第七章 Marketing Mix: Price 营销组合详谈:Price:价格是营销决策中最为复杂的要素,它需要综合考量价值、成本、利润、定位、销量、消费者支付意愿等众多因素。本章界定了价格以及定价两个概念、明确了定价的五个目标,并从需求、成本和竞争三个角度介绍了常用的定价方法,此外还着重介绍了两种基于成本的定价策略。【学习目标】1. 阐释价格和定价的含义,明确价格在市场营销中的重要作用;2. 说明产品定价的五个目标,比较三种定价方法(成本定价、需求定价、竞争定价)的特点;3. 应用具体的定价策略(成本加成定价、加码定价、渗透式定价和撇脂定价等)为产品定价。【重点&难点】1. 阐释定价目标及其对定价决策的影响逻辑,探究三种不同定价方法的基础理论和基本原理是本章的重点;2. 总结具体的定价策略和定价技巧并能够解释其内在的心理机制是本章的难点。7.1Determining Pricing Objectives 不谋万世者不足谋一时:定价目标:本节分析了企业必须考虑的五个定价目标。
7.2Different Pricing Methods (1) 不谋全局者不足某一域:定价方法(1):本节介绍了基于需求的定价方法。
7.3Different Pricing Methods (2) 不谋全局者不足某一域:定价方法(2):本节介绍了基于成本以及基于竞争的多种定价方法。
[多选题]Which of the following factors would be likely to influence an organisation's pricing decision for its products?
Production, communication and distribution costs
Required profitability
Competitors' prices
Customers' willingness to pay
答案:Production, communication and distribution costsRequired profitabilityCompetitors' pricesCustomers' willingness to pay
[多选题]Which of the following statements are correct?
Price is a measure of value for sellers.
An exchange of value always involves a monetary transaction.
Not-for-profit organisations may charge a price for their products.
Price is a measure of value for buyers.[多选题]Which of the following statements are likely to be incorrect?
Low prices are consistent with a high quality positioning approach.
Low-priced, high-volume products are usually sold through selective retail distribution.
High-price, high-margin specialty brands are usually sold through intensive, convenience distribution.
Prices are less likely to be in the advertisement.[多选题]Which of the following assumptions would support McDonald's decision to charge higher prices at their restaurants that are located in lower income suburbs?
McDonald's doesn't believe in demand-based pricing.
That demand for their product in low income areas is price inelastic.
That demand for their product in low income areas is price elastic.
McDonald's believes in demand-based pricing.[多选题]Which of the following would likely be flexible cost for an organisation?
Sales commissions
Office rent
Raw materials[多选题]Which of the following would be classified as 'non-price' competition?
Brand image
Product quality
Customer service[多选题]About the cost-plus pricing, which of the following statement are correct?
It is often used when it is easy to determine the costs of the product.
The seller adds their required profit margin as a dollar amount or percentage to the costs once the project is complete.
The advantage for the buyer is that they can be assured of the final price they will pay.
It is often the case for large, complex projects such as roads and commercial building construction.

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