第三章 Consumer Behavior 营销对象拆解:消费者购买行为:本章对影响消费者购买决策的三大类因素进行了详细讲解,这些市场中“看不见的魔术师”,它们悄悄地影响着消费者的行为,本章将借助丰富的实际案例来揭示这些要素背后的作用机制,拆解生活中的“营销套路”。【学习目标】1. 探究消费者行为和需求、预测消费者偏好变化对市场营销决策的重要影响作用;2. 比较分析三种不同类型决策的过程、每个步骤的关键任务以及每个阶段的重要影响因素;3. 解构影响消费者购买行为的三大类因素,探究每类因素的作用机制并辨析不同类别影响因素作用机制的区别,并能够针对不同类型的营销决策,选择恰当的影响因素完成对消费行为影响作用的分析。【重点&难点】1. 探究消费者的购买决策过程以及辨析该过程在三种不同类型的购买决策中的差异,并可以识别不同类型购买决策的关键影响因素是本章的重点。2. 解析不同类型影响因素对消费者购买行为的作用机制是本章的难点。3.1The consumer Decision-making Process 消费者购买行为的决策过程:本节分析了消费者购买决策制定过程的五个阶段,并对能够影响消费者决策过程的方式进行了简单介绍。
3.2Situational Influences on Consumer Behavior 看不见的魔术师Ⅰ:影响购买行为的情景性因素:本节通过剖析影响消费者购买行为的情境性因素,解答了“为什么自助餐厅的背景音乐多为节奏比较快的音乐”、“为什么必胜客要在午餐时间推出工作餐”等一系列问题。
3.3Group Influences on Consumer Behavior (1):Cultural Factors 看不见的魔术师Ⅱ:影响购买行为的群体性因素(1)——文化因素:本节介绍了亚文化、霍夫斯坦德国家文化模型等文化因素的相关内容,并通过多个因忽视文化差异而失败的营销案例佐证了文化因素在市场营销过程中的重要性。
3.4Group Influences on Consumer Behavior (2):Reference Group 看不见的魔术师Ⅱ:影响购买行为的群体性因素(2)——社会因素之参照群体:本节介绍了亚文化、霍夫斯坦德国家文化模型等文化因素的相关内容,并通过多个因忽视文化差异而失败的营销案例佐证了文化因素在市场营销过程中的重要性。
3.5Group Influences on Consumer Behavior (3):Family 看不见的魔术师Ⅱ:影响购买行为的群体性因素(3)——社会因素之家庭:本节讲述了家庭中不同成员在对不同类型产品做出购买决策时的不同作用,并分析了家庭生命周期对消费者消费行为的影响。
3.6Individual influences on Consumer Behavior(1):Personal Characteristics 看不见的魔术师Ⅲ:影响购买行为的个体性因素(1)—个人特征:本节主要介绍了个体特征中人口统计变量、个性特征、自我概念以及生活方式等变量对消费者消费行为的影响。
3.7Individual influences on Consumer Behavior(2):Motivation and Attitude看不见的魔术师Ⅲ:影响购买行为的个体性因素(2)——动机和态度:本节通过对马斯洛需求层次理论的讲解清楚地划分了消费者的不同需要,并通过正向口碑和负向口碑阐述了态度对消费行为的显著影响。
3.8Individual influences on Consumer Behavior(3):Perception and Learning看不见的魔术师Ⅲ:影响购买行为的个体性因素(3)——感知和学习:本节通过剖析消费者的感知过程印证了“消费者的感知就是现实”这句营销界的真理。同时,通过对认知学习理论和行为学习理论的讲解回答了为什么“花钱也是件需要学习的事儿”。
[多选题]The broad influences on consumer behaviour can be categorised as _________.
[多选题]Which of the following would describe an opinion leader from a marketing perspective?
A person of high standing in the community
A reference group member who provides relevant and influential advice
Your one-month-old baby sister
Media commentators who have a large audience[多选题]Which of the following purchase situations would likely be described as high involvement in terms of consumer decision-making?
The purchase of more expensive products
Weekly supermarket shopping
Infrequently purchase
The purchase of familiar products[多选题]How can a marketer attempt to reduce the likelihood of a purchaser of their product experiencing cognitive dissonance?
By offering bonuses or rebates to be redeemed some time after purchase, to give the purchaser additional value
By ensuring that their products, when used, will meet consumer expectations
It is not possible for a marketer to influence the potential cognitive dissonance of a consumer.
By increasing the price of their product[多选题]Which countries below would score lower than Australia or New Zealand on Hofstede's 'individualism' dimension of culture?
United States
India[多选题]Which of the following statements regarding subcultures are correct?
A subculture is a group comprising individuals of similar rank within a social hierarchy.
Subcultures are important to marketers when their shopping and purchasing behaviour is significantly different from the reminder of population.
A hip-pop culture would be an example of a subculture.
A subculture is a group of individuals who share common attitudes, values and behaviours that distinguish them from the broader culture.[多选题]Which of the following could be a reference group for an individual?
A work or professional group
Their idols
Their pets
Their family[多选题]Demographic characteristics include _________.
education level and gender.
race and religious belief.
lifestyle and personality.
age and income.[多选题]According to Maslow's theory, which of the following needs would an individual attempt to satisfy before the others?
Safety[多选题]Which of the following statements are correct?
Perception can be particular to an individual.
Perception is objective.
Perception can be selective.
Perception is subjective.

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