第六章 综述性文章分析:综述型文章是众学者和研究者们参考最多的一种科技文献形式。从词汇、句法和语篇,综述型文章都有其特殊的表达特点。本章从功能语言学和Swales 的话步分析理论角度对综述型文章的各个部分进行分析、总结,以帮助读者掌握快速有效阅读的技巧。Review article is one of the most referred to type of scientific literature for scholars and researchers. It presents some specific features in terms of lexis, syntax and discourse. This chapter focuses on analyzing all those features of each section of the review paper, from the theoretical perspectives of functional grammar and Swales move analysis, so as to help readers to read faster and more efficiently.6.1综述文章介绍:介绍综述性文章、综述性文章与研究性文章有什么区别、综述性文章的分类、阅读综述性文章的目的、综述文章的内容以及综述文章的结构。
[单选题]The differences between a research article and a review article mainly falls on:
the difference between primary research and secondary research

the number of researches covered in the article

the literature section

答案:the difference between primary research and secondary research
[单选题]Based on timeline, review articles are classified into retrospective review and prospective review, while the retrospective review focuses on the historical development of the research area, the prospective review focuses on:
the debates existing in a certain research area

the results achieved in a certain research area

new and future development in a certain research area
[单选题]When we read a contentious review article, what is the focus of the review?
different ideas and opinions towards one conduct

different properties of one technology

different stages of development of a technology
[单选题]The differences between a macro-review and a micro-review are drawn based on:
the scope of the reviewed contents

authors of the reviewed articles

the timeline of the reviewed contents
[单选题]The section that follows the introduction section in a research article is the method section, but what follows the introduction section in a review article is often the:
conclusion section

main body section

discussion section
[单选题]In the abstract of a review article, there are usually five moves, after the move of indicating the reviewed focus, what might follow closely is the move that describes:
the conclusion

the reviewed details

the background
[单选题]When the author wants to introduce some relevant studies that others have done, he or she would usually use the following phrases except for:
considerable researches were conducted

some research works published in the last years on this subject indicate…

the focus of this review paper is on…
[单选题]The main body section of a review article usually does not have fixed moves, but rather indicate the reviewed details by use of:
some directions

some key words

sub-sections with sub-tiles
[单选题]When you read a review article, it is much easier to follow the subtitles of each section for reviewed contents, but also you can follow:
the author’s writing style

some lexical signals

each paragraph
[单选题] “To overcome these barriers, collaboration between research institutions, industry, government, and other stakeholders is essential.” In this sentence, the underlined phrases indicate:
what is needed to be done in the future

the reviewed problem

the reviewed focus

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