabilities) than total assets which might be available to pay them, even if the assets were mortgaged or sold. C:n. the administration of an insolvent debtor’s property by the court for the benefit of the debtor’s creditors D:Ending of a partnership relationship caused by the withdrawal of one of the partners from the relationship
  7. director对应

  8. A:Ending of a partnership relationship caused by the withdrawal of one of the partners from the relationship B: n. from the Latin fiducia, meaning "trust," a person (or a business like a bank or stock brokerage) who has the power and obligation to act for another (often called the beneficiary) under circumstances which require total trust, good faith and honesty. C:n. a member of the governing board of a corporation or association elected or re-elected at annual meetings of the shareholders or members. D:the condition of having more debts (liabilities) than total assets which might be available to pay them, even if the assets were mortgaged or sold.
  9. dissolve对应

  10. A:To determine the liabilities and apportion the assets of esp. in bankruptcy or dissolution B:To bring to an end by taking care of unfinished business C:The acquisition of control or possession (as of a corporation) D:Ending of a partnership relationship caused by the withdrawal of one of the partners from the relationship
  11. fiduciary对应

  12. A:To determine the liabilities and apportion the assets of esp. in bankruptcy or dissolution B:the obtaining of controlling interest in a company C: n. from the Latin fiducia, meaning "trust," a person (or a business like a bank or stock brokerage) who has the power and obligation to act for another (often called the beneficiary) under circumstances which require total trust, good faith and honesty. D:The acquisition of control or possession (as of a corporation)
  13. insolvency对应

  14. A:n. a member of the governing board of a corporation or association elected or re-elected at annual meetings of the shareholders or members. B:Ending of a partnership relationship caused by the withdrawal of one of the partners from the relationship C:n. the administration of an insolvent debtor’s property by the court for the benefit of the debtor’s creditors D:the condition of having more debts (liabilities) than total assets which might be available to pay them, even if the assets were mortgaged or sold.
  15. liquidate对应

  16. A:the joining together of two corporations in which one corporation transfers all of its assets to the other, which continues to exist. In effect one corporation "swallows" the other, but the shareholders of the swallowed company receive shares of the surviving corporation. B:To determine the liabilities and apportion the assets of esp. in bankruptcy or dissolution C:the obtaining of controlling interest in a company D:n. the administration of an insolvent debtor’s property by the court for the benefit of the debtor’s creditors
  17. takeover对应

  18. A:Ending of a partnership relationship caused by the withdrawal of one of the partners from the relationship B:the condition of having more debts (liabilities) than total assets which might be available to pay them, even if the assets were mortgaged or sold. C:n. from the Latin fiducia, meaning "trust," a person (or a business like a bank or stock brokerage) who has the power and obligation to act for another (often called the beneficiary) under circumstances which require total trust, good faith and honesty. D:The acquisition of control or possession (as of a corporation)
  19. wind up对应

  20. A:the joining together of two corporations in which one corporation transfers all of its assets to the other, which continues to exist. In effect one corporation "swallows" the other, but the shareholders of the swallowed company receive shares of the surviving corporation. B:n. the administration of an insolvent debtor’s property by the court for the benefit of the debtor’s creditors C:n. a member of the governing board of a corporation or association elected or re-elected at annual meetings of the shareholders or members. D:To bring to an end by taking care of unfinished business
  21. Companies occupy a special place in civil law, because they have a legal personality separate from those who invest their capital and labour to run the business. English law recognised long ago that a corporation would have "(1)". 

  22. A:shareholders B:vindicated C:legal personality D:good faith
  23. Legal personality simply means the entity is the subject of legal rights and duties. It can sue and be sued. The general rules of contract, tort and unjust enrichment operate in the first place against the company as a distinct entity.  Company law, or corporate law, can be broken down into two main fields. Corporate governance in the UK mediates the rights and duties among (2), employees, 

  24. A:Directors B:exclusion C:shareholders D:dividends
  25. (3) and directors. Since the board of directors habitually possesses the power to manage the business under a (4).


  26. A:Directors B:exclusion C:dividends D:creditors
  27. (3) and directors. Since the board of directors habitually possesses the power to manage the business under a (4).


  28. A:company constitution B:good faith C:Directors D:vindicated
  29. UK law is "shareholder friendly" in that shareholders, to the (5) of employees,

  30. A:Directors B:exclusion C:vindicated D:creditors
  31. typically exercise sole (6) in the general meeting.

  32. A:voting rights B:exclusion C:Directors D:creditors
  33. (7) must carry out their responsibilities with competence, 

  34. A:creditors B:Directors C:vindicated D:exclusion
  35.  in (8) and undivided loyalty to the enterprise. 

  36. A:good faith B:vindicated C:dividends D:shareholders
  37. particularly for minority shareholders, directors' duties and other member rights may be (9) in court. Of central importance in public and listed companies is the securities market. The UK strongly protects the right of shareholders to be treated equally and freely trade their shares.

  38. A:exclusion B:vindicated C:company constitution D:creditors
  39. Corporate finance concerns the two money raising options for limited companies. Equity finance involves the traditional method of issuing shares to build up a company's capital. Shares can contain any rights the company and purchaser wish to contract for, but generally grant the right to participate in (10) after a company earns profits and the right to vote in company affairs. 

  40. A:Directors B:dividends C:exclusion D:creditors

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