第四章 Dealing with stress prior to the event:本章主要介绍如何应对学术演讲准备阶段的各种压力。首先从分析压力产生的原因和紧张状态下的身体反应入手,详细介绍了应对压力和紧张情绪的多种有效策略。此外,本章还介绍了如何防止观众打瞌睡以及如何让观众参与到演讲中来,这其中包括肢体语言的恰当运用。4.1Stress management:本节介绍了导致演讲焦虑的多种原因以及焦虑导致的不同身体反应,之后介绍了行之有效的应对策略。
4.2Handling stress on the day of the event:本节针对演讲当天如何应对压力进行了详细介绍。此外,本节还就如何帮助他人克服紧张情绪给出了一些建议。
4.3Keeping your audience awake:本节介绍了保持观众注意力的有效策略和应用技巧。
4.4Keeping your audience engaged:本节介绍了为使观众参与到演讲中来,演讲者可以采取哪些办法;此外,本节还分析了肢体语言的重要性以及如何恰当运用肢体语言。
[单选题]Which of the following statements about “performance anxiety” is correct?
It may impair people’s ability to socialize with others during the event.
A little nervous can motivate people to make good preparation.
Performance anxiety can always do harm to people’s preparation.
People often become negative if they have performance anxiety.
答案:A little nervous can motivate people to make good preparation.
[单选题]Performance anxiety can be caused when ____________
 people consider too much the reaction of audience to their presentation.
 people take advantage of past successful performance during interviews.
 people worry that they can’t meet the needs of their friends.
 people are worried about the bad result even if they do quite well as they like.[单选题]Before the presentation, it can be better to have __________
 a cup of coffee
 a bottle of beer
 a warm drink
 a cold drink[单选题] When do people feel particularly nervous?
 Before the presentation
 At the beginning of the presentation.
 At the end of the presentation.
 During the presentation.[单选题]In order to let the audience know the important part of your presentation, you can _____
pause for a moment
speak in the same voice
use some technical methods
emphasize key words
[单选题]If you want to attract the audience, you can use an emotional word, such as _____________, to describe a new way.

important[单选题]You’d better avoid providing _____________ as “brain food”, because it can’t help the audience focus on your presentation.
green tea[单选题] What is the first human connection we can have with another person?
Shaking hands
Eye contact[单选题]In order to show you prepare your presentation quite well, you’d better __________.
prepare your ppt quite well

ask the audience for some advice
memorize your presentation in advance
look at your slides sometimes[单选题] In terms of visual channels, what is often underestimated?
The role of body language
The role of presenter
The role of slides.
The role of audience

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