1.Which book established the foundation of theoretic system of TCM? ( )
A:Treatise on Diseases, Patterns, and Formulas Related to the Unification of the Three Etiologies (Sān Yīn Jí Yī Bìng Zhèng Fāng Lùn, 三因极一病证方论)
B:Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases (Shāng Hán Zá Bìng Lùn, 伤寒杂病论)
C:The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic (Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng, 黄帝内经)
D:The Grand Compendium of Materia Medica (Bĕn Căo Gāng Mù, 本草纲目)

2.The ancient Chinese philosophers believed that everything in the universe was constituted by( ).
3.The movement of qi in the body mainly includes( ).
A:Dispersing and diffusing
B:Ascending and descending
C:Exiting and entering
D:Routine moving and reverse moving
4.The fundamental property of qi is ( )。
5.As recorded in the book The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic(《黄帝内经》), ( ) are the omen for yin-yang.
A:White and black
B:Cold and heat
C:Water and fire
D:Bright and dim
6.Yin-yang is the generalization for two opposite aspects of things or phenomena in the natural world. ( )
7.The sentence Yin stays in the interior to take the guardian of yang; yang stays in the exterior to take the messengers of yin implies that ( )
A:Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang
B:Mutual Dependence and Interaction between Yin and Yang
C:Mutual Transformation between Yin and Yang
8.One of the therapeutic principles in TCM is to treat heat syndrome with cold herbs, it is based on the ( )
A:Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang
B:Mutual Transformation between Yin and Yang
C:Mutual Dependence and Interaction between Yin and Yang
9.According to yin-yang theory and properties of zang-fu organs, five zang-organs are attributed to yin and six fu-organs are yang. ( )
10.The following terms that can be attributed to yang include( )
A:Speaking loudly
B:Green, white
C:Warm, bright
D:Active, rapid
11.The therapeutic principle based on mutual dependence between yin-yang are( )
A:Seeking yang within yin
B:Seeking yin within yang
C:Supplementing yin and yang simultaneously
D:Treating cold syndrome with hot herbs
12.The five elements refer five materials in the nature, which are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. ( )
13.According to Five-Element Theory,( )
A:Spleen, stomach, yellow, west belong to earth.
B:Heart, red, bitter belong to fire.
C:Liver, green and east belong to wood.
D:Kidney, black, salty belong to water.
14.Hyperactivity of heart fire affects liver and leads to liver fire, it is a kind of disease transmission from mother to son. ( )
15.According to Five-Element Theory, wood is characterized by( )
A:Flex and extension.
C:Flaming upwards.
D:Moisturizing downwards.
16.According to inter-generation and inter-restraint among five elements, which one is incorrect? ( )
A:Earth restricts water.
B:Metal generates wood.
C:Wood restricts earth.
D:Fire generates earth
17.It is said in TCM that when liver is sick, it will transmit the illness to spleen (见肝之病,知肝传脾), it is due to ( )
A:Wood defeating earth.
B:Wood restricting earth.
C:Earth counter restricting wood.
D:Wood over restricting earth.
18.Abnormal restriction mainly includes( )
A:Over restriction.
B:Counter restriction.
C:Transmission from mother to child.
D:Transmission from child to mother.
19.The method Nourishing kidney-yin to promote liver-yin deficiency is established on the basis of ( )
A:Water generating wood.
B:Fire generating earth
C:Wood restricting earth.
D:Water restricting fire.
20.According to Five-Element Theory, when wood is too weak, not only metal will over-restrict it, but also earth will launch a counter-restriction on it. ( )
Chapter 3

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